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[#16449] Written by: Metronome [14/02/2007, 07:29]
Quote by sidchromeau
oh, don't be a dickhead metronome. playing semantics
doesn't win you any
points. if anything, american english (wow, still called english!) is, if
anything, a de-volution of the language. the rest of the english-speaking
(we do exist outside of your country, you know) somehow manages to struggle
through and understand you, but you - and people like those to whom i
previously referred - just can't be bothered to make the effort to understand
us. how do you guys think? like this: 'hmm, interesting show, but it doesn't
sound like it was set in my town, so it can't be that good. i know - instead
making the effort to understand these [fellow english speakers] i'll just
demand to be spoon-fed'. people like you have caused the dumbing down of the
language, and western culture on the whole. lazy. then again, perhaps you
really do believe that 'please' is spelled 'peliz'.
how very american. guess what? if 'he' understood the accent, a little time
effort would have rendered subtitles pointless. of course trying harder makes
difference. it's part of learning. maybe then he - perhaps even you - would
learn that there is more to the world than just the us.

wow. this post is pure gold. lol. an endless rant on how i'm a lazy, useless,
dumb american responsible for dumbing down the language. rofl, that's just
gold... seeing how im norwegian you twat. man, what is the source of your
hatred? this unconditional hatred towards subtitle users for no apparent
reason baffles me.

i don't even use subtitles for any english show, i'm just standing up for
those who do. maybe it's the fact that i actually have a foreign perspective,
or because i'm used to subtitles from younger years, i'm just saying it as it
is; a tv show is supposed to be enjoyed watching, and having subtitles for
simplicity sometimes helps people. trying hard to learn and understand?
manners? what the *, it's a tv show for christ sake, it's not enjoyed by
focusing 100% to make out the words people are saying.
[#16473] Written by: SidChromeAU [14/02/2007, 09:41]
i wasn't referring to you specifically, moron-nome, but it is clear that you
are, in fact, a monumental dickhead. my 'rant' was that certain lazy americans
have contributed to the dumbing down of the language - if you want to include
yourself in that company, go ahead. why even involve yourself in the discussion
if it doesn't affect you. are you part of some obscure subtitles rights group?
i have no hatred - unconditional or otherwise - towards subtitles and their
users. i do, however, have contempt for lazy arseholes (thanks for proving that
norwegians, too, can be arseholes on a global scale). my initial point stands:
if you speak english as a first language, and have no physical impairment, you
shouldn't need subtitles. your taking umbrage at this is ludicrous.
[#16495] Written by: Metronome [14/02/2007, 12:31]
Quote by sidchromeau
i wasn't referring to you specifically

is that so? lol. seemed to me every single sentence of yours were directed at
me, sometimes with the extention "and people like you". i guess i have too bad
of an understanding of the language to understand you correctly then? aww, how

apart from the obvious fact that you generalize people like there's no
tomorrow, your malfunction is very simple; you actually view subtitle use to
counter tough accents as some sort of sin! having a view like that should
automatically pin you down as mentally disturbed to anyone unlucky enough to
waste time on your posts.
[#16513] Written by: uber.peri [14/02/2007, 15:01]
although i admit reading these ridiculous rants and arguments [which seem to
pop in at least one show a day] about the most obscure of subjects is the
rofls, it would be nice every once in a while to se some comments on the
quality of the file or perhaps even the show itself!

/end [i.e. don't use this to start a new argument ]
[#16527] Written by: True Heretic [14/02/2007, 17:32]
i admit to also reading the rants and tribulations of people on these posts,
whilst i rarely agree with most, i do understand mostly why they have these
opinions or feel so strongly on the subject. however, why an admin of this
great site feels the need to make a snide a quite frankly juvenile and
pathetic remark... yes that means you santabj, is beyond me.

i think this site is fantastic and i applaud all that work hard to keep it
running, but i must object to santabjs' comment about sid. if anyones comment
is ridiculous it is yours.

these people are just airing their opinions, as an admin you should not take
it personally, nor should you feel the need to step in, unless it is a comment
of such that deserves an immediate response.

i don't ask much of this site, but decorum from the admins at least would be
something i'd expect.
[#16538] Written by: Metronome [14/02/2007, 19:01]
what are you going on about th? when did he "step in"? all the guy did was
share his own opinion in the shortest and easiest way possible. any sane
person would agree with his opinion ( "any comment by sid is ridicilous" )and
leave it at that, feeling that it summed up this thread nicely, so why don't
[#16539] Written by: SidChromeAU [14/02/2007, 19:10]
the problem with this whole thread is that it has now gotten out of hand. all
opinions - no matter how ridiculous - are at least to an extent valid. the
difference is, moron-nome has taken my point very personally. moron - don't get
me wrong. you, specifically, are an imbecile. you've somehow turned a
discussion about the use of subtitles into a personal attack. this despite your
stating that you don't use them. what sort of half-wit are you? if this doesn't
concern you, other than stating a general opinion why involve yourself? my
<i>first</i> post didn't target you specifically, but if you are going to
involve youself you are fair game. my argument stands, add this to it: accents
are only hard to understand without familiarity. after a while (usually brief)
they can be followed. they may never be attractive to you, but they become
intelligible. all it takes is a little time and effort, and to demand subtitles
for these is purely ignorant.
santa: i'm assuming you are an american. re-read my posts - i've been careful
to point out that i am referring to specific americans, and a specific group of
americans. not all. the fact is, this group exists. what exacerbates the
problem is when others feel the need to defend them no matter what - in this
instance no matter whether they are wrong or not. this merely condemns you all.
this was never meant to be an attack on you all - try looking at this from a
broader perspective.
consider this: perhaps one of the reasons you are running out of friends, where
formally you had them, is your ignorance towards others. you aren't always
right, and your ways aren't always the best.
as this has degenerated into name-calling, i refuse to comment further.
[#16564] Written by: Nellynog [14/02/2007, 21:20]
many, many thanks from a grateful aussie for uploading the episodes so quickly.
i've been hanging out for series 2 of lom as soon as i downloaded and watched
all of series 1 last year. i just loved it! series 1 hasn't even been shown here
in australia yet and i don't know when it will!

[#16585] Written by: FidoFuz [14/02/2007, 22:08]
Quote by sidchromeau
it's a superb show - regardless of it's origin. the first
season is still out
there - do yourself a favour and track it down. frankly, i feel that the
english do this much better than the americans, who don't seem to understand
subtlety. i'm not looking forward to the us version of this (and won't be
watching). us remakes almost always just simplify and cheapen the concepts. us
producers have bigger budgets, not necessarily better product - flashier
doesn't always mean better.
i recall someone here asking for subtitles for torchwood, because english
wasn't their first language - which was fine - then an american doing the same
because british accents were too hard to understand. aside from a lack of
geography (the accents in torchwood were mainly welsh), this demonstrated a
lack of manners - the english invented the language, make the effort to follow
their accents. i find most english accents easier to follow - or generally
more pleasant - than some us accents. boston, anyone?
and no, i'm not english - just a little more open-minded.

i agree with a lot of what you say here, but you're being a bit hard on the
americans, flashier doesn't always mean better, but it doesn't always mean
worse either. the us has made some fantastic high quality sci-fi which have
not been overshadowed or "cheapened" by big budgets. it must be said though
that remakes tend to never quite match the originals, although any remake at
all of torchwood would have to be an improvement on a pretty bad show
(although for some reason i've watched em all).

your assertion of a lack of manners in relation to torchwood being welsh is
kind of ironic since you constantly refer to the "english" when this series is
a "british" series, funded by the british taxpayers. as a scot i'm always a
bit touchy about this and see it as bad manners when people refer to
an "english" series which i helped fund with my licence fee.
[#16608] Written by: alsys [14/02/2007, 23:19]
hdtv version???
[#16610] Written by: SidChromeAU [14/02/2007, 23:30]
fidofuz: you've raised legitimate concerns, and i've no problem adressing
these. firstly, you're right, by using 'english' i have generalised a little.
as general rule, i would have used 'british', but over the course of the summer
here i've had to use 'english' a lot in relation to the cricket - rather
than 'british'. as a consequence, i've sort of 'trained' myself to use that
term. i take your point, and apologise for the oversight on my part. i can
differentiate between the various parts of the uk - i just made an unfortunate
generalisation. sorry mate.
secondly, with regard to the quality of us shows: i do make the point in a
follow up comment that "i love certain us programmes, and they are very well
done, but there are some things yanks suck at, and this sort of show is the
perfect example." i stand by that. your sci-fi example is a very good one.
budget helps enormously with many of these programmes, and us resources enable
them to make some great shows. lom really doesn't need a huge effects budget,
and i fell that the british and some other countries have adapted well to lower
budgets - 'less is more' often works really well for you/us. i genuinely think
that it's partly a cultural thing. americans seem to be enamoured with the
flashy, and often with the simple - everything has to wrapped up in 40 minutes,
or it's no good. a generalisation, again, but it does seem to be a prevalent
factor. the uk produces excellent dramas because of greater patience. when the
us remakes many of the shows, they tend to cut a lot of the subtlety out.
in short: each nation has it's strong suits. i just don't think that shows like
lom will ever be the us's. that's not an overall indictment of the entire
country, just an observation of cultural differences.
[#16758] Written by: TightGrip [15/02/2007, 14:57]
you guys are having a philosophical debate on a torrent website - that's funny!

twats! (the pair of you)

think i'll call you plato and aristotle - that's funny!

thanks for the cap eztv. excellent show.

you guys are still twats btw!
[#16766] Written by: FidoFuz [15/02/2007, 15:55]
Quote by tightgrip
you guys are having a philosophical debate on a torrent
website - that's funny!

twats! (the pair of you)

think i'll call you plato and aristotle - that's funny!

thanks for the cap eztv. excellent show.

you guys are still twats btw!

wow the perfect argument for contraception. philosophical? i think you had
better have a look in your dictionary and understand the meaning of words
before you start using them and looking like a fool. i simply responded to a
post i half agreed with and half didn't what's philosophical about that. you
just responded like a 5 year old to both the posts so why bother? i suppose i
should take my own advice and not even dignify your juvenile rantings with a
response, but hey, it's a slow day.
[#21324] Written by: dimondave [09/03/2007, 00:47]
i just finished watching the first season, what a show, love it.
downloading new season now. thanks again
[#44526] Written by: monkeybrain [08/07/2007, 18:46]
these 700mb files won't play on most people's tv's.
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