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noslendal Posted at 06/06/2013, 01:54
ever since the format has changed from .avi to freakin .mp4, the sound quality has gone to shit. i
thought my speakers were on their way out but some shows work great (mainly .mkvs), other are poor.
i have to turn my speakers up 3/4 to peak volume and amp up to volume through vlc player. glad its
not just me, not so glad its happening in general
DoobieDoobieDoo Posted at 06/06/2013, 02:05
Quote by aikousha
Quote by coreying
Quote by doobiedoobiedoo
i would urge caution here ...
most shows are normalised, sooo much so that birds tweeting in between
dialogue ends up as loud as the dialogue, most shows are normalised to
buggery and one has to turn it down..

what doobiedoobiedoo said.
the lack of understanding in some of the other posts here is quite amusing

yeah, good point, since it is obvious that what was stated about normalization, above, is completely
incorrect. normalization does not set "all sounds" to the same level. it takes the loudest sound,
and amplifies all the sound the same amount, so that the loudest sound is at the maximum possible,
undistorted, level.

apart from most cheaper and free software uses rms with time-sampling. if set too low, say
250-500ms, it will normalise the quiets bits.

to be honest, that you would say it is "completely incorrect", suggests that you have not taken the
average user into account, and that you are not knowledgeable/experienced with lots of sound software.

soundforge 9, for example, has a normalize, which has an rms option, which then turns on the
"attack" and "release" time, which default to 200 ms, and the "use equal loudness" check box is
unticked. there is also a default "if clipping occurs" which is set to "apply dynamic compression".
can you tell me what this would do to 3 seconds of quiet birdsong between dialogue if the volume
fader is set to 0 db and clipping does occur?

i suspect you can see that i am right here, but feel free to argue your point.
BoonesFerry Posted at 06/06/2013, 03:02

the level of crap misinformation rumoring finger pointing accusations and general
bullshit in this thread is ridiculous, laughable, and in some cases embarrassing.

oops! i've just insulted a broad group of people. my apologies?

please carry on.

tropolite Posted at 06/06/2013, 18:42

i concur with the original poster.

there are several shows that suffer this issue and i have to reconvert numerous shows (1. because
i need .avi's so they are used most everywhere and mp4's aren't so universal, and 2. the volume is
so low).

volume on cable and fta shows is normally set on 18-20 on my entertainment system. some
shows d'loaded have to be ramped to 28-29, to get the same db range. there's been times when
converting to raise the volume i have to pump it up 7-8db and there are rare times 12db or more.

anyway i'm appreciative of the cappers, and that this topic is being discussed.

Engir Posted at 06/06/2013, 21:58
i have noticed this also not only in game of thrones but dr who, veep and the last few arrow episodes.
i have a logitech 6 speaker system with a sub-woofer and have had to turn it up all the way to hear
what is being said.
it is nice to know others have noticed this over the last few months despite the negative comments,
thank you for speaking up.

NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 07/06/2013, 12:59
this has been moved to general forum as it has nothing to do with tv news.

as stated by boones, this is out of eztv's hand as the scene handles all that crap. you are welcome
to complain all about it in here if you wish, but i doubt the scene will be reading it anytime soon.
mavigogun Posted at 07/06/2013, 13:27
well... yes- and no: i reckon it is more about the presentation style and accent- not everything is
clear or directed at camera -than audio gain level. that said, i've got a bit of hearing damage in
one ear- my wife, who is a non-native english speaker, usually can repeat back dialog that i miss...
tvconsumer411 Posted at 07/06/2013, 17:45
i find lots of shows like this! the music and sfx blow you out of the water then the dialog is very low and

just the other night i was watching a program that was so bad i had to sit with the remote to raise and
lower the volume depending on what kind of scene it was.

i suspect it may have to do with trying to get as much dynamic range as possible to make the sound
realistic. while lots of gunshots and car crashes would be very loud in real life, i don't want it in my
living room!
grablife Posted at 07/06/2013, 18:56
are you asking about audio quality from hbo or audio from some random encode captured from

encoded movie audio can be 5.1 dts to 96k mono which is worlds apart. obviously, encoded
audio from a torrent has nothing to do with the studio.

often, audio which has been down sampled from 5.1 to stereo will suffer what you describe. 5.1
sound will balance all the channels but when everything is mixed down to stereo, the
background overwhelms the center channel. if you want to avoid this, look for torrents with 5.1
sound and play it in a proper home theater setup instead of your computer or tablet. but there's
a cost to 5.1 sound. many movies will add 500 mb just for the 5.1 audio track.
Engir Posted at 05/11/2013, 16:31
i have issues with every download from eztv (for at lease the last 6 months maybe closer to a year.)
with the audio every download the audio is poor, very low. i have a 6 speaker entertainment center
setup with a subwoofer and on most i have to have the system turned up all the way to hear the audio,
everything maxed out and the ones i do not have to have up all the way they are well over halfway
just to hear. i have actually stop downloading from here, and downloaded the same shows from
***site name removed*** mostly msd and afg offerings and have no issues?

BoonesFerry Posted at 05/11/2013, 16:59

"every" download... "six months" or more? wow, exaggerate much?

oh well, i'm happy for you... sounds like you've found a solution to your issue.

regardless of the site you download from , msd and afg use the same scene releases we and every
other torren group use. only difference with msd and afg is that they reencode the scene file to an avi
container and/or a smaller file size (lower resolution) and often strip the name of the scene group that
did that cap. the audio level has nothing to do with eztv or what torrent group is offering the torrent.

if you can't use what we offer, fine, go somewhere else...quietly. you will not be missed.

eztv has no contact with "the scene". eztv does not cap (record) tv shows and has no control over
what shows are chosen by the scene, the container (file format), the video resolution (sd or 720p), or
the season/episode numbering scheme, etc.. these are all functions of the scene, not eztv.
eztv is a torrent distribution group only.

...and since you are no longer using our site, you won't be needing your member account,
with forum posting priveleages. swell i for one will not miss your whiney posts.

Posted at 26/12/2013, 00:56
thats because you're only hearing two of the 6 channels. your 5.1 sound setup is not working correctly -
voices come out the center speaker the most and a little from the sides, and you're missing the centre for
some reason.

most people with audio issues have simply done something to screw up their sound. cccp codec pack for
example (what i use) defaults to 2 channel audio to workaround this, and surround sound users have to
adjust settings in the audio splitter to get 5.1 working.

many people simply enable various upmixing settings to make stereo sound like 5.1 (music, mostly),
without realising when they have true 5.1 audio it completely breaks it...
lifeeng2016 Posted at 31/05/2016, 01:54

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We always knew they were coming back. After Independence Day redefined the event movie genre, the
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forzikz Posted at 26/10/2016, 03:42
killerkitty Posted at 07/12/2016, 20:57
I thought eztv was meant to be moderated to have better quality than random general purpose torrent
sites like thepiratebay but it feels like I might have been wrong, I don't want to seed for eztv
when there's ridiculous stuff like 2 (maybe 4) different torrents of the same episode (Westworld
S01E03 720p HDTV x264-FLEET [eztv] and Westworld S01E03 PROPER 720p HDTV x264-KILLERS [eztv]) ALL
having NO speech audio in them

Not just quiet, literally no speech only sound effects and background music
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