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Written by: Curb71 [15/03/2007, 19:59] |
after 65 posts still no one has entered in a url (that works) of what to change the tracker to cause mine wont download. use hxxp instead of http or something. |
Written by: spetz [15/03/2007, 20:34] |
curb71 you must have missed the bt torrents is missing the ':' so hxxp:xxxx or get it from mininova [2] |
Written by: FvKey [15/03/2007, 22:01] |
thanks ventrue! it works! |
Written by: Autopenguin [15/03/2007, 23:51] |
for those having problems playing this one on a standalone player or network media player (it's a multi-part opendml file), there's an even easier solution that works perfectly. open the file in mpeg4modifier. you'll see it reported as having a packed bitstream. now, depending on what your standalone prefers: unpacked: tick "unpack" and save the file packed: do the above, then re-load the file into mpeg4modifier, tick "pack" and save it again. either way you'll see that the file grows in size by about 1mb. and the resulting file will play flawlessly and in perfect sync in standalones. |
Written by: doctorofsticky [16/03/2007, 02:08] |
all i get is 6 seconds of green screen in quicktime. answers? | |||||
Written by: doctorofsticky [16/03/2007, 02:12] |
sorry for the double post, but it turns out the mplayer can play it. i still don't understand the quicktime problem, though. |
Written by: cleobasset [16/03/2007, 02:39] |
many, many thanks ventrue! works wonderfully. i also wanted to try your solution autopenguin (for my education!)but the exe file i downloaded wouldn't work. there are some very interesting comments on the quality of uploads of this episode on other sites......all about the trade-off between speed and quality when upping new tv eps. first up is not necessarily best up. some of the quality cappers are very pissed off. |
Written by: Autopenguin [16/03/2007, 04:29] |
cleo, mpeg4modifier will only run if you have the microsoft .net 2.0 framework installed - you can get it via windows update or via other means. it's worth it - it's one very very handy piece of software for anyone who regularly downloads xvid files. in the case of this problem file, it fixes it in seconds without re-muxing or anything more than pressing a button ![]() oh, and the quality of this episode cap was excellent - it was just the avi format that caused (big!) problems for some people. |
Written by: Ventrue [16/03/2007, 08:56] |
thanks for the help autopenguin i am gonna try this in the future. my solution was found on a more trial and error method maybe this will worked better and easier for some releases. |
Written by: niepco [16/03/2007, 10:42] |
get proper release: lost.s03e12.proper.hdtv.xvid-2hd :-) | |||||
Written by: thebishop74 [16/03/2007, 10:49] |
rip quality seems excellent, but the encoding 'is' weird, played fine in xbmc, but won't play off my divx compatible dvd player, not a big deal for me, but sucks for the guys who can only use a stand alone player with a tv. when you check the file info in gspot, it shows a question mark in the video bit rate, never seen it do that before... |
Written by: rowshaz [16/03/2007, 12:12] |
can't download this one at all at all - i am a newbie, so am a bit stuck went for the larger file, taking a while.... |
Written by: losersurf [16/03/2007, 23:38] |
still dont understand why some torrents are specific to a particular client. i could only grab this with utorrent-bittornado errored out. what purpose does this serve? also, this avi doesnt play on my standalone...grrr.. |
Written by: thebishop74 [17/03/2007, 00:05] |
i'm not sure how many times it can be said, but the address for the tracker has a typo in it, some torrent clients will work better because they have dht or trackerless torrent downloading enabled, and combine those issues and you have the whole mess being complained about here. look at a typical www address, it's http://etcorwhateverorevenwww ![]() one link for this torrent has a typo in the tracker, it's missing the ':' from the address, go into your torrent properties and ad in that missing :, and all should be fine, with any torrent client. and no we can't type in the proper full address for the tracker, or any full address for that matter, because there is a filter in here that removes links and web addresses. finally, for crying out loud, try reading the whole comments thread before complaining about something that has been spelt out how to fix like 5 times already... |
Written by: Autopenguin [17/03/2007, 01:04] |
bishop, losersurf, as i mentioned above, standalones will play this one *perfectly* after a quick run through mpeg4modifier. a proper is not needed in this case. |