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   Why all the hate for us Americans?



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[#56187] Written by: God [17/09/2007, 14:29]
it's embarrassing.. all the people who mock americans hehe. they literally
have nothing better to do =)
[#56189] Written by: tiptoetippytoe [17/09/2007, 14:45]
ur a little boy, u mock your own actions....sigh
[#56192] Written by: God [17/09/2007, 15:02]
it's nice when the other side justifies my points for me =p
[#56523] Written by: thorium [18/09/2007, 23:54]
the usa the wealthiest country in the world...?
how misinformed can a person be, right?
[#56623] Written by: iroarloud [19/09/2007, 08:26]
and remember, america invented paris hilton.
[#56630] Written by: iroarloud [19/09/2007, 09:00]
go to utube and look at:

funny aussie tv show. check out the world map section and how many fall for it.
[#56632] Written by: aussiemadmum [19/09/2007, 09:25]
Quote by iroarloud
go to utube and look at:

funny aussie tv show. check out the world map section and how many fall for it.


those chaser boys at it again!!!
[#56853] Written by: Mike_is [20/09/2007, 08:24]

the question;
i saw some signs posted on poles of the streets where i live. these are signs
telling people to vote. however, there are two versions, yes you guessed it, one
in english and one in spanish. i was so incensed by this and thought about
writing over the spanish version" learn to speak english and stop turning the
u.s. into the third world where you came from" would i get arrested for this?

read the answers, my answer got deleted because it received complains;

no, but it does further add to my reason to why i hate americans in general.
intolerant people, who only believe that there's only one right answer. and that
americans respond to situations without thinking of consequences.

you try fleeing your country for a better life, and then faced with the fact of
learning a new language. learning an language isn't like going back to primary
school and learning abc's again. you've the mindset of knowing one particular
language, and then you'll have to re-learn sentence structure just to have a
minimal conversation.

as far as i'm concerned, in my eyes, the u.s. is still a 3rd world country.
you're still filled by bias media, racial indifferences and therefore intolerant
people, mass numbers of homeless people, mass numbers of people bankrupt,
plagued by illegal and explicit drugs and no sense of integrating with the rest
of the world.
you sir have just done the duties of the typical american.
[#57616] Written by: iroarloud [24/09/2007, 07:18]
of course china will top the list, they pay their workers with rice don't they?

i don't believe this to be a good indicator of national wealth. the bottom
countries operate housing loans as accounts that are naturally in deficit that,
when paid, ultimately close with a zero balance. on the other hand - a country
like angola, do you expect that each individual will have a bank account?
[#57652] Written by: Trystelune [24/09/2007, 13:44]
if the majority of americans are not like your list , why your president is bush ?
[#72772] Written by: Mangaroth [18/12/2007, 22:18]
and this entire thread sums up exactly why i love americans.

reagan ftw... loool


yes i am a nut job (before anyone else says it.)
[#73224] Written by: defdigital [24/12/2007, 18:43]
i love you all!! we are as one!! hippy/happy times are here again!! ;-)

let's get one thing straight: europeans don't hate americans, we just think of
you as our younger brother. don't be mad. canada does a good job too. we know
you make fun of them, but you should know, life might be better in canada then
it is in the u.s. at least to my standards. if i am offending anybody by
saying this, i apologise. feel free to comment. :-)
[#73675] Written by: evexxxxx [04/01/2008, 04:57]
anyone making fun of a whole country (and is serious about it) is plain stupid
for obvious reasons. luckily one can still choose what to read and what to
ignore on internet forums. don`t reply to people like that and don`t spread
jokes that are aimed at a whole population of a country, no matter if you
think they are funny or not, because there is always someone who thinks they
must be true to a certain degree even though those people have never been to
that country or know anyone coming from it. i remember that as a child (maybe
8-10 y.o.) i thought it stinks a bit everywhere in xxxxxxxx, just because
there was a popular joke about it that everyone was spreading.
[#74028] Written by: aussiemadmum [08/01/2008, 05:58]
gunny, aussies going to asia for routine hospital treatment......what an
absolute crock of shit. you are now simply misrepresenting the facts. the
truth of the matter is that yes, aussies do go to asia for treatment, however
it is for cheap and nasty cosmetic surgery. and many of them that do go find
that when they come home, they are up for more hefty treatment because of the
poor standard of treatment and hygeine that they endured.

yes, we have long waiting lists for general treatment, and even longer ones for
cosmetic/elective surgery in the public system. but the fact remains that we
do not require insurance to get it done. if we need treatment, it is low cost,
in most cases.

as for americans having the freedom to carry guns, well that's worked wonders
for you, hasn't it??? in theory, it sounds ok, but when you look at the number
of 'massacres' that occur on your shores, i'm sure that you'd agree it's not so
good in practice.
[#74035] Written by: bleh22 [08/01/2008, 09:36]
i don't know i find it interesting that people who are from other countries
and have visited america find that americans are nice people and probably just
like any other people, which they are. i think most of the people who have
stereotypes of americans have never even visited america. i mean i haven't
seen any posts about visiting america and still hating americans or them being
the stereotypical people that everyone claims them to be. however, i just
sifted through the posts as quickly as i could after reading the first page or
2. whenever someone tries to tell me how americans are and why they do stuff
and how they think, i just kind of laugh because usually it is mostly
misinformed crap. but even if you did visit america and have a bad experience
with it's people, that doesn't mean much because there are 300 million
americans and there is a chance you could run into arrogant assholes.

however, i have met people from different countries in europe and even in
china and can tell you from my experience that people are pretty much all the
same either way. there may be some cultural differences but people are pretty
much basically the same. we all have feelings, thoughts, and dreams. to be
honest, i don't know what is causing the stereotypes. it really shouldn't be
chatting on the internet. if you're stereotyping americans based on chats on
the internet then you're probably incredibly stupid. for the most part there
is no way to be sure if you're talking to someone from america, and even then
they could be some kid who's just saying a bunch of crap to get some attention.

so i guess that leads me to the political system of america and it's foreign
policies. i'd like to see what people are talking about when america is going
around forcing their view points on the rest of the world or how the foreign
policies are affecting these countries so negatively. i haven't seen much of
it on the news and if there are articles and stuff on it i'd like to read
them. (preferably english because i can't read other languages)

it's not odd for america to want other countries to adopt their stance on
copyrighted material like tv shows or movies. that's just natural really. as
long as there is a country that doesn't prosecute people for sharing it over
the internet then everyone around the world is going to be able to steal it
and corporations in america who make the stuff are going to lose money. i do
disagree and think this kind of stuff should be shared freely, but that's my
opinion. i also think the movie and tv industry already make too much money

i do think our political system is in trouble and we have more corruption than
ever before. there is probably a better form of democracy out there, i just
can't think of one, yet. i am kind of disappointed to see that other countries
march or protest when they want something from their government to change or
whatever, while america doesn't. i'm kind of surprised that bush wasn't
impeach or removed from office. he invaded iraq with bad intel on wmds and the
war was so half-assed. of course i guess i wouldn't want cheney as president
either, more so than bush. but that is just personal belief. i guess this is
going off-topic.

i don't think americans should be judged by their politicians right now. i do
believe americans want change, but i'm not sure why there isn't being anything
done right now. maybe people are too busy trying to support their families by
working. maybe people don't know what exactly to change or the intricacies of
politics, and even if they know what they want to change, they don't know how
to go about it. atleast that's the way i feel and think.

sidenote and off topic: frog1234 you're incredibly misinformed by people in
regards to 9/11. movies like loose change and zeitgeist can be easily debunked
and usually are by actual evidence and facts of what happened on 9/11. i
watched zeitgeist movie myself and was extremely pissed off at what "facts"
they were presenting and proceeded to find out for sure what the truth was.
and i found out the zeitgeist movie was full of crap and half truths or a
manipulation of the truth without any real truth or facts about how that stuff
actually happened. jref forums is a good forum to go to. they have a
conspiracy theory section and i think there is a sticky thread for the loose
change movie being debunked. the people there are incredibly informed on the
subject and have read countless documents on 9/11 and have pictures and
documents that debunk the whole bush caused 9/11 or the governement destroyed
the world trade towers from the wc7 building and then demolished it, theories.
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