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Posted at 03/06/2013, 16:42
no this belongs in the forums or removed completely. the scene groups who are responsible for the rips and the volume differences therein have absolutely nothing to do with eztv. and the scene groups certainly don't come to eztv and read the forum or the news section, so it doesn't really matter where this is; it's a fruitless discussion. all you can do is workaround it after-the-fact, and the best ways are what has been described already: normalization in your video player on pc/streaming or auto-volume on your tv. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 16:58
whether or not it gets buried has no bearing on whether or not it is "news". if i want to advertise my new dating website, should i post it on the news page, just because it would get lost/buried if i put it in the forums? |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 17:40
i hope patsfangr has his ability to post in the news section permanently revoked. it's ironic that knob goes and posts this non-news garbage in the news section just on the tails of the recent announcement being made that the news section is getting abused; it pretty much proves the announcement's point. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 19:06
i have this auditory problem in two ways.first thesre is a slight lack of synchrony between the audio and pictures which occur and second, and by far the worst, the background songs or music that subdues the conversation.i think these stupid songs , which have nothing rto do with the stories be verbotten. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 19:14
yes! i hate it. action sequences are super loud and the dialog is super quiet it's rather annoying. but hey who am i to complain about free stuff right. haha |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 19:24
720p and sd have different audio levels, fortunately my soundcard has a "smart volume management" feature that normalizes the audio on big differentials. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 19:28
i have this problem as well. i just use vlc when i watch shows that like that. | |||||
Posted at 03/06/2013, 19:28
yes. not only game of thrones, but a few other shows. there are some scene groups that make episodes available with the sound lower than others. also, most x264 720p videos on the web (movies on tpb, for example) have the sound so low that i have to put them on vlc (with volume at 200%) so that i can listen. it's not "news", but it's something that deserves attention from the cappers. maybe throw it to "website news". anyhow, eztv could use an editor for these kinds of debates. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 20:15
i would urge caution here ... most shows are normalised, sooo much so that birds tweeting in between dialogue ends up as loud as the dialogue, most shows are normalised to buggery and one has to turn it down. game of thrones was at a good level, it was just not normalised to buggery. there were loud parts that were very loud, and quiet parts that were quiet. having them all maxed out makes it impossible to differentiate - and we lose the dramatic effect of quiet moments (in particular the thunder and lightning and the last two scenes were loud). many movies are at normal levels, and one has to turn the vol to 150% in vlc to be at a "normal level" caution again, these are normal levels, the usual weekly programs are at normalised to buggery levels (-1db to -6db usually) and so much louder than they would be on a tv (-3db to -12db). that is why you have to turn it up for got, because in reality you had to turn it down for most progs. if you are wondering if i know what i am talking about, i was a sound engineer for 20 years, worked in one of the first dddd studios in the uk, and have worked on various projects that have been aired on national tv here in the uk, as well as producing audio for educational dvds. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 20:26
i have noticed on other shows the difference in audio levels between 2hd and evolve. most of this season (sd releases) are comprised of these 2, and it is in their settings when they render the release. if playing with your remote's volumn button is a problem, when you see it is evolve release, wait and see if 2hd comes around with a proper, or search around for a webdl or subscribe to netflix or something. don't look a gift horse in the other words, it's free quit complaining rant may return your seats to the upright position |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 20:29
i use vlc and have the volume default to 100% but when i start a file i'll drop it to 75% till i get some sound.. often 75% is good, other times i'll dial it up to 125 or 150%, i have mouse wheel set to volume control so it's a quick and easy fix. not exactly sure what making this news was expecting to resolve though. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 20:33
i've noticed the same thing but i disagree with those that say it doesn't happen with broadcast. there are certain channels that are consistently far lower in volume for all their shows which is very frustrating. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 21:38
i know there are some audio features in some players eg mpc-hc. features like: normalization, regain volume and boost. i have not used them but according to other people they do work. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 23:29
imo -- this does not belong in the tv-news article froum. perhaps as an espisode forum comment or perhaps in the tech forum: ![]() seriously? were you really wondering if anyone besides you experieced this issue? you've opened the flood gates for everyone to whine about a technical issue that eztv has absolutely no control over. my standard scripted reply... eztv has no contact with "the scene". eztv does not cap (record) tv shows and has no control over what shows are chosen by the scene, the container (file format), the video resolution (sd or 720p), or the season/episode numbering scheme, etc.. these are all functions of the scene, not eztv. eztv is a torrent distribution group only. /end my two cents. |
Posted at 03/06/2013, 23:41
this is news? | |||||