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[#484164] Written by: echelonone [27/09/2015, 13:03]
What was the question again?
[#484165] Written by: jer_sey [27/09/2015, 22:48]
i have two,is there a way to make requests,also maybe a 10 second preview of a show?

love this site.

thank you for all you do....
[#484176] Written by: Shadfly [30/09/2015, 08:33]
i came to this page for this note as "what I would liked to see" is to change the background on my page as I can't
see the writing as it's the same as the background. Thanks! yes I tried to use the click on colors but it's still not
[#484179] Written by: mac68 [02/10/2015, 07:38]
An RSS feed would be nice
[#484201] Written by: NimrodAUS [09/10/2015, 22:13]
I tell you what, I'm not happy about these bullshit popup adds. Can't even browse the site on my iPhone without adds
popping up. Don't go down this road eztv Adds have just about ruined the Internet for me. It's taken a lot to not proper go
off about this.
[#484208] Written by: Ladyace [14/10/2015, 22:22]
Cant find where to post this anymore /sigh only 4 options on forum main page and none really apply
but any way u have listed Beauty and the Beast as ended but it has yet to show season 4

"On February 13, 2015, the series was renewed for a fourth season, ahead of the season three

Beauty and the Beast will come to an end after four seasons."

thats from wiki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beauty_%26_the_Beast_%282012_TV_series%29
[#484244] Written by: ozymandias69 [01/11/2015, 14:08]
I was overjoyed when I noticed that the EZTV website had returned.
Much much Kudos!
On a different note I wanted to make you aware (though I am sure that this is old news to you already).
The www.tvrage.com has disappeared, Yet your webpages for each TV series's information still include a dead link to

Keep up the good work!!
[#484252] Written by: beckham457 [08/11/2015, 14:05]
I totally agree. I don't know why companies waste money on these ads. I can shut down the pages before the ads
download so they don't get read.
In honesty I would rather pay a subscription to the original EZTV than put up with this crap.
[#484262] Written by: redback71 [13/11/2015, 18:09]
Dont know if its just me but it seems everytime I visit your site or click on the
links for tv shows I get directed to some malicious website. Would be nice if
this was fixed. Might have to find another provider.
[#484270] Written by: iceman1313 [19/11/2015, 07:42]
It would be nice to be able to download as I have tried over the last 4 days and I wait and wait and I
am still waiting. Nothing happens. I do not get an error message or an explanation. What is
[#484271] Written by: GrillRotten [19/11/2015, 11:58]
Oh no! - Not again ... What have you done to the filenames again??

it is idiotic that episodes now are downloaded in a folder along with unimportant files rather than only download the videofile.
Why would anybody want anything else?

File names has also changed (again!). Now the episodes are typically named "1006 " instead of "s10e06" - a naming-standard
PLEX and similar programs can decipher. The current filenaming is not a good standard and must be renamed manually before
the mediacenter programs can decipher them.

Thats just stupid!
[#484289] Written by: grader [30/11/2015, 00:19]
I am curious why I am getting all kinds of advertising like the one at the bottom of this
page. "Encrypt your connection with an anonymous IP to protect your privacy" also 'filmon' and
others that just appear.
Anyway hope all is resolved soon as I live way out in the country and you have the only tv I can get
[#484290] Written by: jyavenard [30/11/2015, 03:21]
What about starting with having a minimum service, like having the list of shows up to date?

When is the last time this got updated???

And what happened to the rss feed?

This site is getting more and more useless
[#484310] Written by: Tbling [10/12/2015, 21:52]
Are you going to be adding Chicago Med to the lineup of shows?
[#484331] Written by: [email protected] [26/12/2015, 17:25]
Yes when will the episodes of Chicago Med be available? I can see the series has been added but no episodes are posted
under it
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