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   Why all the hate for us Americans?



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wintermire Posted at 14/08/2007, 21:38
Quote by videoopiate
yeah the stuff directed at america is more
hateful and not in joke form. you cant lump us all together just like you cant
lump any other country together.
also america invented the internet, just something to think about.

Quote by n3l87
that last sentence is exactly one of the reasons i hate americans.
-not- because they invented the internet, but because they rub shit like that in
faces. \"oh you can\'t hate us, we invented \'blahblahblah\'.\"

get the shoe horn out, remove head from ass, and wake up.

text communication is near impossible to determine emotional
inflection/linguistic intonation. i saw a light-hearted statement with no real
indicator of intonation. you saw a school yard bully. don\'t believe me?

\"oh, we\'re going to aunt sue\'s.\"
^^you can say (not type) that sentence with excitement, fear, anxiety, hatred,
sarcasm, etc. try it and see for yourself.

i have seen many arguments on forums from people applying thier own emotional
interpretation of anothers words.
Quote by zonaid
and its also wrong...

the world wide web is generally credited to an englishman - sir tim berners-lee
and his belgian counterpart, robert cailliau whilst they were working at cern in

i refer any who wishes to argue this point out of patriotic pride or otherwise
to: http://info.cern.ch/

zonaid - first i want to say thank you. i learned alot about the history of the
internet tonight. did a bit of research because of your link.
ok, first you might want to take a look at the words used. he said
internet not world wide web. yes there is a difference. americans did invent the
internet. \"tim berners-lee, invented the hypertext markup language
(html).\"<--not my words

found the rest of the puzzle to go with that one piece you provided.

in the words of buddha: \"do not believe in anything simply because you have
heard it. do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by
many. do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your
religious books. do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your
teachers and elders. do not believe in traditions because they have been handed
down for many generations. but after observation and analysis, when you find
that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one
and all, then accept it and live up to it.\"

in other words don\'t take the word of others, find out the truth for yourself.
\'tis the only way to know absolute truth. the only way to stop being a victim of
others is to take resposibility for yourself. maybe. don\'t believe my words find
out for yourselves.

as for the seemingly hatred towards all americans, think on this. what of
america do they usually see? television/movies/printed media. these are just
businesses. in economics, a business is a legally-recognized organizational
entity existing within an economically free country designed to sell goods
and/or services to consumers, usually in an effort to generate profit. and
drama/fear/shock/horror sells, people as a mass won't pay much attention to
boring mundane things only the extremes. and your job as an employee of a media
company is to increase company profits.

wintermire Posted at 14/08/2007, 21:53
hmmm.... this forum does not show how many pages are in a thread. i thought
there was only one page. and so my post was only based on the first pages posts.
which i am greatfull for. way too much unbridled emotion based on second/third
hand knowledge for my tastes.
arrogant Posted at 15/08/2007, 03:20
after reading all the posts so far, i thought i would weigh in with my feelings
on the subject. i really really do not care what the rest of the world thinks
about americans. until another country can get its act together and become a
superpower, who cares what they think? they want and expect our money, our
help, our weapons, and our goodwill regardless of how bad they talk about us.
they sometimes forget that without our assistance through 2 world wars, their
own countries would be in the hands of dictators and without our goodwill or
tolerance throughout history, they would be properties of the united states of
america. so let them complain and run off at the mouth. to the people that are
on this board and profess to be disgusted and have left the usa to move to a
different country, piss on you. it seems that instead of having a set of balls
and staying here to actually maybe change what you don't like, you were a
coward and left. therefore, in my opinion, you have no room to talk. so, my
challenge to the other citizens of the lesser countries in the world- grow some
balls, change your country and show us by becoming a superpower how we should
run a country and put up with the rest of the world. the problem is, you can't.
don't forget, several other countries had the opportunity to show they were the
best and failed. england, france, russia, norway, china, spain, germany, italy,
japan- all these countries tried to demonstrate a form of government that was
the best, and all of them failed. for all its flaws, regardless of its
leadership, america has the best government in the world bar none. ultimately,
your running off at the mouth about your dislike for americans or america
doesn't matter in the slightest, and never will. go ahead and hate me- i don't
care, as long as you kiss my butt- which you will do because you are either
scared of me, want my money, or both. and heck yes- i am an arrogant american.
i have good reason to be. i like traveling to other countries and have friends
in several of them, and they all want to come here. i wonder why? because
america is the best country in the world, period.
aussiemadmum Posted at 15/08/2007, 03:35
well there it is. pappadouche, you have your answer. the attitude
of 'arrogant' above is why americans are disliked.

wintermire, your post seems to be the most level headed of them all.
congratulations. never a truer word has been said!!
zarth Posted at 15/08/2007, 16:45
to quote denis leary.
"because we've got the bombs. that's right!
just two words nuclear f##king weapons! okay!"

actually jerry springer comes to mind.

but to be honest, anyone that says "[insert race / nationality here] are stupid
idiots" are themselves
intellectually deprived. every groups of people, be it, american, blacks,
muslim, christian's, white, whatever has there fair share of nut cases,
arrogance & humility.

and yeah there short history explains it all.

(from australia - settled in 1788)

fridgist Posted at 16/08/2007, 08:01
Quote by arrogant
after reading all the posts so far, i thought i would weigh in
with my feelings
on the subject. i really really do not care what the rest of the world thinks
about americans. until another country can get its act together and become a
superpower, who cares what they think? they want and expect our money, our
help, our weapons, and our goodwill regardless of how bad they talk about us.
they sometimes forget that without our assistance through 2 world wars, their
own countries would be in the hands of dictators and without our goodwill or
tolerance throughout history, they would be properties of the united states of
america. so let them complain and run off at the mouth. to the people that are
on this board and profess to be disgusted and have left the usa to move to a
different country, piss on you. it seems that instead of having a set of balls
and staying here to actually maybe change what you don't like, you were a
coward and left. therefore, in my opinion, you have no room to talk. so, my
challenge to the other citizens of the lesser countries in the world- grow
balls, change your country and show us by becoming a superpower how we should
run a country and put up with the rest of the world. the problem is, you
don't forget, several other countries had the opportunity to show they were
best and failed. england, france, russia, norway, china, spain, germany,
japan- all these countries tried to demonstrate a form of government that was
the best, and all of them failed. for all its flaws, regardless of its
leadership, america has the best government in the world bar none. ultimately,
your running off at the mouth about your dislike for americans or america
doesn't matter in the slightest, and never will. go ahead and hate me- i don't
care, as long as you kiss my butt- which you will do because you are either
scared of me, want my money, or both. and heck yes- i am an arrogant american.
i have good reason to be. i like traveling to other countries and have friends
in several of them, and they all want to come here. i wonder why? because
america is the best country in the world, period.

i'm actually shocked by this post.

define superpower? you show me your riches, i'll show you your poor, 12% of
american citizens live below the poverty line (about 36 million people). you
go ask them if they think they live in a 'superpower'.

i really like the american people (i'm from england), i've been to america a
number of times and the people i've met (with a few exceptions) have always
been very pleasant and friendly.

it's obvious from the posts that have appeared in this thread that the so
called 'hatred' for americans is only skin deep, and is often as a result of
arrogant behaviour and comments like these. you'll see this kind of arrogance
all over the world, from all countries, some might call it patriotism - at the
end of the day we all live on this planet together, and with the development
of the internet the world is suddenly a much smaller place. i just wish that
our respective governments, wherever you're from, could put aside their
differences and their arrogance and work as one to solve a long list of
problems that we face in the modern day.


(oh, and just because america came in at the last moment whilst hitlers regime
was already crumbling doesn't give you any right to forsake the hundreds of
thousands of european citizens lives that were lost during ww2 just so that
you can claim your stake as 'saviours')

jacob07072002 Posted at 17/08/2007, 17:59
Quote by videoopiate
yeah the stuff directed at america is more hateful and not
in joke form. you
cant lump us all together just like you cant lump any other country together.
also america invented the internet, just something to think about.

america did not invent the internet! try googling 'tim berners-lee'(invented
the first web page whilst working for cern)an englishman. why is it that
people always post before checking their facts.
Excelsior Posted at 18/08/2007, 04:05
Quote by spetz

a lot of its just for jokes but then other people have there prejudices for
a lot of reasons. a lot of americans come of as being cocky thinking there
country is the best but not just the best but the best by a lot... when people
arent really impressed. then there is the fact that allot of americans dont know
allot about anything out side there state/country. i drove through the usa once
when i was moving and the hotel clerk didnt know where saskatchewan was and its
the the province just north of his state. or then you can watch stuff like rick
mercer talking to americans where they think we have a seal hunt in the prairies
or are capital building is an igloo. now that is just how some people are but it
does build up stereo types and then when we meet some americans online who dont
say the smartest things we associate them with the stereo type.

basically from my view allot has to do with americans lack of information about
the out side world. just my two cents...

later dayz


you are quite ignorant if you think that ignorance is endemic to the us
population. that same scenario could play itself out in every country in the world.
HydrogenKnight Posted at 19/08/2007, 00:32
Quote by zoniad
and its also wrong...

the world wide web is generally credited to an englishman - sir tim berners-lee
and his belgian counterpart, robert cailliau whilst they were working at cern in

i refer any who wishes to argue this point out of patriotic pride or otherwise
to: http://info.cern.ch/

internet is not equal to the world wide web...

the internet is just interconnected computer networks....:p
frog1234 Posted at 19/08/2007, 20:48
Quote by videoopiate

Quote by frog1234
so are you psychic?
or just a presumptuous ass?

i said ive never really researched it, not that im unaware or uninformed on
the subject. so that would make you the presumptuous ass wouldnt it.

so you haven't looked into it (researched it) but you aren't uninformed.

which suggests you have been feed information (rather than seeking it out)
through some passive channel (quite likely a tv channel) and accepted whatever
you were told.

yes, you sound very well informed!
frog1234 Posted at 20/08/2007, 03:11
Quote by videoopiate
looking into and researching are two different things. yes i
was "fed"
information from us and world tv media, i am american after all and all i did
was stare at the news for months after it happened. also they talked about and
debunked most all of those theories you talked about. but my interest was
peaked so i looked into them a little on the interweb which brought me to the
same result. but your right, random conspiracy blogs are faaaar more credible
than the worlds tv media.;) well, however misguided, your obviously firm in
your conspiricy beliefs, so agree to disagree i guess.

so in your opinion the revolution will be televised?

i didn't actually present theories i presented facts, none of which can be or
have been debunked.

but your assertion that the (news) media would be open to presenting such a
thing is truly ridiculous.
fridgist Posted at 20/08/2007, 05:53
do you guys wanna start a new thread to discuss 9/11?
divingtech Posted at 20/08/2007, 23:18
hey - i've met a lot of people and one thing i've noticed is we're truly all
the same. we eat, we crap, we like to be happy. what makes this group
cohesive is we are a tribe of tv lovers. people always define themselves in
terms of some group they belong to. it gives a sense of well being and
belonging. remember one really nice thing about the us - you can all become
an american. there is no ethnic, religious, or cultural distinction banning
you. you can also peacefully criticize things american and not get into
trouble. celebrate our group - it's almost fall tv season!
calimero Posted at 21/08/2007, 07:01
Quote by jayduba
because we meddle and we havent the right.we try to impose our
ways on others.
we think anything is allowed for profit. we think the rules of the world dont
apply to us. if others use coercive measures we call it torture,when we use
torture we call it coercive measures. we try to make other countries follow
our copyright laws by threatening them with wto sanctions. we do not have
freedom anymore but keep claiming we do. we strip away our own freedoms in the
name of safety. i'm an american. i love this country but i hate this

i dont hate americans i dislike the us government because off all these reasons.

i lived in the states for almost 4 years and i decided not to stay because
honestly it just didn't feel right anymore, i don't want to explain that in
detail - too long, too complicated, wrong place.

i can see how most americans still consider their country powerfully and
wealthy. even though i would seriously start to think how good my government
actually is if ie. a flood made us look like a 3rd world country (no fighting
over this pls, i know it was a tragedy but that doesn't excuse mistakes). anyway
for the freedom part, a lot of freedom in america is gone and i honestly cant
understand how there are still so many ppl out there who actually don't see
whats going on right under their noses.

i still got friends over there and i met really good and descend ppl in the us i
met some jackasses, too. the same goes for over here.

so to answer the question as i see it.. when it comes to hostilities on the net
i'd say: its probably "jackass vs. jackass" in most cases and sometimes its
"jackass vs. troll". that should cover pretty much 90% i think .
also keep in mind most ppl don't have a clue what they are talking about and the
stuff i mentioned above is volatile material when it comes to discussions.
last but not least there are all kinds barriers and such on the net ppl don't
speak the same first language.. i've also never seen a 16 year old and a 40 year
old discussing politics... the list goes on.

ashleaconnor Posted at 27/08/2007, 12:14
i'm british, with nice teeth may i add.. but i certainly don't envy, resent or
hate usa. i like em actually, our cousins from across the way. xxx
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