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jammer47 Posted at 09/04/2019, 05:44
To Phoenix, your rips are good because of their small file sizes, but almost all of them have these intermittent
crackling sounds when watching on a TV which is really annoying. I hope you can do something about this. It's
regrettable because I have to download from other rippers even at bigger file sizes just to avoid your bad audio.
doggal66 Posted at 27/05/2019, 10:02
Help, complete technophobe here. Can anyone tell me why anything I download which is from Amazon Prime has no
sound? Answers in simple language please.
ragdollsrule Posted at 22/08/2019, 00:50
Could someone please help me....I am an older lady that relies on my downloads as I don't have tv
to watch. More and more shows are being done that I have no audio on, especially DDP...what I
do, is download to my laptop, then put them on my external drive, I then plug that into my WD
Media player which is connected to my tv. A few of my favourite uploaders e.g.
Memento..Amrap...I really would appreciated help if possible, but don't be to technical on me xx
taosk8r Posted at 21/11/2019, 22:35
The last 2 episodes of Supernatural 720p have had TTS description readings for the hearing impaired on them. Seems like the encoder has a wrong setting in it somewhere.
mcquade181 Posted at 26/08/2020, 22:32
Why are we getting shows like Condor Season 2 and Yellowstone Season 3 uploaded in high definition but with only crap audio?
Where is the decent 384 or 640bps 6 channel audio?
Also what happened to MKV subtitles for many shows?
I normally won't download anything that doesn't have 6 channel sound with (english) subtitles but more and more shows (like
Condor and Yellowstone) are appearing here with ONLY poor quality audio!
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