Written by: 12916studios [21/12/2007, 13:23]
i must say, every time i see the title of this thread i think of the "it" as two
separate letters, which then throws me off on a tangent of i.t. work, and
computers, and how i really love the show "the it crowd". and also how bloody
brilliant british tv is.
'tis true. and it happens every damn time.
Written by: aussiemadmum [21/12/2007, 17:18]
sorry everyone. i think that i was responsible for the breakdown yesterday.
you see, i asked someone their birthday via pm the other day, and i think the
system mustn't have liked it, and shit itself in response
Written by: aussiemadmum [26/12/2007, 07:35]
imzadi, is that link for sg1 for real? did you get it? is it the whole movie?
tell me, tell me, tell me!!!! mind you,
Written by: aussiemadmum [27/12/2007, 09:58]
thanks for that, imzadi. i will probably get it when we get home.
i have just finished an amazing, yet very scary autobiography called escape,
about a woman who lived in a polygamist cult in utah/arizona. it truly amazes
me that anyone, let alone people living in an advanced society like america,
could actually believe in these fanatical religions. i am all for each to his
own, and people are entitled to believe in whatever religion they see fit, but
seriously. some of these religious leaders need their heads read. and i just
don't get blind faith?? it astounds me that people in these communities
don't/can't think for themselves.
Written by: Ven [31/12/2007, 09:25]
happy new year!
just thought id try and get one in before imzadi.
Written by: aussiemadmum [31/12/2007, 18:26]
happy new year guys! lets hope this year is bigger and better for all of us!!
ps. imzadi, ark is coming down, slowly but surely. i only got home yesterday,
so i hope to watch it soon. woo hoo.
Written by: aussiemadmum [02/01/2008, 10:10]
backtracking a bit, but it looks like i would really enjoy a d&m with santa and
dmfaust. your views on religion and the like are very interesting.
i was brought up with the catholic religion. i believe, because i was brought
up to (call it blind faith if you will), but i have many questions. however, i
have not been a practising catholic for many years.
personally, the point that has always found confusing was one that santa
brought up. i was taught that it was said in the bible that god said something
to the effect of 'pray in groups of three or more, and i will be there'. but
then they also say to pray to god for guidance, before you go to bed, etc.
this is a contradiction in itself.
also, look at all the wars throughout history. most of them are under the
guise of religion. for god's sake (pardon the pun), the crusades was a holy
war. but then people condemn the islamic religion for doing the same. very
hypocritical. and very shortsighted.
don't misunderstand me. i believe them all to be wrong.
as to the cults, that is simply astounding. the way they are able to
manipulate others into believing what they do is truly confusing. are all
these people so feeble minded that they believe whatever they are fed??? do
they really have no cognitive thinking to evaluate the entire situation? how
do they live such segregated lives?
santa, what do you mean by your statement about separating faith and religion?
Written by: aussiemadmum [03/01/2008, 10:23]
i just finished watching s01 of dexter. wow. i really enjoyed it, but i
definately think i will watch a season of something a bit lighter before i go
on to s02.
Written by: yeahyeah [03/01/2008, 15:25]
i have to get this off my mind,........ i love hacking the plannet, and this is my
latest "find" .....09-f9-11-02-9d-74-e3-5b-d8-41-56-c5-63-56-88-c0
if you don't know, this is the "key" to decrypt all of the new hd dvd's.
that feels better... knowledge is firepower.
Written by: aussiemadmum [03/01/2008, 19:13]
you have me intrigued. please explain.
Written by: aussiemadmum [04/01/2008, 08:38]
Quote by imzadi
hows the hols' mum... the kids driven you batty yet?
my gf's kids have sent her into a permanent *that time of the month*
state, lol
she's scary at the mo'
have to keep my distance
no, i'm quite sane at the moment. most of that probably has a lot to do with
the fact that we left our 7 yo in sa with my mum. so the place has been
peaceful. but ask me again after the 10th, when she gets back. chances are by
the 11th, i'll be wanting to send one of them off again!!!
i love them all dearly, but the 7 & 10 yo fight like cat and dog. problem is,
they're teaching the 2yo how to behave, or should i say, not to behave.
Written by: aussiemadmum [04/01/2008, 18:35]
yes, that's what i found most appauling. in the book that i read, it detailed
how men (as opposed to families, because men were the all knowing and women
just glorified servants....what bullshit) married off their teenage daughters
to 60 yo men higher in the 'organisational heirarchy' so as to better their own
position, both in the eyes of the community and in god.
but as mazette pointed out, it is really sad that these followers continue
along this path because of their need to feel special and accepted.
Written by: Ven [04/01/2008, 23:59]
from the funny man reviews thread
[#73699] written by: dmfaust [jan 04 12:01 2008]
i tampered with history once. i wound up uninventing the pants. when i got back
to the present it felt like the time i got locked in the bathroom at a gay bar
all over again. (as for why i was at the gay bar to begin with, that is a story
for another time.) in short, time travel can be a real pain in the ass.
lmao curiously intrigued about part two of this story.
highlighting this quote here just for the hell of it, but perhaps we should
look into creating an eztv classic quotes thread ... cause there's some real
gems out there.
Written by: aussiemadmum [05/01/2008, 01:51]
a gay bar and a pain in the ass. enough said, don't you think
Written by: aussiemadmum [06/01/2008, 04:10]
imzadi, what's your user name in diwana, so that i can put that in as
referrer. do you get bonuses for that???? may as well give it to you if they