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Posted at 27/08/2007, 17:57
i just have to add in this bit of "news" from the recent miss teen usa. perhaps a lot of the world should be even more worried about the next generation of leaders - "miss teen south carolina lauren caitlin upton chose judge aimee teegarden, an actress from nbc |
Posted at 28/08/2007, 05:50
though i think i've heard statistics like that before, it still is quite astonishing. i'd have thought it would be 1 in 1,000 not 1 in 5, meanwhile it seems that girl has george bush's speech writer. |
Posted at 28/08/2007, 07:47
to those who criticize the us for their involvement in world war 1 and world war 2, you need to get some of your logistical facts straight. the shear manpower and material power that the us was able to bring to bear in those two wars helped tip the balance of power and in the later, win the war. so easy we forget that america was not bound by any treaty to go to war for europe in either instance and yes, the main factor that drew them in was direct attack (isn |
Posted at 28/08/2007, 08:53
i admit my ignorance. can you please clarify this statement. how are they not americans? (i'm not being sarcastic. i'd just like to know) |
Posted at 28/08/2007, 09:07
maybe it is you that need check your facts my friend. at the time the war started the neutrality act was in place in america, preventing them from shipping any arms to a combatant nation (unless paid for in cash). they only provided the uk with 50 destroyers when we agreed to lease you land for air and naval bases on many uk settlements. (thanks guys, so charitable) ![]() also, it is agreed, you sufferred immense loses to your merchant vessels during 1942, in 8 months over 600 ships were sunk, compared with only 22 u- boats. however this would not have been the case had the us prepared better with anti-submarine measures, and taken british advice! ![]() anyway, we could bat wwii arguements around all day, thanks for giving us a hand guys, even if it did take germany declaring war on you and churchill reminding you that if the nazi's did defeat the uk, they'd have access to some islands and bases uncomfortably near the us. see you at the next global conflict? |
wicked witchy
Posted at 28/08/2007, 20:31
i don't have a problem with all americans just the self rightous wannabies who think that america is the best country in the world. i am all for being proud of your country i'm australian and i think as a nation we rock but i also admit we have downfalls and it's these downfalls that are the punchline of many a the saying goes noone ever notices what i do until i do it wrong. i think your just taking this a little to personally which is sad for you because negetivity breeds on itself. i say lighten up and smile alot of these jokes are bloody funny so chill. i do see your point of this is ment to be a tv forum but with all that aside does it really matter what we're talking about the point is that the world is talking...not bombing or invading or destroying but talking discussing and enjoying, should it matter where their doing it? i think not, and besides least if they are here it means they are watching shows that if you look closely are mostly made in usa, so cheers to you for helping bring a lil happiness into the world,now theres something to smile about ;-p now as the totally true aussie i am i'm off in me thongs to ride me roo an enjoy a beer with duncan while watchin the prawns on the barbie... *here skip skip skippy!! where the bloody hell are ya?** |
Posted at 30/08/2007, 03:33
on a canadian note though... canada was the only country to successfully complete all if its d-day objectives. you guys rocked the nazi scum ![]() |
wicked witchy
Posted at 30/08/2007, 04:30
no wonder there is so much violence in the world when you read through these posts and see all the nasty words being thrown around....everyone seems to be desencitised <excuse spelling> to what really matters here.... why can't we all just get along |
Posted at 04/09/2007, 13:55
muahahaha canadians are cool americans are cool radical islam is cool you just got to understand the differences to release your inner hatred of that which you do not understand. let go of your fear and embrace the differences between all of us. |
Posted at 04/09/2007, 15:16
lol canada.. they're so silly =) | |||||
Posted at 04/09/2007, 15:35
you gotta think about people being constant pixelhero's online. there is also comment's like: we invented the internet. or we are rich and influential and other people are jealous. that tend to piss people from any other country off. there is no problem in thinking the best of your country or even being a little patriotistic (or however you spell it) and proud of what your country may have reached. there is also the fact that. even tho america might be rich. they have huge crime rate's and poor people. their adjucation isn't as good as it seems. and i'm pretty sure they have the most fat people also. + there is the thing we should focus on here, the distribution of tvshow's (or any other copyrighted shit) isn't allowed. so next time you people who feel offended by some random american think about that. and next time an american feels like he needs to brag. think about the crap you got over there. commenting about the war that i am pretty sure non of you fought in, is not needed and not contributing to the fact that european people didn't invite hitler to there country. also german people got mislead by someone with rather extreme thought. now at last my own oppinion: i feel that american's have a strong need to show that they are from america. but have by no means the words to describe how they feel about their country without involving/comparing other country's. this does not bother me at all. the problem is that it does to some people. since americans do generally take part of new's articles in everyday new's people get americanized and go about harassing other country's. and since america is in the new's so much, they go and harras america. it is childish and unnecesary. no go focus on the tvshows!!!!! since that is what brought us all here!!! <3 eztv ![]() |
Posted at 05/09/2007, 01:52
i have been coming here to eztv for quite a few months now and i love it! this is the first time that i am the forum, reading and writing. i have been on other forums where they always have something to say but not necessarily about us americans. i don\'t get into politics because if i did i would get really po\'d and cause trouble. i am not happy that the gov\'t is doing what it is doing one bit and wish that i could change it, but i don\'t think that anything is gonna change until we get the warmonger out of the office. thank goodness his term is up soon. i just hope that we can get someone in there who is going to be a better representative of our united states than this jackass. that is why people don\'t like us americans. we are judged by the idiots that are in the white house, not for us as individuals. when i was younger, living in nj in the 60\'s, i had like 15 penpals all over the world. neither i, nor my penpals judged each other because of where we came from. we just accepted each other for being unique, yet similar. i know, young naive children, not knowing any better, but sometimes that is the way it should be. accepting people for who they are and accepting that they are different. that is what makes us all unique. yes, you can say that i am idealistic, but i genuinely like people and enjoy learning from others from around the world. personally, i don\'t care who invented the internet. i am just happy that i have this oppurtunity in this day and age to be able to communicate to so many different people via the internet... peace to all, sapph |
Posted at 05/09/2007, 04:28
hey! quit with the shouting! |
Posted at 06/09/2007, 12:41
it's probably got something to do with america's imperial ambitions, its disregard for international law when it doesn't get its own way, its arming of tyrants who promote their interests, its support for israel etc. far from being a 'fair society,' america has one of the largest disparities between rich and poor amongst developed nations; most americans are oblivious to world events, thanks to the limited and biased news coverage they receive. i don't condone such jingositic attitides, but the actions of the us government has fostered widespread anti-americanism. |
Posted at 06/09/2007, 13:11
america a-ok!! =) | |||||