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[#84854] Written by: Funny Man [21/03/2008, 08:58]
ok, funny man will stop,

admin : thanks. the rest of it was not necessary. and people cannot
be prevented from posting in specific thready in this versions. if in future it
will be is written in the stars. i will make sure things do not escalate here
between you two and you do me the favor of not going to provoking in other
threads. thanks.
[#84857] Written by: Blackstar [21/03/2008, 09:18]
well to review the review:
the good points; relatively timely, only one major linguistic screwup,
its 'protagonist'not 'procrastinator', though i'm willing to let that slide as
it may have been intended to be ironic(hey anything's possible), only one use
of the word 'noob'. all to the good.
the bad; not paying attention to the details of the plot, it's established
that mercer killed his aunt and uncle because they abused his sister so saying
there was 'no good reason' is sloppy at best. secondly, the inspiration
clearly isn't bond, 'la femme nikita', is a much more likely source,
or 'dangerman' or 'man in a suitcase' depending on the age of the shows
producers. we won't go into the overblown hyperbole such as calling the
show 'disgaraceful', as that's more a matter of taste.
to sum up: an improvement but still no more than 4/10
[#84865] Written by: Funny Man [21/03/2008, 10:12]
Quote by blackstar
well to review the review:
the good points; relatively timely, only one major linguistic screwup,
its 'protagonist'not 'procrastinator', though i'm willing to let that slide as
it may have been intended to be ironic(hey anything's possible), only one use
of the word 'noob'. all to the good.
the bad; not paying attention to the details of the plot, it's established
that mercer killed his aunt and uncle because they abused his sister so saying
there was 'no good reason' is sloppy at best. secondly, the inspiration
clearly isn't bond, 'la femme nikita', is a much more likely source,
or 'dangerman' or 'man in a suitcase' depending on the age of the shows
producers. we won't go into the overblown hyperbole such as calling the
show 'disgaraceful', as that's more a matter of taste.
to sum up: an improvement but still no more than 4/10

right back atcha pal!
funny man review of blackstar's review of funny man's review.

blackstar notes that funny man was using irony by using the word
"procrastinator", yet dubs this a "major linguistic screwup", how does that
work? granted, funny man must have been asleep when the aunt / uncle thing was
being explained, but he'll leave the details of the review as they are. this is
a stupid show anyway... well funny man stands by the james bond ripoff subject,
as it clearly is a bond lift. funny man never called this show "disgaraceful"
(sic), if you were paying attention you would have noticed that it was top gear
that funny man was referring to, and by the way he said it was "disgraceful".

2/10 rubbish review of another great funny man review of another garbage show.
[#84927] Written by: Funny Man [21/03/2008, 19:07]
the funny man has realized that he is a noob,

so please delete this thread asap

much love to all the funny man fans

[#84928] Written by: sCifI3001 [21/03/2008, 19:17]
Quote by funny man
the funny man has realized that he is a noob,

so please delete this thread asap

much love to all the funny man fans


yeah baby

cya n00b
[#84933] Written by: Spareaker [21/03/2008, 19:40]
but, wait...

aww, he's gone.

however, in the end, he can take this with him:
funny man finally earned the "s," at the end of all his posts.

much love back, funny man.
and thank you for a classic "funny man" final few keystrokes - a perfect exit.

an ellipsis...

...with five dots.
[#84946] Written by: Funny Man [21/03/2008, 21:15]
die fuckface die

i said goodbye, now leave it alone
[#84947] Written by: Funny Man [21/03/2008, 21:16]
Quote by funny man
die fuckface die

i said goodbye, now leave it alone

[#84959] Written by: Funny Man [22/03/2008, 00:02]
attention funny man fans and noobs alike. this alleged "funny man" who claims
to be retiring and using total noob insults is nothing more than an imposter
trying to ruin funny man's golden and respected reputation. but don't worry
fans, funny man is nobody's fool. this "imposter man" will be taken out quite
soon. whether it's the trusty admins blocking and destroying his account or
whether it's funny man hacking into his damn imposter computer and making shit
of it, funny man assures you - this noob's goose is cooked one way or the other!

much love to all the funny man fans.
[#84964] Written by: Funny Man [22/03/2008, 00:19]
Quote by funny man
attention funny man fans and noobs alike. this alleged "funny
man" who claims
to be retiring and using total noob insults is nothing more than an imposter
trying to ruin funny man's golden and respected reputation. but don't worry
fans, funny man is nobody's fool. this "imposter man" will be taken out quite
soon. whether it's the trusty admins blocking and destroying his account or
whether it's funny man hacking into his damn imposter computer and making shit
of it, funny man assures you - this noob's goose is cooked one way or the other!

much love to all the funny man fans.

Quote by funny man
die fuckface die

i said goodbye, no leave it alone

attention real funny man fans,

i am the real funny man, i have had enough and wish my thread deleted.

this fake is trying to stop the graceful exit of the funny man and it needs to
be stopped.

please admins, do as the funny man asks, and delete this thread as the funny man
no longer wishes to share his wisdom with the unbelievers and has moved on to a
better place with true fans that love my eloquent words of wisdom

much love to all the real funny man fans.


[#84980] Written by: Soul Electronique [22/03/2008, 02:33]
funny man

sad things didnt workout for you here.

my suggestion is get a hosting account with cpoanel and fantastico, register a
domain and install a funny man movie tv review blog and forums. it's little
bit of a learning curve but it should be fun e.

[#85006] Written by: sCifI3001 [22/03/2008, 06:36]
Quote by numaris
aydin even i dont think this is fair on the real funny man...

and you know we dont exactly love each other...

whatever your supremeness decides to do to fix the problem.... can it be soon
as possible as this is somewhat appalling... even from my point of view

even the funny man would find this concern quite disturbing

much love to numaris, the biggest funny man fan
[#85012] Written by: Funny Man [22/03/2008, 06:54]
Quote by aydin1954
we are looking in the the double identity problem...

funny man is impressed as always with the speed and diligence of the most
tolerant aydin.

funny man is sure you will out the culprit "imposter" and follow the funny man's
wish in deleting my thread since these noobs have proven unworthy of the funny
man's hard work.

much love to all the funny man fans who now receive reviews via pm
[#85017] Written by: Funny Man [22/03/2008, 07:37]
Quote by numaris
stop it you freak before i tell aydin who you are

numaris, funny man thanks you for your support on this, maybe you're not 100%
noob afterall. let's hope it doesn't take too long to remove this imposter man
so the bloodbath known as the funny man show reviews thread can resume where it
left off. btw funny man would be interested in the real identity of imposter
man so he can unleash hell on this jerk.

to imposter man - noob, just read through the old funny man posts before trying
to mimic funny man. funny man lives his life for his work, why would he be
requesting that his thread be deleted?

to all the funny man fans - thank you for your support and kind pm's, funny man
trusts that this mess will be fixed soon, either that or else funny man's angry
uncle, destructive man will make his long-awaited arrival.

[#85018] Written by: Funny Man [22/03/2008, 07:41]
Quote by funny man
Quote by numaris
stop it you freak before i tell aydin who you

numaris, funny man thanks you for your support on this, maybe you're not 100%
noob afterall. let's hope it doesn't take too long to remove this imposter man
so the bloodbath known as the funny man show reviews thread can resume where it
left off. btw funny man would be interested in the real identity of imposter
man so he can unleash hell on this jerk.

to imposter man - noob, just read through the old funny man posts before trying
to mimic funny man. funny man lives his life for his work, why would he be
requesting that his thread be deleted you schmuck?

to all the funny man fans - thank you for your support and kind pm's, funny man
trusts that this mess will be fixed soon, either that or else funny man's angry
uncle, destructive man will make his long-awaited arrival.

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