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[#483963] Written by: iareula [15/06/2015, 04:02]
I also miss that. At the moment it's impossible to add more favorites to my page and it's quite
frustrating. Please, pretty please, fix it.
[#483973] Written by: dannyrg [19/06/2015, 20:44]

I'd like to mirror what a few others have said here, regarding the disappearance of the "Add to Favorites" link on the show
Basically, to me, my personalized list of shows is the most important feature of the site, as it allows for easy tracking of what
I wish to download on any given day.

And to build on that, it seems to me that of late, the Status of shows is not up to date (unknown when it should be known, or
return dates out of whack and so on).
This also makes the "My shows" function a bit less usable, because on any given day, I don't really know which shows should
have new episodes and I'd have to memorize their days, rather than just see what day they are broadcast on.

From a service point of view, I feel it is far more important to fix core functionalities than the more esoteric things such as
colors, additional info etc.

Thanks and keep up the steady work.
This site is an important service.
[#483980] Written by: cassonetta [22/06/2015, 14:33]
I am also missing the "add to my shows" button that used to be on the show info page but there is a
pretty easy workaround for the time being- go yo your "My Page" and on the left menu there is a "Add
Show" button- you can add new shows that way by clicking on the icon next to the show name- there is
also a search bar at the top if you don't want to scroll to find your show =)
[#483983] Written by: dannyrg [23/06/2015, 04:39]
Yes, actually found it too after posting.
So now the only problem I am seeing really is that all my shows' "Status" seem to be out of date.
Either unknown, or old dates of when they "return", or even days when they are showing when in fact the show is on break

Anyone have an idea what is going on with that?
[#484015] Written by: ABBYS77 [07/07/2015, 12:46]
Hey there,

We want to see torrents for Mr. Robot.

[#484043] Written by: OneDArkAngel [20/07/2015, 02:32]
Hi loggers,

Why is Salem, not been loaded up to EZTV?? Reply will be appreciated.
[#484065] Written by: kelrobau [30/07/2015, 22:30]
hHi Nova King and crew , What has happened to the countdown list aint there any shows comming back
to TV\, or is Tv just closing down for ever ...lol. like others we'd like to know when our shows
are comming back in like how many days.
[#484101] Written by: Sirdelton [11/08/2015, 03:40]
I think the information is great.. I always look at it before downloading.
The count down list may need more then 1 week.
Maybe a filter for down load size as I always down load the same size as we are downloaded
limited here.

[#484102] Written by: joecraftii [12/08/2015, 14:35]
when I click to start a download it takes me to another page instead of starting the download. can
you help. I don't trust the page it takes me to enough to click on anything on it.
[#484104] Written by: darjet [15/08/2015, 20:55]
I'd like to see the count down list updated was nice knowing when shows were coming back.
[#484107] Written by: beckham457 [17/08/2015, 08:11]
When I start seeing information, such as countdown and news, being updated I will then know that
NovaKing is really back. The news about Sirens being dropped has been on the home page for 6
months now. None of the news pages are being updated and that is what separated EZTV from the
[#484108] Written by: beckham457 [17/08/2015, 12:39]
I see the countdown list has been updated, BRILLIANT! Thanks NovaKing, welcome back. we
missed you.
[#484156] Written by: echelonone [23/09/2015, 12:29]
beckham457, you really are a clueless fucking retard
[#484160] Written by: JOHNPW51 [25/09/2015, 16:12]
[#484161] Written by: JOHNPW51 [25/09/2015, 16:13]
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