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   Why all the hate for us Americans?



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quosego Posted at 10/08/2007, 14:34
well it could be so much better... when i was young i respected the usa for it's
freedom and greatness. now i want bush gone, and the american government
overthrown... and that has happend all under the bush administration...

i'm glad i life in an european country, we don't have much of an army, only 144
murders (and dropping) a year, we have never heard of gangs, there is health
care for everyone, university/school is free, i can walk the streets (drunk )
at night in the cities (so can any girl), anyone can drink when he's 16 and i
know when i cross the border to my neighboring countries it's all the same.

and when i've got no work i'll get some help from the government to get me
working again and keep me on my feet.

i mean you guys have just taken a wrong turn... time will tell if you guys
decide to go good again or the world will rise to stop you (the latter not being

70% of europe has an dislike for your government... time to consider that maybe
it all wasn't an good idea.
wileyasa Posted at 10/08/2007, 15:05
why do americans keep asking why everyone hates them?
God Posted at 10/08/2007, 17:49
our questions were rhetorical hehe.. not necessary to answer =)
sirex Posted at 11/08/2007, 01:32
well, some of it is the usual jesting (i dislike france, spain, germany, and
the usa to some degree because thats what makes me happy not to be one)(got
brainwashed good as a kid, eh?).

some of it is real dislike, caused usually by america's actions abroad (lets
not pretend iraq has made more people like america)

but i think a fair bit of it is due to the internet. theres alot of american
kids on the net (relitively) and their amazing attitude (often not far short of
a total stereotype) does alot to damage the relation with others. yes, while
other adults wont mind, but one day the kids from other countries will be the
adults, and they'll take the lessons learnt with them.
(to see what i mean, go check youtube comments, or torrentspy, or just about
any other hub when kids meet online).

also, america affects alot of other countries by introducing their culture and
customs onto others, and i'd imagine it pisses people off (hell knows the uk
has become a mini usa in the last 20 years). prehaps people see it as arrogance
and ignorance of their local culture.

my 2 pence, might be wrong

Posted at 11/08/2007, 07:48
is it me or is everyone in america either super fat or super skinny? what
happened to the normal sized people?
God Posted at 11/08/2007, 10:12
usa.. a-ok!!
stingray27 Posted at 11/08/2007, 14:56
n00b Posted at 11/08/2007, 16:27
Quote by yellowdragon


your "wealthiest and most powerful country" have been borrowing over $200
billion per year, the us was already in huge debt before the war in iraq.

the reason us lasted that long is because it has been forcing japan to bend
over backwards to save us's econ by buying us bonds and forcing an insane 0.5%
interest rate to their people.

and your other "allies" are already backing off, you are about to experience
something much worse than the great depression.

china have been buying most of the us bonds from japan and now owns 1.3
trillion forex reserve, that means when it comes to international leverage
china trumps us because those are real money, not your funny money generated
from thin air in the stock market.

russia also have 600 billion forex reserve, that means china and russia owns
most of us's real money, and china and russia can crash us's econ the moment
they start selling them. and guess what, china just announced they'll start
selling them if us continues its war madness.

your "freedom" country that caused most of the war in the world in the past 50
years, had recently parked missles next to russia's border, annouced plans to
give nuclear power to japan, selling arms to taiwan, attacked iraq, and is
threatening to attack iran, which will probably start ww iii if that happens.
russia has just started flying more war planes. and china and russia just had
a joint military operation that haven't happened in years.

if you've been even remotely alert of international affairs you'd know by now
that china's teaming up with russia against the bullsxxt from the us to try
stop ww iii.

your country is in huge debt, and has no gold to back your money, and is still
borrowing money to fight a losing war.

the us oil game won't work anymore as russia now have a very stonrg energy
export, hell, countries don't even buy oil in us dollars anymore. not to
mention the tough guys in the middle east are fighting back like no tomorrow
and continue to sabotage any us attempts to export them. if your country is so
powerful why does it have to borrow more and more money again and again, and
kept sending more and more man to the battlefield to die?

just read world news from countries other than the us and you can easilly
confirm the things above.

have fun lying to yourself as the rest of the world watch your dollar drop and
drop and eventually crash to the bottom. no money = no war. you lose man, you
lose money, you lose friends.

people all over the world knows what i am talking about, except, of course,
people from the us, who, most of them, thinks the world revolves around them
just because their mommy says so.

that is up to now the best contribution in this thread. unfortunately hardly
someone knows all that.
sphoo Posted at 12/08/2007, 06:08
i don't dislike americans, but i do dislike america.

the percentage of americans i do dislike is probably no higher than i would from
any another country. my only concern is the sheer number of americans that fall
into that percentage of being disliked by myself and no doubt many others.

the stereotype that these people generate as "the norm" for americans is what
then causes most other countries in the world to see all americans as the same.

you may say as an englishman i have bad teeth and i'm (to quote an intelligent
american customer i speak to on a regular basis) polite but strict, kinda like
mary poppins. in return i may say that americans are arrogant and ignorant,
which when combined with power turns into the mess of a government we all see as
the biggest problem with usa. it is very easy to say "you voted them in
therefore you must feel the same way as bush", although the statistic someone
posted earlier that only 19% actually voted republican shows why that statement
is unfair. however, it is down to the citizens to vote for their leaders so all
those that didn't vote are instantly disliked by me for not even caring how
their own country is represented to the world.

as for the arrogance this has been shown even in this thread shoving facts about
what americans have invented etc etc down our throats, who cares? the uk
(england, wales, scotland and northern ireland combined) is about slightly
smaller than the state of oregon (source: cia factbook), of course a country 40
times the size and 5 times the population will do more positive things around
the world. but of course as pointed out previously we also get paris hilton. i
would like to add to that lindsay lohan.
felixk Posted at 12/08/2007, 06:14
Quote by tvfan
because america is the wealthiest and most powerful country in the
world. with
power, wealth, intelligence, and freedom comes envy, jealousy, and resentment
from others who for the most part aren't included within the allied countries
the united states.

yes this is true in many respects, but what percentage of american citizens can
claim they any real association with the power, welath or intelligence. it
might be said that a non-negligible number of american citizens see the u.s. to
the world as the catholic church once view the world to the universe. anyways
the world from the human perspectively is largely controlled by only a handfull
of people. from the universe's perspective(without personifying it as much as
possible) people are nothing more than objects to distribute energy. any
further context is irrelevant. for the person/s who said america developed the
internet is partly right, the citizens of the u.s. helped to build and sustain
an environment which brought about the oppurtunity for the american
military,specifically darpa, to develop the core that the internet would sprout
from. the internet would be practically a wan if it didn't include the rest of
the world.

nice contribution yellowdragon.

anyways i will leave it there, it is hard to communicate anything meaningfull
in such a forum.... it is best for downloading and briefly discussing tv

Ben2003 Posted at 13/08/2007, 09:15
i agree with your assesment of internet conversation,it's like getting into a
conversation with people in a bar,they don't think about what they say,they
just spout emotional non-sense.about "stupid" americans,they are just
people,the bulk and majority of 'em are generally "dumber than a box of
rocks",gullible and easily led,irregardless of race creed or nation of origin.i
despair for the wole human race,but soon ,it won't matter,we'll all be up to
our necks in salt water!
tio00 Posted at 13/08/2007, 09:38
being *old* (i'm 47) and being born and raised in the states, growing up in the 60s, then relocating in
1971 to a small european country where i still live, i feel like i have experienced both "sides". i
remember first the optimism of my childhood during the kennedy era, then the despair of both the
kennedy and king assassinations and the escalating vietnam war. there were elements of "terrorism",
plenty of conspiracy and my first experience of hatred toward the us. "us imperialism" was the hate-
word then, with the goings on in vietnam, later iran, cuba, panama and several south american
countries, etc etc. we were in the middle of the cold war and all was done in the "fight against
communism". today we know there were major economic motivations behind all these so-called us
aided interventions.

as i said, this was my first experience of hatred toward the us, but i never felt it trickled down to the
citizens themselves. during this period there were plenty of demonstrations, there were critical authors
and filmmakers that also took a stand, and there was a free and critical press.

sadly, its different today; no (or few) grass root demonstrations; people's lack of understanding the us'
place in a more complicated world; no free, critical press. a total indifference with regard to using your
vote. letting a candidate virtually steal an election, which traditionally only happens in third world
countries. not being able to provide decent healthcare for our citizens; the working poor; no popular
contest of outrageous limitations of basic civil liberties through the patriot act 1 (and 2?), homeland
security; the president, former president (his father), vice president and members of cabinet actually
owning parts of a company that makes billions of dollars on the war in iraq etc etc. this is not the us
as we have come to know and love it...we're living a fucking science fiction novel from the 50's about a
dystopian future...please wake me up!

in conclusion, its not so much hate toward the us and its citizens, its more like a really, really deep
dissapointment that manifests itself as hatred. how could we let this happen?? amercans must be

but i'm optimistic, lately i can hear critical views never heard before, and i have a strong belief in the
american people

frog1234 Posted at 14/08/2007, 06:08
Quote by videoopiate
Quote by videoopiate
i never said i used a filter, ive never
really researched it
as you have and
you seem to believe every 911 theory out there. so i fail to see how your
position is based on evidence when you believe everything. and no conspiricy
theories have strong indisputable evidence because then they wouldnt be
theories. indesputable evidence would be how 911 actually happened, but you
ignore that on the basis of your bias.

Quote by n3l87
[so... using your logic, i guess you believe in 'intelligent
design', instead of
the theory of evolution.

Quote by videoopiate
Quote by videoopiate

uhh, no. the theory of evolution has sound scientific evidence to back it up.
there just isnt enough (because of gaps in the archaeological record) to
scientifically call it fact. there is nothing scientific about the 911
theories. so if i were you i would hold off on using anyones logic, as you
dont seem to understand the concept.

you say having not actually looked at any of the evidence (you admitted earlier).

so are you psychic?
or just a presumptuous ass?

frog1234 Posted at 14/08/2007, 06:31
Quote by tio00
being *old* (i'm 47) and being born and raised in the states,
growing up in the 60s, then relocating in
1971 to a small european country where i still live, i feel like i have
experienced both "sides". i
remember first the optimism of my childhood during the kennedy era, then the
despair of both the
kennedy and king assassinations and the escalating vietnam war. there were
elements of "terrorism",
plenty of conspiracy and my first experience of hatred toward the us. "us
imperialism" was the hate-
word then, with the goings on in vietnam, later iran, cuba, panama and several
south american
countries, etc etc. we were in the middle of the cold war and all was done in
the "fight against
communism". today we know there were major economic motivations behind all these
so-called us
aided interventions.

as i said, this was my first experience of hatred toward the us, but i never
felt it trickled down to the
citizens themselves. during this period there were plenty of demonstrations,
there were critical authors
and filmmakers that also took a stand, and there was a free and critical press.

sadly, its different today; no (or few) grass root demonstrations; people's lack
of understanding the us'
place in a more complicated world; no free, critical press. a total indifference
with regard to using your
vote. letting a candidate virtually steal an election, which traditionally only
happens in third world
countries. not being able to provide decent healthcare for our citizens; the
working poor; no popular
contest of outrageous limitations of basic civil liberties through the patriot
act 1 (and 2?), homeland
security; the president, former president (his father), vice president and
members of cabinet actually
owning parts of a company that makes billions of dollars on the war in iraq etc
etc. this is not the us
as we have come to know and love it...we're living a fucking science fiction
novel from the 50's about a
dystopian future...please wake me up!

in conclusion, its not so much hate toward the us and its citizens, its more
like a really, really deep
dissapointment that manifests itself as hatred. how could we let this happen??
amercans must be

but i'm optimistic, lately i can hear critical views never heard before, and i
have a strong belief in the
american people

you hit the nail on the head.

as i think i might have said i really liked the us before bush.

and while i have a general low opinion due to the current state of things it
should be pointed out that most people (there are exceptions) will treat anyone
they deal with initially as the exception to the stereotype they might otherwise
dislike. (those who don't are called arseholes, though when i meet such a person
naturally i am sure they are the exception

in the end it's those who are bitter and hostile (who life has beaten, so they
beat back) that are the problem and not those that simply hold some
generalization as we only apply it generally rather than assume it applies
specifically to the person in question.

JeanLucPicard Posted at 14/08/2007, 09:26
Quote by poppadouche
looking through some of these threads here and other places
like imdb and whatnot, i'm just curious, whats the deal with all the "stupid
americans" posts?

we're not all rednecks.
we don't all love war. unless spielberg has something to do with it
we don't all live in hollywood and churn out god-awful movies left and right.
we don't all, i hope you get the point.

since i'm from germany and since i gethered some experience with us americans
(mostly students and military personnel), here's my 2 cents:

i found socializing with most of the "burger munchers" - err - us citizens i
have encountered extremely pleasant.

my experience is that:

* the us citizens i have had the pleasure to meet are eager to make contact
(similar to e.g. japanese people) and start a reasonable conversation (i really
like that)
* most of them have a really good sense of humour and are happy to learn about
their surroundings, e.g. european history (apart from what they learn in schools
which is mostly related to the us of a)
* most of them also do not agree with some of their own government policy
(a.k.a. "trying to rule the world")
* most of them also share the same wishes and fears ... being able to get up in
the morning and make a living for themselves and their loved ones

so basically, us americans are like any other people in the world ... and there
is definitely a need to differentiate between what the us government does and
what the actual people are up to.