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   Day Break *Cancelled*



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cubfan Posted at 16/12/2006, 21:10
Quote by sven123
yeey!! this show sucked never finshided w8ing the first ep lol

gatefan Posted at 17/12/2006, 01:53
i do know all about that. but that fool is blaming abc for cancelling the shows
when it is in fact because people aren't watching it. so lemme rephrase my
comment - people with nielsen boxes - watch the shows to stop little cry babies
like these bitching!
sphoo Posted at 17/12/2006, 05:13
i really hate the way shows get cancelled so easily in the us, it so rarely
happens in the uk and in this case i really can't understand why.

they have spent money making this show and there are episodes they have made but
not yet shown. in the time between now and lost coming back they will replace
this new material with repeats of an average show. that to me is just putting
salt in the wound, sort of a "fuck you" to any daybreak fans (of which there are
a lot!) because they're just wasting the timeslot now instead of letting the
show end with any dignity.

oh, and i agree with that guys comment, it does make you think twice about
watching new shows knowing theres a good chance it won't stay on the air.
unfortunately that also then gives the new shows even less chance of staying on
air because we're not watching it because it might get cancelled. the system is
insane it really is.

maybe the networks should think more about new shows and have less of them. if
they have less shows but have spent the time making sure they're going to be
good maybe the viewing figures will be higher. publicity can then be more
concentrated rather than what appears at the moment to be a bombardment of
random publicity for so many new shows all at once.
josh Posted at 17/12/2006, 08:01
Quote by krypto
i'm not sure if gatefan realizes this... and i know for a fact
that a lot of you
make statements that confirm you don't understand either.. so....

simply watching a show does absolutely nothing for its ratings.. it does not
help decide whether a show gets cancelled or not...
you specifically have to be a selected nielsen household, and have a nielsen
media ratings box hooked up to your cable...
that, and the survey's they send out during sweeps are the only way you
can have an effect on shows.

so stop babbling incoherently about how everyone should watch a show to keep it
on the air... it doesn't work that way !!..


and i do watch the show, why else would i be b!tching about it being canceled?
maybe the networks should think more about new shows and have less of
them. if
they have less shows but have spent the time making sure they're going to be
good maybe the viewing figures will be higher. publicity can then be more
concentrated rather than what appears at the moment to be a bombardment of
random publicity for so many new shows all at once.

i fully agree.
jonkdc Posted at 17/12/2006, 10:57
so, will someone be capping and posting the streamed eps for those of us
outside the country? i'd like to see how this ends...
rodlost Posted at 17/12/2006, 16:40
this fact shows a long distance between nbc and abc. national broadcast is a
major network (number one for decades). abc is just a disney toy, or a way to
increase business profits.

seinfeld was worse than day break is now, for entire two seasons!!!!! but nbc
people realize \"that is a good show, lets go on\". the results all of you

30 rock have bad ratings. but they decide to bet on that, because (they)
realize is a good show.

abc is scared. lost and desperates housewifes, lead network to the top, but
they dont know how to act or manage, when in the top, they never been there.
3rd season of lost begin with 6 episodes, all them stay behind criminal minds.

slot change, series earlier cancellation, rerun of average series in timeslot,
all these are symptoms of depression. abc dream to be the first usa network.

but the reality is different and disney finds it difficult to accept and
understand this fact, so they shot whatever directions the wind blows.

it is a shame. i like day break, i hope can watch all 13 episodes.
argrow Posted at 17/12/2006, 20:37
i don't think that's really fair to abc. nbc is rebuilding its thursday comedy
night, hence keeping 30 rock. plus, nbc was an embarrassing 4th last season, and
it is trying to regain its audience one show at a time. plus 30 rock is a
critically acclaimed show. nbc didn't really showed much patience with kidnapped
or 20 good years though, especially the horrifically bad 20 good years.

abc, though, is doing better, due to grey's, housewives. plus, daybreak was
doping such a bad job especially after all the promos they put out. not helping
too is that daybreak is a pathetically crappy show, panned universally by critics.

and we have to remember that when their show's rating don't do as promised, the
channel has to compensate the company through airing their ad for free at other
time slot. i think abc felt that the comedies will get better ratings than daybreak.

at least both stations are trying, unlike fox who are just waiting for idol and
24 to return and cbs for giving us the same shows over and over again.
digilaw Posted at 18/12/2006, 00:55
abc said they would air all the 12/13 eps of daybreak in the lost hiatus slot
(i'm looking for the press release i read but can't find it). its the only
reason i started downloading it. otherwise i wouldn't have bothered as a "hiatus
filler" screams "not going to be good". but i am getting kind of tired of the
reality and shows-that-go-nowhere genre (i am not saying i'm not watching the
old ones, just that i am kind of burnt on new additions to the genre). so
reading about a show that would be "lost-like" but will finish and tie up lose
ends was very attractive. then abc goes and brekas their stated intention and
can't even show the remaing, like, 7 epsiodes?! i mean, seriously, just to give
their customers some sense that they will live up to their word should be enough
reason to finish the series off. i can't believe they will make more money on
ads for re-runs of jim than daybreak. is a monkey running programming for that
froggy2k Posted at 18/12/2006, 01:12
the idea behind daybreak was basically good -- 1993's "12:01" with a similar
idea was one of the best of the made for tv movies -- but daybreak quickly
turned into another cop show, with the sf/fantasy element nearly forgotten. i
got bored with it.... i hate it when networks dump a good series like firefly
or nowhere man or odyssey 5 before the show has a chance to find its audience,
but daybreak wasn't in that category. abc was never going to get any more
viewers than they already had, because, imo, there was just nothing original
about the show from start to finish.
digilaw Posted at 18/12/2006, 02:12
i would disagree with you vehemently but, reading the shows you list, from your
perspective i can see what you mean. you are looking for hard sci-fi (seriously,
odyssey 5?!). this show was never ment to be hard sci-fi. the sci-fi was thrown
in there the exact same way lost does it. as a way to allow the audience to
suspend their disbelief, but then never dwell on it so as not to spook the
mind-dead portion of the masses with too much pseudo-science.

so, on that level, i agree. i too would like more real big production sci-fi on
non-cable but its never going to happen unless paramount gets their heads out of
their assess and gives us a new trek series. this is beacuse as, santabj said,
nielson is just plain moronic. it gives the power of programming to those
mind-dead massess. the people who want hard sci-fi never get nielson boxes.
chezhian Posted at 18/12/2006, 05:07
daybreak cancelled........good news !!!
Shatterpulse Posted at 18/12/2006, 22:52
why does everyone care. if you download the episodes here, it obviously doesn't
matter if they air or not, since you dont watch them live. you can just watch
them online. and they might post all the remaining eps at the same time, which
would make it so you don't have to wait a week to see a new one.
millahnna Posted at 19/12/2006, 03:47
i'm hoping that the person who put the kidnapped episodes online for out of u.s.
viewers to watch will do the same for daybreak. i guess i should send him and
email and ask if he plans to.

edit: i forogt aobut not being able to post urls in threads here. d'oh! in
the twop kidnapped thread the link is posted and if anyone else would like to
ask this guy if he is interested in doing the same for daybreak as he did for
kidnapped, his email is is on his page. someone also posted kidnapped to
youtube at one point (not sure if they are still there with the google buyout
and all) so that might be a viable option for non-u.s. viewers.
rcurnutt Posted at 19/12/2006, 06:18
Quote by shatterpulse
why does everyone care. if you download the episodes here,
it obviously doesn't
matter if they air or not, since you dont watch them live. you can just watch
them online. and they might post all the remaining eps at the same time, which
would make it so you don't have to wait a week to see a new one.

the problem is that abc blocks out of us ip addresses so you cannot watch
episodes on line if you live outside the us.

jyrinx Posted at 20/12/2006, 01:00
i'm a bit confused - i thought day break was only supposed to run for 13
episodes anyway? (it's not cool though - poor adam baldwin can't get a break ...)

oh, and people should quit complaining about abc ... lost was a pretty wonky
concept, but they ran with it and won big. now, fox - there's a network that
can't keep a good show. firefly (evidently good enough to break even as a
movie), family guy (evidently good enough to un-cancel twice), arrested
development (they really ought to keep a few cult shows alive just to keep a fan
base alive), etc., etc. that house squeaked by its weak early showings to
survive for the long term is nothing short of miraculous, and 24 is still on
because, despite being *good*, it's still fox's bread-and-butter explosions and
terrorists and escapist action.

and jeez, day break's ratings were *horrendous.* i think they advertised it
wrong - it's actually a rather brainy show (in the 24 brain candy sense), but it
just looked stupid. so lost fans who wanted something more to chew on didn't
watch because the show seemed dumb, and people who like dumb television and
watched didn't found a show that's confusing and, if the premise and structure
don't grab you, is really rather unremarkable.

(that, and the black cast. irritating fact though it may be, it should probably
have run on upn ... it's not a matter of racism exactly; people get more
interested in shows about people they relate to, in superficial ways and otherwise.)

oh, and the nine sucked. that's why it was canceled. it sucked. (the premise
just didn't work. people get hooked by the unanswered questions of lost because
we're in it with the characters - we don't know what the hell is going on, and
neither do they. in the nine, they all knew, and the only dramatic revelations
were *us* finding out. i found myself just not caring enough. btw, something
similar about heroes has been bothering me, only now we're sitting there
wondering when *they'll* find out what *we* know. seems like that's recently
changed, and i hope so. dramatic irony only goes so far.)
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