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   Cavemen S01E01 PREAIR DVDRip XviD-CRX



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[#48130] Written by: Mr. X [27/07/2007, 23:51]
way - cool show! read my rlslog article...
[#48224] Written by: sonicmoremusic [28/07/2007, 10:03]
watched it this morning. it wasn't terrible, but i don't think i would search
it out when it comes on the air. i give it 2 episodes before they pull it and
show the rest on-line.
[#48287] Written by: pwilly [28/07/2007, 18:21]
this show will go over most peoples heads.its a shame the retards in american
main stream society are the arbiters of what stays and what goes.as for the dip
shit asking about pre-airs its like asking a weed dealer where he gets his pot
or where he grows it,you just dont do it duh!
[#48289] Written by: pwilly [28/07/2007, 18:25]
Quote by extraf0x
i couldn't get any audio from this.

try vlcplayer it takes a completely different approach to decoding audio/video.
[#48292] Written by: pwilly [28/07/2007, 18:34]
Quote by videoopiate
some how i dont think a show made from a commercial will
survive. the
commercials were funny though

where do you think the revenue to make a tv show comes from ?your good will and
sense of bon ami.all tv shows are financed by ad revenue. the concept here is
discrimination put forth in such a way as to make you white bread mf'rs realize
that prejudice blows,without over whelming your christian guilt , the
theater of the absurd is primary to understanding stupidity without making one feel
stupid.neat hey?
[#48325] Written by: poppadouche [29/07/2007, 02:00]
are they the same cavemen actors from the commercials?
[#48326] Written by: pwilly [29/07/2007, 02:21]
vidiot,oh shoot,i can't believe it.a response.by responding to my somewhat
veiled irony
you show me that your a person who gets it.keep up the good work.the show is
hilarious but,yeah don't get me wrong this show wont last past american thanks
giving.also you can be white bread without being white.see reginald vel
johnson,bryant gumble and any number of asian ,hispanic,or black news anchors in
any number of major american markets etc.p.p.s.colorism is sooo 20th century.now
a days its all about lifestyle-ism.maybe you think your thinking but what your
really doing is reading lips and failing to understand context,good luck with
that.all hale mental auto pilot.perhaps i need to rethink the notion of engaging
what is obviously a sci-fi nerd heavy forum in any kind of discourse on
comedy,its akin to engaging french people on the subject of courage.one other
thing worth mentioning is that the only connection this show has to previously
mentioned insurance company is the guy who produced the commercial is also a
producer on the show.we see here the progression from subliminal product
placement to super-liminal product placement, an art form perhaps invented by
adam sandler in happy gilmore and layed bare by concepts like
these.just count the number of times you see previously mentioned insurance
company mentioned here and in the print media that will follow the shows
release.everyone will be thinking to themselves how hip and savvy they are for
noticing the totally freaking obviousness of it all.dig a little deeper.not that
it matters but i'm a white looking scottish,welsh,spanish,native
american,japanese mutt boy with 275 years of family history in western canada so
take your best shot.
[#48351] Written by: branch [29/07/2007, 07:01]
what a horrendous show. not as bad as the big bang theory, but still horrible.
seriously, as i said in another thread, network executives must be retards,
because how can such awful pilots be picked up? and every year pilots that
weren't picked up are leaked, so i watched them, and many of them are much
better that the crap the networks end up airing.

i'm not a sitcom hater. i love how i met your mother (the only good sitcom on
tv right now, without a doubt). but this is just awful. no wonder so many
people say sitcoms are the worst. seeing what's out there and what's coming...

and as somebody said, couldn't they just shave?? the premise of the show
itself is pointless. and there's no way we can root for these 3 cavemen.
[#48390] Written by: wrecche [29/07/2007, 14:14]
Quote by pwilly
this show will go over most peoples heads.its a shame the retards
in american
main stream society are the arbiters of what stays and what goes.as for the dip
shit asking about pre-airs its like asking a weed dealer where he gets his pot
or where he grows it,you just dont do it duh!

seriosuly ? they grow the preairs ?

fuck me, no wonder some of them are so shit, they're not using a decent hydro setup.

youre a clown.

he was asking why, this year, so many are being snuck out, you dumb idiot.

ahh forget it, stick yer bong up yer bung hole and exhale..

[#48440] Written by: namaste7 [29/07/2007, 23:26]
hi, sorry if this is a silly question but i cant get any sound. can someone
give me a link to get the codex or patch that i need to hear this? thanks and
[#50189] Written by: frankthetank [08/08/2007, 13:27]
this is the worst show i have ever seen! i don't know what they were trying to
do with it.
[#50446] Written by: Fijah [10/08/2007, 13:27]
Quote by meatbiproduct
if you ever wondered how many idiots could respond to one
question at a given
time just read this thread.

wah wah wah racism wah wah wah someone call the fuckin wambulance.


[#50447] Written by: Fijah [10/08/2007, 13:29]
Quote by namaste7
hi, sorry if this is a silly question but i cant get any sound.
can someone
give me a link to get the codex or patch that i need to hear this? thanks and

get the ac3 codec....if no video; get the divx codec. hope this helps!!!
[#50457] Written by: lucioc [10/08/2007, 15:04]
a truely horrible show. 'nuf said
[#54145] Written by: Blurr [04/09/2007, 21:22]
this show was just absolutely painful to watch.

it runs like an hour long 1990s racism joke.

what's worse, is the show is racist itself and seems to be saying that only
white people are racist.

i wouldn't be surprised if this one's already been canceled. way to go geico
for connecting your brand to racism!
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