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   Why all the hate for us Americans?



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spetz Posted at 09/08/2007, 00:44
frog you are quite the conspiracist, but i dont know where you got your theory
about towel heads attacking the twin towers. no sikhs where ever accused muslims
where accused who do not wear "towels" [turbans] except for personal preference.

there is a lot of theories out there but you cant generalize. i would actually
say most americans most likely do think it was done by some form of muslim
extremist. if you want a conspiracy bush is most likely a puppet controlled by
the masons and they worked with osama to start a war to layer every ones pockets.

but what the hell does this have to do with people hating on americans on forums.
this has gone way off topic.
frog1234 Posted at 09/08/2007, 02:26
Quote by videoopiate
frog, i can see your very adept at cut and paste. you can
shower us with all
the so-called "evidence" you want but the fact remains that al qaeda took
credit for 911. again i come back to that you have one or two grains of truth
but you bury them in mountains of shit. anyways this is way off topic so why
dont you go flame some 911 forum, or have they all banned you?

with the exception of the poll quotes i typed every line you ass.
kecky Posted at 09/08/2007, 05:29
why people hate americans?

two words

paris hilton
ziel Posted at 09/08/2007, 06:11
i am not a huge fan of america, bur i prefer a redneck who doesnt know any
better than a ranting lunatic like frog.
in europe, people had tons of evidence why the jews intentionally poisoned the
water to cause the black death in the 14th century.
well, it turned out to be completely wrong. just like anne frank didnt partake
in a secret conspiracy to overthrow the german government.
so ... maybe you should check out the other side before c&p the arguments of
some ghost-hunters who see the illuminati in every aspect of modern life.

the best way to prove a point - is actually real proof. not some random quotes
from 1 of 10000 people who sees a rocket instead of a plane.

and as much as i like michael moore ... his points are valid, but
his "documentaries" are known to be manipulated (wiki the mm controversies for
more). so better dont cite him because it will backfire.
ScoopD Posted at 09/08/2007, 06:57
one of my "problems" with the usa can be summarised in the following figures
taken from the us government electoral commission regarding the 2002 election -

population eligible to vote - 215,473,000
population registered to vote - 150,990,598
percentage of eligible people registered - 70%
voter turnout - 79,830,119
percentage of registered voter turnout - 52.9%
percentage of eligible persons turnout - 37%

so a little over a third of adult citizens give a shit enough to actually go and
vote. in australia (that\'s me) as well as many other democracies on this planet,
voting is not only a right and a privilege but is also compulsory.

going to a bit of a fantasy world - assuming that this election was tightly won,
we are saying that 19% of the population have voted for the winner. so this very
small percentage of the population have elected the person who spouts their
beliefs, and that person is in the position of bullying the rest of the world to
those beliefs.

the reason many people don\'t like americans is because they come from the usa.
the reason many people don\'t like the usa is because it is a bully ... for a
very small percentage of its population.
aussiemadmum Posted at 09/08/2007, 09:11
Quote by scoopd

the reason many people don\'t like americans is because they come from the usa.
the reason many people don\'t like the usa is because it is a bully ... for a
very small percentage of its population.

who then in turn bully other countries to follow their lead in 'helping' them
in their cause. case in point is bonsai ... aka john howard. (bonsai..a
little bush...get it )

but this is turning more to the gov't than i think was originally intended.
personally, many americans seem to be very arrogant and gung ho.....about
everything. now i must admit, much of this is seen through the media.
obviously, not all americans are like that, but i think it is a stereotype that
is hard to avoid.
schmock Posted at 09/08/2007, 14:25
what a topic. but okay. first of all the question itself consists of some
unintended arrogance. the us of a just are a part of america. or did you really
mean all americanos from argentina to alaska?
but is it really so? are citizens of the usa actually this much unpopular? i
don't think so. it's much more a felt suffer being disliked than an actually
one, mostly transported via media. not one single of my us-american friends told
me such personal experiences / feelings.
if i'm wrong and the world does hate the usa, then have a look at "monty
python's the meaning of life", final part: death. listen to grim reaper who
complains about endless waffling us-americans - "because they have no balls".
that's it. but who listens to some schmock like me...
Futt_Bucker Posted at 09/08/2007, 18:01
Quote by kecky
why people hate americans?

two words

paris hilton

so true.

best reason provided thus far.

and just fyi, canada is part of the commonwealth of nations (or the
commonwealth). the british commonwealth technically no longer exists.

frog1234 Posted at 09/08/2007, 19:57
Quote by videoopiate
good for you. from what youve posted here i believe that you
have no
infomation filter you seem to automatically believe every theory you read,
otherwise why would you post all this crap here as "evidence". every
cant be true.

i'm afraid you have missed an important point.

it's got to do with evidence, i look at an issue (and all evidence from all
sides) and if the weight and quality of evidences goes to one side then that's
where my thinking goes even if my preconceived notion was different.

simply because my biases, belief, prejudices (whether my own or a reflection of
society) or whatever you want to call them are a much poorer test of reality
than evidence and the facts. (historically a belief of what is real, possible or
true in a society or field is turned upside down 25-50-100 years later so i put
little faith in anything other than evidence)

instead you do as you say use an 'information filter', so you don't even look at
or weigh evidence not in line with your filter. (otherwise known as ignore-ance)

no, i dislike and have a distaste for most conspiracy theories, some have stong
indesptible evidence while many have no or little evidence for them (or are
circumstantial) and much against.

why do you use a filter? you must either be 1: scared of the truth, 2: believe
you are not fit (too stupid) to weight information, 3: scared of not fitting in
with one group (main stream) or of being put in another group (conspiracy nut)
based on differing beliefs. (largely reinforced by the media, which is why you
assumed the majority believed the arab conspiracy theory as they don't report
much wrt dissenting views other than to ridicule them).

so instead of trying to make prejudice and ignorance seem cool, why don't you
crack that 'information' filter and se what is really going on.
it's pretty funny for you to disagree with me as if that means anything when you
haven't looked at the facts and are just stating your preconceived notion.

look at the evidence, come to whatever conclusion seems right from your analysis
and then regardless of your opinion i will at least respect it even if i don't
frog1234 Posted at 09/08/2007, 19:58
Quote by videoopiate
ok this has gotten way off topic and im sick of talking about
it so im going
to preempt your response and leave you with this. "arguing/flaming on the
internet is like being in the special olympics, even if you win your still

too late, i replied before i read the next message.
yellowdragon Posted at 09/08/2007, 20:41
Quote by tvfan
because america is the wealthiest and most powerful country in
the world. with
power, wealth, intelligence, and freedom comes envy, jealousy, and resentment
from others who for the most part aren't included within the allied countries
the united states.


your "wealthiest and most powerful country" have been borrowing over $200
billion per year, the us was already in huge debt before the war in iraq.

the reason us lasted that long is because it has been forcing japan to bend
over backwards to save us's econ by buying us bonds and forcing an insane 0.5%
interest rate to their people.

and your other "allies" are already backing off, you are about to experience
something much worse than the great depression.

china have been buying most of the us bonds from japan and now owns 1.3
trillion forex reserve, that means when it comes to international leverage
china trumps us because those are real money, not your funny money generated
from thin air in the stock market.

russia also have 600 billion forex reserve, that means china and russia owns
most of us's real money, and china and russia can crash us's econ the moment
they start selling them. and guess what, china just announced they'll start
selling them if us continues its war madness.

your "freedom" country that caused most of the war in the world in the past 50
years, had recently parked missles next to russia's border, annouced plans to
give nuclear power to japan, selling arms to taiwan, attacked iraq, and is
threatening to attack iran, which will probably start ww iii if that happens.
russia has just started flying more war planes. and china and russia just had
a joint military operation that haven't happened in years.

if you've been even remotely alert of international affairs you'd know by now
that china's teaming up with russia against the bullsxxt from the us to try
stop ww iii.

your country is in huge debt, and has no gold to back your money, and is still
borrowing money to fight a losing war.

the us oil game won't work anymore as russia now have a very stonrg energy
export, hell, countries don't even buy oil in us dollars anymore. not to
mention the tough guys in the middle east are fighting back like no tomorrow
and continue to sabotage any us attempts to export them. if your country is so
powerful why does it have to borrow more and more money again and again, and
kept sending more and more man to the battlefield to die?

just read world news from countries other than the us and you can easilly
confirm the things above.

have fun lying to yourself as the rest of the world watch your dollar drop and
drop and eventually crash to the bottom. no money = no war. you lose man, you
lose money, you lose friends.

people all over the world knows what i am talking about, except, of course,
people from the us, who, most of them, thinks the world revolves around them
just because their mommy says so.
frog1234 Posted at 10/08/2007, 00:41
Quote by videoopiate
i never said i used a filter, ive never really researched it
as you have and
you seem to believe every 911 theory out there. so i fail to see how your
position is based on evidence when you believe everything. and no conspiricy
theories have strong indisputable evidence because then they wouldnt be
theories. indesputable evidence would be how 911 actually happened, but you
ignore that on the basis of your bias.

so my problem is i don't have a filter, but you don't have/use one yourself?

i strongly disagree with many of the conspiracy theories regarding 911 both
conventional (the arabs conspired) as well as many others.

also you say that if it's a theory then there can't be facts and if there are
facts it's not a theory any longer, i agree within reason.

it's a conspiracy fact (indeed no one is debating if there is a conspiracy, only
who was behind it) that 911 was not and could not possibly have been pulled off
by arabs terrorists.

and there is if you actually read my post indesputable evidence (and i used that
term or something close), but i don't think you read anything i wrote.
ziel Posted at 10/08/2007, 04:32
Quote by frog1234
it's a conspiracy fact (indeed no one is debating if there is
a conspiracy, only
who was behind it) that 911 was not and could not possibly have been pulled off
by arabs terrorists.

don't believe everything, what the interweb says.
God Posted at 10/08/2007, 09:44
who hates americans again? cause i didn't notice heh.
poppadouche Posted at 10/08/2007, 10:50
maybe "hate" was a strong word to use to start off with. also, my post wasn't
really directed at this site all that much, more so imdb. but i rarely, if ever
get involved with posting over there. people here seemed more intelligent and
willing to talk about this without it going overboard and getting retarded.

anyways, anyone who's mentioned that they just don't see what i'm talking about,
just read this thread, it's all right here!

frog, i've skipped over most of your posts here as they are #1, too long, and #2
just dumb. although i do believe you're right about something. bush and
current administration 100% knew and probably planned the attack on 9/11

they blew up the two towers, and crashed into the pentagon. then they were
going to blow up air force one while bushy was in the air but all the coke on
the plane just weighed it down and they couldn't even take off. after that,
megatron was supposed to find the allspark but a group of transforming cars
thwarted his plan.
also starscream failed him again.
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