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   Why all the hate for us Americans?



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pipoxyz Posted at 06/09/2007, 16:27
Quote by thumbslikeonions
it's probably got something to do with america's
imperial ambitions, its
disregard for international law when it doesn't get its own way, its arming of
tyrants who promote their interests, its support for israel etc. far from
being a 'fair society,' america has one of the largest disparities between
rich and poor amongst developed nations; most americans are oblivious to world
events, thanks to the limited and biased news coverage they receive. i don't
condone such jingositic attitides, but the actions of the us government has
fostered widespread anti-americanism.

spot on!
toolio Posted at 07/09/2007, 04:00
so has the question been answered satisfactorily for the original creator of
this thread?
God Posted at 07/09/2007, 06:41
you can private message the creator if ya want
Effrem Posted at 07/09/2007, 22:11
its funny reading about yanks wondering why people dont seem to like them.
most yanks are good people with ego's well in check and an open mind........
but there is a very vocal minority who spew claptrap about the usa being the greatest place on earth and
being the source of all the greatest and best designs and ideas et al.

they are the ones that are generally disliked and ridiculed (it is unfortunate that one of those is actually

btb americans are residents of the north and south american continent ala europeans, africans, asians....

scanman Posted at 08/09/2007, 02:11
i see all this hate for americans on forums i get on for the various hobbies i
have. to put it simply, many americans simply think, or forget that there is
the rest of the world out there. they associate everything with their country
and their people, and forget totally about the rest of us out there around the
globe. i find this selfish disregard for others all over the net.
you even get links to site to buy things, they say they post international but
their check out pages have listing of all us states, and no other parts of the
globe. to get something international requires you to jump through hoops.

apart from the other tings that have been mentioned here about the seemingly
world domination that the us government wants to ensure on the world, how can
you, as americans not see this, and the way the rest of the world looks at you.

interesting thing i read the other day, when george w bush recently met the
new president of france, he asked him what he coudl do for him and france.
his response was ' improve the way the world see's the united states ' because
as an allie of the us, france is concerned about being in this position, when
the rest of the world see's the us as a bunch of tyrants trying to impose their
ways on the world.

and i agree 100%, the us shoudl work on the way it presents itself to the
world, because at the moment, with the idiot you have at the helm, thing are
not good.
OisinT Posted at 09/09/2007, 04:27


your "wealthiest and most powerful country" have been borrowing over $200
billion per year, the us was already in huge debt before the war in iraq.

the reason us lasted that long is because it has been forcing japan to bend
over backwards to save us's econ by buying us bonds and forcing an insane 0.5%
interest rate to their people.

and your other "allies" are already backing off, you are about to experience
something much worse than the great depression.

china have been buying most of the us bonds from japan and now owns 1.3
trillion forex reserve, that means when it comes to international leverage
china trumps us because those are real money, not your funny money generated
from thin air in the stock market.

russia also have 600 billion forex reserve, that means china and russia owns
most of us's real money, and china and russia can crash us's econ the moment
they start selling them. and guess what, china just announced they'll start
selling them if us continues its war madness.

your "freedom" country that caused most of the war in the world in the past 50
years, had recently parked missles next to russia's border, annouced plans to
give nuclear power to japan, selling arms to taiwan, attacked iraq, and is
threatening to attack iran, which will probably start ww iii if that happens.
russia has just started flying more war planes. and china and russia just had
a joint military operation that haven't happened in years.

if you've been even remotely alert of international affairs you'd know by now
that china's teaming up with russia against the bullsxxt from the us to try
stop ww iii.

your country is in huge debt, and has no gold to back your money, and is still
borrowing money to fight a losing war.

the us oil game won't work anymore as russia now have a very stonrg energy
export, hell, countries don't even buy oil in us dollars anymore. not to
mention the tough guys in the middle east are fighting back like no tomorrow
and continue to sabotage any us attempts to export them. if your country is so
powerful why does it have to borrow more and more money again and again, and
kept sending more and more man to the battlefield to die?

just read world news from countries other than the us and you can easilly
confirm the things above.

have fun lying to yourself as the rest of the world watch your dollar drop and
drop and eventually crash to the bottom. no money = no war. you lose man, you
lose money, you lose friends.

people all over the world knows what i am talking about, except, of course,
people from the us, who, most of them, thinks the world revolves around them
just because their mommy says so.

bravo! well put!

God Posted at 09/09/2007, 08:15
so in conclusion, us is superior to you =p

NinjaGaijin Posted at 09/09/2007, 11:06
one word answer to original question posed by this thread:


watch the south park 100th episode about the war in iraq
flolee Posted at 09/09/2007, 14:33
well... i actually have never seen as much hatred against america as there is
now before bush was in power. if thanks to you people a dumbass ignorant like
bush is able to get elected twice in the position of one of the most powerfull
man on earth then... well, then you gotta deal with the consequences!!
honestly, what should ppl expect from a country which is represented by a guy
who starts one war after the other but doenst even know the difference between
austria and australia or opac and apac (just to name the latest two "laughs"
he produced, the list may be countinued almost endlessly).

the other thing is that most americans just know absolutley nothing about the
rest of the world. i mean... during my exchange year in america - after
telling the people that i come from italy - one of the most popular girls at
high school asked me if i understand the value of money and if it is strange
for me to wear clothes!!! there is just a generell ignorance and dumbness i
have never seen before. and the sad thing is that the intelligent people are
actually the outsiders....
another quite shocking story: i talked with my hostfamily about bush and his
politics... if they agree with him and so on. well, my hostmum said they dont
actually personaly agree with him, but god put him in power and therefore
everything he's doing is absolutley the right thing.

okay, surely not all americans are stupid like this... but surely a big part
of the bush-administration is, and they are your (elected) representatives in
the world. so stop whining and deal with it!
jacob07072002 Posted at 10/09/2007, 04:34
Quote by videoopiate
Quote by videoopiate
yeah the stuff directed at america is
more hateful and not
in joke form. you
cant lump us all together just like you cant lump any other country together.
also america invented the internet, just something to think about.

Quote by jacob07072002
america did not invent the internet! try googling 'tim
the first web page whilst working for cern)an englishman. why is it that
people always post before checking their facts.

this was already discussed, why dont ppl read the tread before they post? try
googling 'arpanet'. america did invent the internet. your confusing internet
with www, which came after.

to be more specific tim berners-lee invented the 'world wide web' which made
the internet so popular. without this invention you wouldn't be flaming each
other! get your head out of your ass!!


as time magazine put it in its list of the 20th century's 100 most important
people: "he designed it. he loosed it on the world. and he more than anyone
else has fought to keep it open, non-proprietary and free."
frog1234 Posted at 10/09/2007, 07:45
btw if anyone is paying any attention.

there are huge billion dollar trades that can only make money (and will
otherwise be huge losers) if the us (and some in euro econ.) takes huge hits.
tha last time such huge bets for a sudden drop occurred it was those making
money off 911 foreknowledge.

incidentally there is a 'video' where osama says he will nuke us cities, however
video is in quotes since most of it the video freezes, the only parts with
animation (only a tiny portion) has nothing that couldn't have been recorded
before the iraq war. (tech to fake voices was demoed years ago by us intelligence)

america is desperate for a reason to attack iran, that is not debated by anyone.
but can't do so as there simply isn't the military might to fight there and iraq
(already illegally putting national guard in iraq) so nukes are the only option
but clearly there is a problem, you can't just attack with nukes as first strike
dang it.

and of course there was a b52 which had 6 (and sometimes 5, just a small issue
i'm sure) live nukes be accidentally mounted and flown across the country to
land at an airfield unrelated to anything to do with decommissioning.
and if you don't know nuclear warheads don't just mistakenly get put on planes,
that took orders and lots of people had to know including those that gave
access, mounted them and the pilot.

since a majority of people believe that the bush administration either pulled
off 911 or had a damn sight more to do with it than saddam then i guess only one
conclusion can be come to.

that right now the bush administration doesn't have plausible deniability even
to a nuke attack!

meanwhile i wonder what % of even republicans think their president is smarter
than a 5th grader?

experience the reality (no tv) version of jericho now!

all with a president which any honest idiot will tell you lost both but
especially the first election.

c'mon, we don't hate you but we can't respect you.
frog1234 Posted at 11/09/2007, 19:32
Quote by videoopiate
like i said i voted for gore.

i think it's natural though, did you respect iraqi's under saddam?
what about germans under hitler? (except the few that really did try)

there are plenty of other examples but it doesn't lead to respect however you
slice it, you might have felt sorry for some of them.

if 5% of americas decided not to let this charade continue seriously enough they
could stop it.
God Posted at 12/09/2007, 00:13
don't be naive heh.
aussiemadmum Posted at 12/09/2007, 01:38
Quote by videoopiate
imo the us govt. isnt a democracy anymore.
by the people, for the people turned into
by the rich and powerful, for the corporations

no matter what anyone says the majority of american people have no control over
their govt.

in 2000 the voters said they wanted gore for prez (popular vote)
if it was truly a by the ppl for the ppl democracy, he would have been elected.

the problem probably stems from the fact that us citizens are not required to
vote. in australia, we are required by law to vote. every citizen over the
age of 18 must vote, otherwise incur fines.
however the us government won't put that into practice, because they know that
it would hamper their efforts in getting re-elected.
frog1234 Posted at 12/09/2007, 07:16

imo the us govt. isnt a democracy anymore.
by the people, for the people turned into
by the rich and powerful, for the corporations

no matter what anyone says the majority of american people have no control over
their govt.

in 2000 the voters said they wanted gore for prez (popular vote)
if it was truly a by the ppl for the ppl democracy, he would have been elected.

if every last person in the us wanted bush gone as is almost becoming the case
it wouldn't stop bush.

but if one person was serious enough they could do it, the most direct and
obvious being assassination.

but if 5% peacefully marched on washington they could kick bush out as they did
in some country a few years back, sorros helped out.

or if they just parked their cars in the middle of the street to stop traffic.

or if they just all honked their horns at a set time every (week?) day for x
long and otherwise made tons of noise.

clearly 5% could kick bush out, but there isn't 5% willing to do this, indeed
there doesn't seem to be 1%.

and that's sad since way more than that think/know he did 911.

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