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latin_gravitas Posted at 04/06/2013, 00:57
i've noticed this on all releases from evolve. they seem to not use audio normalize when the do
their encodings.
sinclap2 Posted at 04/06/2013, 01:44
sorry, can you all speak up! i can't hear you
paleindream Posted at 04/06/2013, 03:18
this post doesn't belong in news and as others have stated should either be moved or deleted entirely.
xenedar Posted at 04/06/2013, 03:27
Quote by kennychou
i think it's the format or, rather, the type of rip associated with the format. i have the
exact same issue
with some .mkv format 720p like got, mad men and the walking dead.

the standard h264 mp4 encode of mad men exhibits the same problem.
eg: http://eztv.it/ep/45310/mad-men-s06e10-hdtv-x264-evolve/

but it has been consistent for week after week on specific shows.
Althalus Posted at 04/06/2013, 03:49
there's a lot of shows that have it. most aren't just as pronounced as others. game of thrones is on the
extreme end of things but plenty of other shows force me to fiddle with the volume to get a comfortable
level, either by turning it up from my base volume setting or turning it down. a few shows have really high
audio too that you have to turn it down from your normal volume to don't go deaf.
Shadfly Posted at 04/06/2013, 05:22
this is a comment about game of thrones sound problem this gentleman might have.
i think i found the solution and it's the following. if you download a 264 lol episode, it's a rip
to save space. therefore they probably cut down on the audio also with the video.
i have since downloaded the mkv format and not just the video is fantastic but also the sound. i
hope this can help you.
Posted at 04/06/2013, 07:11
or you could just turn the volume up.
coreying Posted at 04/06/2013, 07:36
Quote by doobiedoobiedoo
i would urge caution here ... most shows are normalised, sooo much so that
birds tweeting in between
dialogue ends up as loud as the dialogue, most shows are normalised to buggery and one has to turn
it down.

game of thrones was at a good level, it was just not normalised to buggery. there were loud parts
that were very loud, and quiet parts that were quiet. having them all maxed out makes it impossible
to differentiate - and we lose the dramatic effect of quiet moments (in particular the thunder and
lightning and the last two scenes were loud).

many movies are at normal levels, and one has to turn the vol to 150% in vlc to be at a "normal level"

caution again, these are normal levels, the usual weekly programs are at normalised to buggery
levels (-1db to -6db usually) and so much louder than they would be on a tv (-3db to -12db). that is
why you have to turn it up for got, because in reality you had to turn it down for most progs.

if you are wondering if i know what i am talking about, i was a sound engineer for 20 years, worked
in one of the first dddd studios in the uk, and have worked on various projects that have been aired
on national tv here in the uk, as well as producing audio for educational dvds.

what doobiedoobiedoo said.
the lack of understanding in some of the other posts here is quite amusing
cordas Posted at 04/06/2013, 11:32
i notice this as well.... both on broadcast telly and especially with capped shows. myself and a
mate make a once weekly day out of catching up on our favourite shows and frequently have to make
sudden grabs of the remote as blood starts to spurt from our ears after having to turn the volume up
5-6 times 'normal' to follow certain shows.
Larkspeed Posted at 04/06/2013, 11:59
game of thrones in particular i have noticed some weird audio issues.

if i play it on a pc everything is fine however if i play it on our network media streamer i can hear all the
sound effects and music clearly yet voices are all but inaudible.

this seems like a bad rip of a surround sound audio track.

i do not have thius issue with anything other than got
thebishop74 Posted at 04/06/2013, 23:38

if your listening on a surround system, try bumping up your center channel speaker volume, it's a common flaw of surround
system for the center to be overly small, and even if it's not for some reason most amps set the center low during setup
based off perfectly even channel volume outputs, when speech is usually at a lower level in general for most shows.

for when your struggling with non hd content, also look for the 'audio enhancer' function on most amps, sometimes labeled
for use with mp3 content etc, it's designed to boost that vocal range in compressed sound content, it will also help in hd
content if your struggling.
hellkelpie Posted at 05/06/2013, 03:02
same issue here with 720p files only. sd is fine, 1080 is fine, but 720 have to be cranked all the way to

and frankly, it's been like this for years.
ivex321 Posted at 05/06/2013, 05:56
ppl download the media player classic - home cinema and in options click 2 boxes, normalize and
regain volume. ffdshow filter also has these options.
phish73 Posted at 05/06/2013, 10:07
this has been a big headache for me.
on 720p ac3 caps, sometimes the audio is very very low. even after boosting on downmix, etc.. its very
the problem is that during certain scenes my wireless headphones keeps disconnecting and goes into power
saving mode since the signal is so low.
frankly i cant think of any solution except maybe a dual audio track, one with 5.1 ac3 or whatever they are
using now, and a 2nd channel with a standard boosted downmixed stereo mp3.
rfunk Posted at 05/06/2013, 19:47
yes! this makes me mad, and i don't think it's an encoding problem from the caps b/c if you go to a movie
theatre you can have the same issue with dialogue being almost inaudibly low and action scenes being so
loud they rattle your eardrums. it might be the highdef format whether watching on tv or watching a cap it
doesn't matter, it's the same problem with the audio. i was watching "the killing" for instance and had my
tv volume at damn near 100 and still could barely hear all the dialogue. glad i'm not the only one that is
driven crazy by this and for all the talk about how great high def 720 is i could give a damn if this is what
happens with volume b/c i still can't see or care about the difference b/t standard and highdef picture. rant
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