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[#166310] Written by: odiumplus2 [07/09/2011, 20:43]
if it aint broke dont fix it !! the current website is perfectly fine, it is how the website
operates not how it looks that is important
[#166433] Written by: blumoz [09/09/2011, 18:19]
yes it is about time we need clean inrface and easy to use at the same time, and it should still look web
[#166482] Written by: tatsudoshi [10/09/2011, 10:46]
good to see some progress is occurring.
for, i hope, the smallest task ever, please add magnet urls to "my page > main". and for the ones who
use eztv as i do, it will lessen pages loaded and thus load on eztv servers.

gl & hf with the new codebase

ps. when the new template system is roled out, please transfer the current style of eztv so i don't have to
learn a new design. i like it as it is.
[#166495] Written by: mauser [10/09/2011, 18:26]
currently on some pages, you can hover over an episode title and get a "tool text" that shows the
file size, like in the show's page. but in my pages, you don't get this. it's helpful in figuring
out which version of a torrent to download.

also, please get away from using only udp trackers that are all on port 80. it gives the isp's
one-stop-shopping for blocking bittorrent traffic.
[#166761] Written by: samanaonline [14/09/2011, 10:15]
i realy like current style. anyhow it would be great if visited link color change to something more
different than not visited link. and it would be great if we can tik our favorite shows and
automatically mail us about new episodes and countdown and changing show schedule.
sorry for my poor english.
[#166928] Written by: tripnator [16/09/2011, 07:23]
is there a way you could make an app that has the tv calender on it so that users know what time is
out and when because i used this feature alot!

[#167232] Written by: doc1956 [20/09/2011, 07:48]
if it is not broke dont fix it
[#167408] Written by: Pinned [24/09/2011, 01:52]
Quote by dexluther
Quote by huskydog
i really miss the show ratings that members were able to give. it was a
great way to
pick up what
might be a good show to watch. could we please reactivate this option?

i think the problem was the feature was abused/people just don't know how to rate things. it's
always either love or hate. there's never any "well the production value and story were well
written, but it just wasn't my cup of tea" type ratings or "i didn't like the show, but so and so
acted his part really well."

it's always either 10's or 1's, and some people down rate it just for the fact that it's a popular
show and they deem it 'overrated' even though they've never even seen it. i'm sure some of those
people actually do watch the show in secret.

how about embracing the actions of the users? if people are polar and the results your getting are based
on popularity call it what it is. call it popularity instead of show rating. forget the 1-10 show rating, make
it a reddit style up or down vote.

also is the new page going to have similar front end html? if it is i'd like to play with the css a bit and see
what i can come up with. if the html is going to be completely different i don't know where to begin.
[#167412] Written by: MrTorrent [24/09/2011, 02:35]
i read an article on torrentfreak that the new website is almost done.
any news on the eztv developers api ?
[#167470] Written by: DogStar2000 [24/09/2011, 16:49]
from torrentfreak...

the upcoming iteration of the site will also have a revamped forum, improved usability, more
detailed show information and an updated tv news system.

sounds good to me! i can't wait. :d
[#167525] Written by: blitzr [25/09/2011, 08:28]
novaking is a idiot he can go fuck a tree.
[#167533] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [25/09/2011, 08:40]
Quote by blitzr
novaking is a idiot he can go fuck a tree.


novaking is an idiot. he can go fuck a tree.

mind you, this can be quite a tough task, but i'm always up for a challange!
[#167651] Written by: xlaugh16 [26/09/2011, 17:44]
not sure if this has been mentioned before, but the one thing i've really wanted is being able to go back
more pages to previous torrents. i'm not sure if i'm the only one who has this issues, but if i click the
previous button it just loads the same page. and there are times when i don't watch a show for a while, so
i don't visit the site, but then when i do something catches my eye and i want to go back to download
previous episodes or whatnot and bam, doesn't work.
[#167657] Written by: smokealot [26/09/2011, 19:52]
why not change the name of website and the style..

and can i ask why' this torrent just downloads tv'show why not make it tv'shows and movies and pc games

it would be great and everyone would like tht.

[#167660] Written by: champers75 [26/09/2011, 21:34]
hi there, i've been getting my series that love watching from here, there is a new sci fi series starting
26th september 2011 and wondering if eztv is going to be putting it on here. it is called terra nova. i
live in australia and all the shows we watch come out about a week or two later than everywhere else.
so i hope that you guys can start putting terra nova on here as i trust eztv and not hardly any other

thanks and keep up the good work with getting the series that we love on here.
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