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[#47855] Written by: pathomancer [26/07/2007, 22:56]
i will give it a try.

i saw the title and had this horrible vision of a reality show ala survivor,
with contestants dressing up in skimpy leather togs having to hunt, gather and
sit around a fire in a cave at nite....
[#47859] Written by: Trekhippy [26/07/2007, 23:16]
a: i don't think there's anything wrong with asking a question, and i am sure
more than one person was wondering about all the pre-airs.

and 2: if the networks did it on purpose, their purpose was most likely not
just to find out what people think of the shows. they could just as easily have
done it off their own websites. my guess is, if they did it on purpose it's to
try and track us, to stop us. or it could be just some guy at the network is a
disgruntled employee... or whatever.

and b: my friends and i appreciate the scene releasing these fine pre-air's.
[#47867] Written by: that tv guy [26/07/2007, 23:44]
i had such low expectations for this that i enjoyed the pilot.
i would like to see more of it but, i know they will probably add a laugh track
to the final show which would make this even cornier and make me stop watching.
[#47878] Written by: MsRoyalT [26/07/2007, 23:59]
Quote by wasabiboys
swede is right..gossip girl!!
yes, gossip girl please!
that's the one pilot i've been waiting for, hopefully it'll be leaked (soon)-
actually, seeing how much the cw has hyped it up, i'm surprised it hasn't been
leaked already.

sorry to say, i thought this was horrible. oh well, i don't think my opinion
really counts - i'm just not a sitcom kind of chick.

thanks for all the pre-airs, eztv!!! =d
[#47899] Written by: usernameisnottaken [27/07/2007, 00:55]
many, many, many thanks to eztv for all the preairs.

unfortunate, this show is a piece of crap. i really hope it doesn\'t get picked
up. if they reshoot the pilot they\'ll have to change the entire premise. the
\"race card\" joke got old after the first 2 minutes. after 5 it was just offensive.

i\'m white myself and normally i don\'t care for the pc police... but jeez this is
just modern day blackface. and it\'s not even remotely funny. cro magger.. uh huh.
[#47922] Written by: ShadowMax [27/07/2007, 02:15]
if someone in the usa would really like to impress us canadians, you could
download the pirate master eps from the cbs site (the weekly eps to finish off
the series) and upload them to ez. in canada we cannot get the cbs site to play
for us.

[#47936] Written by: whosthat [27/07/2007, 03:29]
was expecting better for this show. real let down =(
[#47939] Written by: YourMomma59 [27/07/2007, 03:47]
there were a couple of good parts in the show, but overall it needs an
overhaul. i laughed, but yeah if they keep on so much with the stigma lines
it's gonna get old really quick. they need more balance. nick is trying on
one's nerves. the makeup looked so fake it kinda got on my nerves as well.
the fake hair kinda turned me off. if you're gonna give someone hair, make it
look real.

for the most part, i think the actors were actually doing a decent job with the
script they were given (which needs some serious work). i kept visualizing
them out of character - as normal people in a regular sitcom. wishful thinking?
[#47945] Written by: Crypton [27/07/2007, 04:19]
thanks eztv!

unfortunately, i do not think this show will make it in its' current state
short commercial is one thing, but keeping you interested in a tv show using
the caveman idea just isn't happening. well, at least not for me
[#47956] Written by: MullahMogwai [27/07/2007, 05:20]
Quote by tvfan
Quote by goldec
whats with all the pre-airs? :d

what's it to you?

thanks ez.

from tv.com

cavemen revolves around joel, his younger brother andy and best friend nick.
joel is engaged to kate. even though he has some problems with her conservative
parents accepting him, he is happy with his life and pursuing the american
dream. the pilot is based on the geico commercials that claim their service is
so easy, "even a caveman can do it".

here u go again... bitchin about an ordinary question... "whats it to
you?"..... man u got problems.... behave, if ur older than 10
[#47957] Written by: October [27/07/2007, 05:25]
this show sucked. it's a rasist piece of crap.
[#47962] Written by: MeatBiProduct [27/07/2007, 06:26]
if you ever wondered how many idiots could respond to one question at a given
time just read this thread.

wah wah wah racism wah wah wah someone call the fuckin wambulance.
[#47963] Written by: pharmacopaeia [27/07/2007, 06:30]
it had its moments but really just a one trick pony.
[#47988] Written by: TaLoN.NL [27/07/2007, 09:45]
not racist, but lame nontheless, i don't see the cavemen aspect, only hairy
freaks with modern human facial structure without unnecessary violence.
[#47998] Written by: moodygal [27/07/2007, 10:11]
ha,ha very funny cavemen producers: n
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