again, in theory i agree with you. yes, we are fed a whole lot of rot thru the
media about crime rates, etc. and that gives others a tainted view as a
whole. of course you have to take into consideration what a large country and
population the us is. so statistics are always going to be higher.
but my consideration goes to the young kids who are so down on life that they
feel the necessity to go to school and kill all the other kids that gave them a
hard time. how do they get hold of the firearms??? and on a side point, if
these kids are so depressed etc, why isn't there help out there for them? how
do they slip between the cracks? it is so overwhelmingly sad that these kids
think that there is no better option for them.
(and the theory that computer games are the cause......bullshit!! my 10yo son
loves fps games, but he's not going to become a mass murderer because of it!
again, that comes down to mental stability.)
Posted at 09/01/2008, 10:11
santa, could you please explain what corporate personhood is. i tried
googling, but i couldn't make heads or tails of it.
Posted at 09/01/2008, 11:11
quoting doesn't seem to be working, but my post is in regards to santa's
saying there need to be borders otherwise there would be no individualism.
this is mostly just a theory and a bad one at that. it's like saying that
there are no individual differences or interests between 2 people who are the
same age and sex and go to the same school and live next to each other with no
borders. of course there are individual interests and differences and
experiences between these people and each person is shaped differently. i
haven't seen anything proving otherwise.
Posted at 09/01/2008, 13:53
all of these lengthy posts...
sorry, but i stopped reading at around post 130....
all those repetitions...just tiring...
so we all get off over (us-) american involvement...hell europe did it as well
(remember yugoslavia everyone...)
i'm european -> german -> ruhr area (rohrpottassi for people living here).
my point is, that all of you suck balls!
nobody ever thought about nationstates...they, at least the idea about states/
empires, don't really matter anymore..there ain't a thing today, that actually
deserve the 19th century classification of state's over...sorry!
all of you: freshen up on your political philosophy skills, and then we talk...
nationstates suck major balls.... (thank god i'm half drunk, otherwise i might
actually write more...)!!!
best regards from the stereotypical nationalistic fascist german pig!
hell americans complain about a bad reputation....we still suffer from our
(grand-) grand-fathers mistakes!
think about it!! he!
just my point of view! we germans are done opressing our ''values and
believes'' on anybody!
the us of a should do the same...stop now!!! hell, every country in the world
asks for that...thanks...
p.s. i used to live there, and it is a great country! just not what it used to
Posted at 11/01/2008, 20:15
i have to ask what's the big deal with cultural difference? it's like people
site learning multiple languages or something as being well cultured, but why
was language created in the first place? so people could communicate with each
other. what are the advantages to having multiple languages in a world of
people when you everyone can speak the same language? i'm not saying if you're
not interested in an older language or whatever not to learn it, but language
was made so people could communicate with each other.
i think people will still retain their cultural differences on the other side
of the world whether there are borders or not. it's more environment than
anything else, but eventually people will know atleast the same language, and
it's looking more and more like that language will be english.
i just think things are changing because people are discovering there are
better ways of doing things than traditionally. if you want to build a tall
building, you build a skyscraper. you can't really build it the old or
traditional way. however, i'm sure if those traditions were as important to
the cultural diversity of people then they would be passed down properly.
i understand the importance of being knowledgable and well-learned. but what i
don't understand is, what's the difference between knowing a lot about a
variety of things like art, history, traditions that use to exist, etc. and
being well cultured? because there seems to be some kind of difference, and it
doesn't make much sense to me.
Posted at 13/01/2008, 10:09
dont forget all jokes about swedish people.
Posted at 14/01/2008, 18:30
Quote by jayduba
because we meddle and we havent the right.we try to impose our
ways on others.
we think anything is allowed for profit. we think the rules of the world dont
apply to us. if others use coercive measures we call it torture,when we use
torture we call it coercive measures. we try to make other countries follow
our copyright laws by threatening them with wto sanctions. we do not have
freedom anymore but keep claiming we do. we strip away our own freedoms in the
name of safety. i'm an american. i love this country but i hate this
you good sir, have it right... it's people and posts like this that give me
hope, yet...
to answer the op's question: i can only speak for myself, but i don't hate
americans, i hate the current american government... also i hate the fact that
even people way high up in politics could ever be so flat out dumb... there
should be a law against that... ^^
i hate the fact that the "no child left behind act" does the opposite of what
it's called...
i hate the fact that you americans can't see the many ways you are fucked every
day by your own government and their sponsors: corporate america...
i hate... you get the picture...
i would vote obama or maybe even edwards, if i were american...