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[#75013] Written by: aussiemadmum [16/01/2008, 10:09]
ok then. that makes me feel somewhat better. although my original problem
still persists. the only thing i can think of is that the program i installed
(dvdfab, and others previously) have altered the win.ini file (i could be
wrong, hubby's not awake at this ungodly hour to converse with!!) does anyone
have any suggestions as to how to fix the problem? (without re-formatting).
not that that is such a big problem, just a pain in the ass. we've made a few
alterations to the way we do things since the last rebuild. we have now placed
all program files on c: and all data is on d:. i'd just really like to avoid
it if at all possible.
[#75061] Written by: aussiemadmum [16/01/2008, 21:06]
n3i87, i could kiss you!!!!!!!!!
(don't get the wrong idea )

what you said about it not being in dma mode was right. when i looked into it,
there was an error message saying that it had been set back to pio because of
redundancy errors. so i changed it back (may have to research a bit
more, 'cause there were dma settings 0 - 4 and i don't know which it's supposed
to be) but set it to 2, and now it's running fine.

while i was checking, i was talking to a friend and he said that he had the
same problem, and it could be the cable also. mine is apparently a slower
speed cable, but he has a faster one for me. by changing the cable, hopefully
it will stop it from doing it again when it encounters another reading error.

thank you sooooooo much
[#75110] Written by: aussiemadmum [17/01/2008, 04:32]
i must admit, i have never used wmp for burning. to be completely honest, i
didn't even know it could!!!

i'll give it a try, and see how i go.

thank you again, oh wise and kind santa

[#75130] Written by: aussiemadmum [17/01/2008, 08:24]
@aydin: ide.
(now don't laugh at my technical explination)
on inspection of the cabling, the one for the hard drive is much thinner/finer
than the one for the dvd burner. from what i was told, the finer cable has a
higher speed capability. not sure about that. i would have thought that it
has the same amount of pins, so how could it be faster??

as to my success rate with burning, nero has usually worked well. but i have
found on a number of occasions that if i burn at maximum speed, even though it
completes the burn successfully, when i put it in a dvd player or the pc to
play, it freezes sometimes. which can be really annoying when i sit down to
finally watch something, and it freezes and jumps around so i have simply got
into the habit of slowing the burn to either x8 or x12. when i do this, they
play fine.

as for corey, i heard on spoonman tonight that there is a slap corey game!!!
[#75138] Written by: aussiemadmum [17/01/2008, 09:17]
nope, hdd is definately ide. i remember when i bought it. i just explain
things badly
the cable size looks the same for both hdd and dvd burner, but on closer
inspection, the ridges on the cables are finer for the hdd. but the
connection/pins at the connection point are the same.
sorry, best explination i can give. now i'll be forever refered to as a
technical idiot
[#75142] Written by: aussiemadmum [17/01/2008, 09:27]
well it seems to be working fine now. i'm just waiting to see what will happen
when it has problems reading a disk. will it revert back to the pio mode? oh
well, at least (thanks to n3i87) i will know how to fix the problem. damn, i
was even able to impress my hubby with my new found knowledge
and no, i didn't take the credit! i gave credit where credit was due
[#75437] Written by: aussiemadmum [21/01/2008, 05:44]
i've got so many shows to catch up on, that i've decided not to get anything
new just yet. i've nearly finished watching meadowlands......very strange.

does anyone else start watching a show and think 'this isn't quite me', but
still keep watching just to find out wtf is going on??? i suppose if it was on
tv i wouldn't bother, but seeing as i've got it all already, i may as well see
it through!!
[#75611] Written by: aussiemadmum [22/01/2008, 18:15]
but it's very sad. unfortunately drugs are rampant in the entertainment
industry so it would be very hard to avoid. but i still think it's just a
waste. ffs, he was only 28.
[#75835] Written by: aussiemadmum [25/01/2008, 01:25]
hey zetetic!!!! i saw you floating around (and hope that you see this). where
is the promised pm for me?????? you were going to send me a whole heap of
links, remember??????
[#75873] Written by: sCifI3001 [25/01/2008, 17:12]
Quote by numaris

my mother just aked me to look up the recent news article on the 'new' picture
life on mars... judge for yourselves


mind you scroll to the last picture on that page and find out how 'new' this
picture is...


but if you look at the 1st picture again, i don't think its a lady *waiting
for a bus*

look in the direction of her outstretched arm and you will see the body of the
*alien* she just shot with her laser guided spud gun. .
[#75925] Written by: aussiemadmum [26/01/2008, 09:48]
probably old news, but for the aussie's out there, apparently good news week is
coming back in a couple of weeks to channel 10
it used to be good, although not as good as when it was on the abc. but here's
hoping that they come back strong!! i suppose it all depends on who's going to
compare the show. for the life of me, i can't think of that guy's name....you
know, the comedian who used to do it. he was hilarious.

oh......and happy australia day too!!
[#75955] Written by: aussiemadmum [26/01/2008, 18:20]
yes, why the hell not

and as for evil, i think valentine's day is evil!!! it's the biggest load of
crap around. so much pressure is put on to show your loved one that you
actually love them by bowing to the retail pressure of buying them a gift on
one particular day is ridiculous.

as for mother's/father's day, i think they're great (i would, seeing as i'm a
parent!!). but not for what you think. it's great when my kids come up with
little gifts to give us. our school organises a stall for the days, where we
get all these little gifts for the kids to choose from, costing no more than
$5. the kids then get to choose what they would like to get for their
parents. we run it completely non-profit. but it is worth it, just for the
look of sheer enjoyment, satisfaction and pride that the kids show when they
have picked something special for you.
[#76008] Written by: aussiemadmum [27/01/2008, 08:06]
can anyone suggest a good site to get (aussie) music from. my brother was
after a couple of lee kernaghan cd's. i found some on mininova, but there are
no seeds. any suggestions would be much appreciated.
[#76230] Written by: aussiemadmum [30/01/2008, 00:56]
woo hoo!!!! kids go back to school today
[#76242] Written by: aussiemadmum [30/01/2008, 02:48]
sanity????? what's that?
hence the mad in the name
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