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[#72311] Written by: lopkinfop [15/12/2007, 05:44]
Quote by crapshoot

request: funny man review of "pushing daisies"

i'm on the fence with this show and need a push one way
or the other.

so you need to be told whether you like something or not? even though you must
have watched at least some episodes to be on the fence. reviews (i use that in
a very broard term here) are to see whether you should start watching
something not to tell you if your allowed to like it or not.
[#72339] Written by: Tonsar [15/12/2007, 09:30]
i wasn't going to step back into this thread, but i'm very disappointed with how
this site has been lately.
i'm making an observation here. i'm sure i'll get flamed for it, but whatever.
now i've been on this site for a little while now. tv-fan and i had a memorable
scrap (well memorable to me anyway) quite a while ago about me complaining about
people calling shows nuked (and they were) without providing backup information
(eg where to confirm the nuke info).

now funny man may be a prat, and the show discussion threads were filling with
flames over his reviews. i went as far to say he is 90% likely doing it to get a
reaction. he claims not, and in response one of the mods proposed he make his
own thread for reviews to keep the flaming localized.
i said good luck that is unlikely to work, and funny man said sure.
so as you can see earlier in this thread i am prepared to give it a shot.

now aydin1954 said...

"i shall add that i suggested that he opens a thread for his reviews. i know that
a lot disagree so if so do not read them as i do not want this to turn to a
flaming insults thread.

if things go out of hand then i will start removing posts. so please keep it
clean. thanks in advance."

and he was ignored.
now we have rodgerse... i gave him the benefit of the doubt too.
then it became apparent he was editing posts he made much earlier to show a
completely different statement.
thats not on, and appears childish and ridiculous. and since then i have no time
for him and ignore anything he types (as do many of you). i purely see him as
comic relief.
then we have numaris..
a vocal flamer of rodgerse (among many others, heck he deserves it)
who then throws all his credibility out the window by pulling a rodgerse and
editing the 5th post in this thread with a completely different post.

i am seeing a lot of people here being abusive here purely for the sake of being
a jerk. and it disappoints me. in earlier threads "the scene" were made out to
be spoiled brats who don't want to share. sadly to me, this looks like what some
of the regulars on this site are acting like.
i respect the service eztv provide immensely. i hold any name in bold to the
highest regard. if they accepted paypal donations i would gladly make them.

in short i just think everyone should calm down.
give some consideration to what the mods are attempting.
and we need to remove the edit post feature.
thanks for your time,
all praise the iron fish !

[#72346] Written by: Funny Man [15/12/2007, 11:14]
funny man review: q.i. (quite interesting)

this should be called n.i. - not interesting. pointless dross accompanied by a
noticeable shoestring budget for the production. the appointment of stephen fry
to serve as bumbling numbskull, sorry "presenter", is still completely baffling.
the laughs are non-existent, and after the show ends it will leave you with a
very severe headache. one dimensional, wooden, robotic characters all contribute
to the farce that this is. the script writers should all be shot along with any
fans of the show. utterly frustrating and uncontrollably infuriating.

3/10 - what a mess....
[#72368] Written by: Funny Man [15/12/2007, 13:05]
stay tuned for the next funny man review: (as requested) pushing daisies.

much love to all the funny man fans.
[#72478] Written by: Funny Man [16/12/2007, 19:33]
funny man review: pushing daisies

after a very promising pilot episode,this crock has fallen flat on its face. the
laughs are nowhere to be found, the show's soundtrack is about as bad as it
gets. (i have heard better music when funny cat decides to play his casio
keyboard). the script is appalling, and it fails to hold your interest in any way.

4/10 - no laughs, no use.
[#72577] Written by: Funny Man [17/12/2007, 15:10]
stay tuned for the next funny man review: heroes.

much love to all the funny man fans.
[#72725] Written by: digger50 [18/12/2007, 13:52]
i'm curious, are there any shows that "funny man" actually likes?
[#72946] Written by: Funny Man [20/12/2007, 19:17]
funny man show review: heroes.

an enchanting series decorated by some unusual and scary special effects. most
of the characters have interesting catchphrases and super powers. however,
unconvincing villain, sylar, nearly steers the show to its peril. thankfully
characters like hiro and ando save the day, literally.

8.5/10 - a "super" show. watch it.
[#72953] Written by: fridgist [20/12/2007, 20:20]



scary special effects?


at least your review tickled my phunny bone, regardless of the fact that it
has absolutely no merit.

better luck next time.
[#72981] Written by: Funny Man [21/12/2007, 07:27]
stay tuned for the next funny man review: life.

much love to all the funny man fans.
[#72990] Written by: Funny Man [21/12/2007, 09:32]
funny man review: life

pointless dross accompanied by a noticeable shoestring production budget.
the laughs are non-existent folks, and after the show ends you will be left with
a severe headache. the political backdrop to this is totally pointless and
merely adds to this farce. the script writers should all be shot along with any
fans of
this drivel. the lead character proves to be one of tv's most annoying, unfunny
and creepy characters in each episode.

3/10 - i will eat my hat if this gets a second season.

[#73003] Written by: fridgist [21/12/2007, 13:24]
Quote by funny man

funny man review: life

pointless dross accompanied by a noticeable shoestring production budget.
the laughs are non-existent folks, and after the show ends you will be left
a severe headache. the political backdrop to this is totally pointless and
merely adds to this farce. the script writers should all be shot along with any
fans of
this drivel. the lead character proves to be one of tv's most annoying, unfunny
and creepy characters in each episode.

3/10 - i will eat my hat if this gets a second season.

Quote by funny man

funny man review: q.i. (quite interesting)

this should be called n.i. - not interesting. pointless dross accompanied by a
noticeable shoestring budget for the production. the appointment of stephen fry
to serve as bumbling numbskull, sorry "presenter", is still completely
the laughs are non-existent, and after the show ends it will leave you with a
very severe headache. one dimensional, wooden, robotic characters all
to the farce that this is. the script writers should all be shot along with any
fans of the show. utterly frustrating and uncontrollably infuriating.

3/10 - what a mess....

this latest review is remarkable similar to the review on qi above with a few
words substituted to make it more relevant to life. do you have a template
which you use or something?
[#73092] Written by: crapshoot [22/12/2007, 13:16]
well so far funny man reviews are lacking a little depth, but i
think we should give him a little more time to hone his skills.

there is a benefit to having an independent review of shows as
opposed to the fanboy oohing and aahing that goes on here. face it,
a lot of tv is in fact pretty bland and repetitive.
[#73132] Written by: Funny Man [22/12/2007, 21:37]
stay tuned for the next funny man review: lost.

much love to all the funny man fans.
[#73156] Written by: Funny Man [23/12/2007, 09:05]
funny man review: lost

a heartwarming tale of a bunch of plane crash survivors who find themselves on a
mysterious island. this is a truly great series and must be seen. the only flaws
here are the annoying music and the fact that the show makes no sense at all.

9/10 unique, thought provoking and amusingly confusing.
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