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[#164202] Written by: analouisa [29/07/2011, 09:30]
why the change, i mean it works for everybody i would suggest only to get another collor and then
add for mobile use and whatever else
[#164221] Written by: Dick1Clark [29/07/2011, 23:21]
i agree; the site works who cares about graphic or even cool logos. love it the way it is just
concentrate on the content. thx for all your work keep it up!
[#164342] Written by: haavardm [01/08/2011, 04:25]
have you thought about adding a flattr (flattr.com) button to ezrss?
[#164421] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [02/08/2011, 03:08]
Quote by haavardm
have you thought about adding a flattr (flattr.com) button to ezrss?

we don't accept any forms of income, so no, we don't plan to add flattr
[#164454] Written by: krismon14 [02/08/2011, 16:54]
welcome to open bittorrent tracker project called sawtooth.

our server is hosted since 31.07.2011. our tracker is not a script but it is written i c++ what gives much
more performance then php. we want make this tracker to become more popular among people who
often use bittorrent protocol.

goto tracker id to check our tracker adresses and our tracker statistics.
our team spend ages to write this tracker.

advantages of our tracker :

*very stable connection.
*very stable machine.
*very stable software.
*server is running 24/7.
*there is no need to register.
*this tracker is completly free!
*running on dedicated machine.


ip addresses = http://sawtooth.zapto.org:8080/announce and

12000 peers in two days guys!
[#164458] Written by: SoulJah [02/08/2011, 18:24]

a cool thing to do would be to add a minimum share ratio, that way everyone would seed more and
downloads would be faster. for example if you go below a 0.5 ratio you get warned and if you dont
correct it within a certain amount of time or go even lower you would get banned...
to make it easier to maintain a good ratio you could make somekind of bonus point system that one
could trade for upload credit. for example: 1h uploading (even if no one downloads) would get you 1
point credit) 50 points of credit could "buy" you 1gb upload....

got the idea from www.scenetime.com a really awesome site.
dont ask me how exactly it works....

other than that your site is great i wouldnt change anything in the design....

[#164532] Written by: dmhcirteid [04/08/2011, 13:05]
one more thing...perhaps, add more shows that aren't currently listed, or at least links to resources where
they can be found. prime example: discovery / history / natgeo series (ancient aliens, or modern
marvels or whatever). i know mvgroup has a lot, but rarely the series.

[#164704] Written by: guitaryf [09/08/2011, 23:13]
[#164831] Written by: phoenix2000 [12/08/2011, 21:40]
personally i love and had used your site for a year or more. although i no longer use torrents, i
still use it to find out tv show statuses. i believe what people are trying to say is content is
king and i agree. site looks fine. unfortunately i have not downloaded using your site for around a
year as i have moved to fileserve/filesonic. yes they are paid services ($10/mo each, big woop), but
with all the isp throttling and the fact that torrents were interfering with my sons wow games, i
will never look back. i can now download a 700 meg movie in 5 minutes consistently. isps can't
throttle port 80 downloads as easily. with p2p apps being taken down, you may want to look at adding
fileserve, filesonic, rapidshare, megaupoad, etc. links to tv series.
[#164869] Written by: sphillips [14/08/2011, 00:47]
i got to say eztv is awesome, it works great the look is great yet simple, i love as it is, but uve all done a
good job so far, so im sure it can be even better.
i like u point out, simplicity, and i hope it keeps being add free, as opposed to a bunch of torrents
releated sites, bunch of flash things all around and it takes a bunch of clicks to get where u want
ohh yaa and its open, no invites needed, amazing !
[#165191] Written by: geovolvoman [21/08/2011, 09:47]
firstly, i must say this site is awesome, i think i've only had to re-download one file due to a bad
upload, considering what i've downloaded here, that's pretty good (somewhere around 99.9%
accurate). i absolutely love the my page feature.

one small request on the my page though - i know it would mean additional database work, but if we
could have a seperate "downloaded show" function that works the same as the "watched show" but
seperate. i currently use watched show to track what i've downloaded, it would be really useful to be
able to track where i'm at with watching too. this could also contain functionality to automatically
update when you download a torrent.

another request - sometimes for some reason, an episode is missed by the uploaders ( fair enough,
they work hard and i appreciate what they do, so i'm not complaining about that ), it would be nice to
have an entry for that episode that says episode missing or something, this would give uploaders &
reseeders a kind of "to do list", it would also prompt users to go find it elsewhere.

finally, i'd like to suggest a way to filter the download type, ie xvid or x264, or perhaps hd & sd,
something to present a list of only the filesize you want. this could lead to download all feature for "my

nevertheless, its still an awesome site as it is and i recommend to all my friends.
[#165608] Written by: jsnake89 [30/08/2011, 16:38]
i love being able to come here and get my shows that i watch

a suggestion would be that what if under my page, there was a just added tab or new episode tab.

my reasoning is i cant always remember what episode i have seen and not and what show has a new
episode or not.
[#165624] Written by: Remlaps [31/08/2011, 01:18]

i've only created this profile to be able to say that while i enjoy the awesome job you guys

i figure it would be great if you guys could use "day" information such as you use date information,
and i mean day of the week. monday, tuesday, wednesday...

i'm not aware of how incompatible or difficult that would be, but i think it's benificial, and
possibly quite simple.

[#165628] Written by: evil0n3 [31/08/2011, 01:59]
wtf eztv.it,be4 you where the number one!!!the 1, 2 put on a series,like world series of poker
2011,and now your like 1 day behind or like wsop,not even on eztv,and you see what will be aired
today,and than nothing!!!very very very bad...sry guys...but you sux monekys balls
[#165823] Written by: ceehat [03/09/2011, 08:24]
is there anywhere to see what people have proposed for the new design? i'd love to give the redesign
a shot, but i'd rather see if it's worth it or not. i.e if someone has already designed up something
nice then there is no need.
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