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Posted at 12/09/2007, 10:28
if you don't like it, leave. if you're already not in the us, then it's not your concern. |
Posted at 12/09/2007, 10:43
the people of iran (and iraq etc...) may disagree as would anyone who doesn't want to die in a wwiii started by bush or doesn't want to see the environment and climate further destroyed. |
Posted at 12/09/2007, 13:44
it's easy for critics to dissect the failures of a cause that benefits the bigger picture. i'm not saying i agree with everything that bush has done to achieve his means but i do believe that you cannot let something like this stagnate.. and action must be taken. don't be naive into thinking that everything can be resolved with words and passive means. |
Posted at 12/09/2007, 20:01
americans think there the center of the world thats why most people hate them. americans believe that what there doing must be the right thing because there americans and no one else on the planet is as smart, rich or developed as they are. at least thats what me, an aussie thinks of americans. stay the fck out of my country ^^ (although feel free to dominate my television with your programs ![]() |
Posted at 12/09/2007, 22:14
god you're stupid! |
Posted at 13/09/2007, 01:02
dear, dear frog. just when you are starting to make some valid points and begin to sound reasonable, you go and stuff it up by bringing up assassination, let alone the rest of that post. have you forgotten how the other wars began. that's right, assassination. so what a ridiculous statement. no matter how much people dislike bush, whether they be americans or not, no- one but true extremists would even possibly consider assassination. then you enter the realm of the extremists and terrorists that are causing havoc with bombings around the globe. considering my statement above, i have decided that you are a nut job and cannot be reasoned with. |
Posted at 13/09/2007, 06:13
Posted at 13/09/2007, 18:13
the reason we all hate you fucking americans is because the internet is constantly besieged with stupid fucking posts titled "why all the hate for us americans?" your entire country deserves the hate... so grow a brain and evolve! |
Posted at 13/09/2007, 20:08
what do criminally negligent policies on politics, free market, military, social and environmental matters, have to do with making tv shows that all lie about america's stance on said policies? just because you make good tv, doesn't mean that you all shouldn't be nuked off the face of the earth! |
Posted at 13/09/2007, 20:28
typical american paranoia......i don't use aliases. fyi... you retards will destroy yourselves (and take most of the planet with you) long before any country can make significant headway in your anihilation. as for your beloved watchword "terrorism"... this alone is testament to your collective lack of inteligence... you can't even see when your government is feeding you a line in propaganda... even when the rest of the world screams it at you!.... if your government continues with it's existing policies, the hate that it will incur will destroy your country. edit.... i note that you don't even try to dispute my post... |
Posted at 13/09/2007, 23:51
the super fat people ate them, they dont like us super skinny ones. |
Posted at 16/09/2007, 02:31
i'm canuck and we get more than our fair share of b.s too. if we could only learn to laugh about it, i think things would get better. now search utube for something called "talking to americans" and i'm sure that will help answer a question about why everyone seems to believe that they all have limited intelligence. |
Posted at 16/09/2007, 03:39
i think most of it has to do with the fact that here is a country of over 300 million people, yet when their govt does crazy s#it, the people just sit there (prob watching bill o'rielly on fox) and let it happen. look at france, spain, even england, when the govt is doin crazy s#it, the people go out and force the govt to change. why dont you see marching on the streets of the us trying to force change. why arnt people demanding change? prob because the majority are doped up on anti depressants, running 5 jobs to pay the rent, and dont want to make a noise or they end up on a 'list' - sounds all a bit too 1984 for me. americans (generalisation) are too greedy and too focused on their own good rather than their neighbors - the world cant, isnt, surviving with a dog eat dog mentality, and until this new american emipre falls, i dont see a very bright future for this world. now i agree this is generalist, and yes there are nice americans, infact i know of a few myself, but as the self appointed leader of the free world i feel the people should stand up and make their leaders work for them. bring back some social/moral fibre to the american backbone, and then hey forums around the internet might just say, hey those americans guys, they are alright ya know. |
Posted at 17/09/2007, 08:23
the thing i find interesting in arguments like this is the one thing i never see mentioned. pop culture has taken over the entire world. most 1st world countries watch the same television shows. desperate housewives is a huge hit in countries all over the world as is lost, seinfeld, heroes and countless others. the national news broadcasts in all countries spend a large portion of their airtime talking about american policies and issues. everyone in the world knows when oj gets arrested, when miss teen usa talks about maps, when britney shows her twat in public. likewise, everyone in the world eats at mcdonalds and drinks coca cola. the americanization of the entire world has taken place. australia's television show the chaser's war on everything focuses on america as much if not more than their own countries issues. british television shows continually mention american things in their scripts...bush, microsoft, arnold schwarzenager, etc. the american presidential race is getting tons of play in other countries too and its a year and a half away. this probably started happening in the seventies when american media companies started to merge with media companies around the world. also, mtv and cnn had something to do with it. it's easier to share media and spread it around your affiliates to maximize resources and, therefore, we all end up with basically the same media. this brings me to the crux of my argument. in some ways i believe we've created a world of 51st states. but the kicker is that the people in this state(the rest of the world) have no rights when it comes to the policies of the usa. in many ways they are subconsciously as much a part of the american culture as american citizens are. this must be very frustrating. if it was me, on one level i would have internalized resentment toward myself for buying into american pop culture and even enjoying american tv, movies, and music. on another level, i would have an ever greater resentment that i don't have a voice in the culture that i've bought into. it's no wonder so much of the world says they hate us, on a subconscious level they are us. i believe the stupid and arrogant policies of our government has definitely exacerbated this reaction. but, this attitude toward americans has been going on for a long time before bush jr. luckily we live in a time of incredible communication tools. americans can come to a site like this and watch shows and movies from other countries. where americans can meet and talk to people from all over the world. the only problem is the anonymity of the internet lends itself to trolls, and self righteousness. instead of listening and discussing, it seems too often to become -i'm right your wrong. this is unfortunate. i really thought the internet would bridge our differences and help us realize each others' point-of-views. instead people go to sites to get their info and meet others where everyone already agrees with them. in some ways it seems to be marginalizing us further. i have traveled all over the world and have friends on all continents. it's always amazed me how i can talk about seinfeld's last episode with anyone. everyone has an opinion on if it was good or not. ramble rambe ramble. thanks. |
Posted at 17/09/2007, 11:54
h..p:// ![]() talking 2 americans, im halfway through, im laughing so hard i need a rest! |