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[#221009] Written by: Northernstar1012 [12/02/2015, 02:04]
Quote by tlhintoq
Accuracy would help.
For example "Crossing lines" is listed here as 'ended', when in fact it was picked up for a 3rd
season but just doesn't yet have a season 3 release date.

Thanks for the info. TV Rage has it listed as "Canceled/Ended" and I took it at face value. This has been updated.
For future reference, there is a forum page set up to pass along this type of information.

[#221068] Written by: zeddragonetti8 [14/02/2015, 23:11]
I am a 55 yr old woman so technology is not my strong suit but I appreciate everything you do to
keep we viewers seeing our shows....I say good job and I can't think of a criticism to express....ty
so very much for all that you do......Be Well
[#221139] Written by: richardwexler [17/02/2015, 22:58]
I would like see special programs like the grammys special for steve wonder on CBS. and others.
[#221222] Written by: mbeware [21/02/2015, 13:38]

the show info page is great. I hardly ever go see on imdb for more info about the show, but since the is a wish list and I
am in a wishful thinking mood, here are my 3 wishes :

- I wish for more wishes... (because there might be more than 3 things...)

- It would be great if each episode listed would link directly to the IMDB/TVDB/TVRage page for the episode
- It would be nice if each cast member would link to a search of shows with them
- I would be nice if there was a list of suggestion of related show
- if it is a remake of a foreign show, a spin off, A link to the original and other remake/spinoff would be interesting
- A list sumary with date for show renewal/cancellation. we already have news but when we just want to know what is
happening without the why, that would be cool
- a link to a forum thread that talk about the show
- a list of must see episodes
- rating per episode
- info on popularity of the show (tv rating, AND downloaded info)

there, your wish for suggestion has been granted. My job is done (or is it? I am volonteering to alpha/beta test any
feature if you need such thing).

[#221244] Written by: X_Booo [22/02/2015, 13:52]
Thanks for asking for our feedback. The one addition I would love to see on the show information
page is to have the names of the actors hyperlinked to their IMDB profile pages. That way, when I am
browsing a new show and deciding if I want to watch it, I can quickly check out the actors to see if
I have seen and liked any of their past performances. Thanks for all the work you do for us!
[#221369] Written by: devolved [28/02/2015, 23:19]
I'd like you to use open source sources of information, and maybe ways for users to contribute back to them
[#221486] Written by: tankman_37 [12/03/2015, 17:03]
First of all I missed you guys. Great to have you back.

I read the (most of ) the post regarding the Info page and I think any suggestions I would have posted are already covered. I
would like to support a filter option to sort out 720p from lower rez files.

Thanks you your work and Rock On..
[#221597] Written by: cutrupi04 [18/03/2015, 01:22]
why no DWTS torrents anymore ?
[#483709] Written by: stillafool [28/04/2015, 06:53]
it seems that recently a lot of shows are showing up in triplicate for the varying qualities (1080, 720, 264, etc). it
would be great if these where all in their own separate categories. for those seeking the higher quality they could
just go into the high quality section and vice versa for people searching the lower, but still very wathable quality
versions. one of the main draws that i've always had to the site was not having to see ten different versions of a
show and try to weed through the ones i don't need to get to the one i do.
[#483726] Written by: [29/04/2015, 19:04]
It's showing up like that because all the shows are being indexed from RARBG. This is no longer a
legitimate EZTV site and continued use will leave you open and vulnerable to the shit heads that
stole this. Don't believe the lies. EZTV is kill.
[#483824] Written by: GrillRotten [16/05/2015, 08:35]
I do not like the "new" Eztv .

it is idiotic that episodes now are downloaded in a folder along with unimportant files rather than only download the video file
- like it was before.

File names has also changed. Now the episodes are typically named "1006 " instead of "s10e06" - a naming-standard PLEX
and similar programs can decipher. the new filenames is not a good standard and must be made ??manually on before the
mediacenter programs can decipher them. Thats just stupid!

EZTV is not better than before. Is it the same people behind the site as before? It does not looke like it.
[#483871] Written by: fhan [22/05/2015, 09:27]
I cant seem to add new shows to my ''My Page"" am I missing something

Regards fhan
[#483892] Written by: kirkdgxp [25/05/2015, 16:27]
I have been using this site for years. And to be quite honest...it is the worst managed site in my
list of favorites. The daily show list is always wrong....over the past month it has been nothing
short of disappointing. I have produced sites in the past...and if you guys claim you are doing a
bang up job....then you are smoking way too much weed....There used to be twice as many uploads. Oh
and changing the background to black...hasn't worked for over a month...some BS message comes up
that the problem has been sent to our admins...Just what are they doing....FIX THIS F'ING SITE AND
[#483899] Written by: evil_cookiee [28/05/2015, 10:02]
Hi, would it be possible to bring back the dark theme? The normal theme hurts the eyes at night
[#483914] Written by: halcyonone [29/05/2015, 21:17]
I'm wondering where the link has gone that allows us to "Add to My Page"?

I love what is currently on the show pages, I would just like to see that link back. That link and
the my page are the reasons why I love eztv so much
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