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[#55988] Written by: Trekhippy [16/09/2007, 10:56]
at this point, i'd be afraid to let any of the people who are currently writing
or producing the recent tv offerings have a chance at a show like star trek. if
one or two of the great original trek writers want to give a new show a shot
though, that'd be great. we need something good for a change.
[#55991] Written by: majorrobbie [16/09/2007, 11:18]
you sound sad
[#55992] Written by: landaishan [16/09/2007, 11:45]
the mystery method works and if you cant see that then youre fucking ignorant
[#55993] Written by: Impervious1 [16/09/2007, 11:55]
Quote by sefyu
this show is based on the book of neil strauss, named \"the game\"


if it\'s in \"wiki\" it must be true.[/sarcasm]

[#55996] Written by: delerium01 [16/09/2007, 12:32]
here's a female perspective on the show: complete bullshit.

these guys don't come off as guys who want to be able to sleep with a different
chick every night.
if that were the case i can see how mystery does a well enough job. put guys in
environment where females are drinking and trick them into bed.
woohoo for you.

but these guys are insecure and most even stated that all they really want is
the confidence to approach a girl.
this simply isn't the method to find a decent chick to get to know.
i don't figure girls would expect guys to be picking them up in a bar for
anything other then a brief encounter.
and a 45 year old virgin in a bar trying to pick up 19-21 year olds?
that's a disaster waiting to happen.

beauty & the geek is a much better approach on giving guys the confidence to
approach someone of the opposite sex.
if you want a pick-up artist show that goes over well and makes sense, you find
guys who aren't complete geeks about going up to girls.

this show would have went over better had mystery taught them confidence first.
because without it they're simply not going to put his techniques into practice

oh.. and being an intelligent female (or so i'd like to think) .. don't play
games with me. be yourself. it's the best pick up technique you could ever use.

[#55998] Written by: demondiablo [16/09/2007, 12:45]
Quote by delerium01
here's a female perspective on the show: complete bullshit.
it's one thing to teach someone how to approach a girl.
it's another to teach him confidence.
in my opinion you don't put a bunch of insecure males in a bar to pick up women.
first off everyone is most likely drinking. secondly... they go to the same bar
every time. are you not going to run into some of the same people pretty much
every time?
what are these guys really there for?
sure mystery will come back with "what do you want to be there for?"
i wouldn't figure girls would expect guys to be picking them up in a bar for
anything other then a brief encounter.
instead you take these guys to a mall or some other non-alcoholic environment
and show them how to approach girls.
plus... a 45 year old virgin trying to pick up 19-20 year olds?
you know that's not gunna last. unless he's normally in an environment with
people half his age and knows how to converse with them in the first place it's
simply not going to work.

beauty & the geek is a much better approach on giving guys the confidence to
approach someone of the opposite sex.

just about everything you just said was completely worthless. if you actually
watched the show you'd know why to. not to burst your pathetic little bubble
but they do pick ups in all kind of atmospheres. everything from a nightclub to
starbucks is covered in this show.

and i dont know when the last time you actually went out but i hardly ever see
the same people twice when i go out. i've hooked up with chicks left and right
at bars and never see them again. and also you are completely missing the
entire point of this show. its not to teach guys how to find "miss right" (you
women and your commitment bullshit) its about getting that one night stand/hook
up. seriously, who goes to a bar looking for their future wife anyways?
[#55999] Written by: delerium01 [16/09/2007, 12:55]
yeah.. i edited my response a little based on the fact that this show is about
being able to sleep with a new chick every night.

[#56006] Written by: landaishan [16/09/2007, 14:22]
haha whatever you guys

this topic is obviously going to create strong debate

point is. mystery and his people teach the confidence and give the abilities to
approach women when people would never have otherwise been able to do so because
of their deep fear of rejection and the fact they would take that rejection very
[#56015] Written by: vanderslice [16/09/2007, 15:36]
thanks for finally picking up this show. it's only got like 3 episodes left.
this show is hilarious.
[#56027] Written by: Boogabi [16/09/2007, 16:59]
[#56028] Written by: fattywads [16/09/2007, 17:07]
this show probably isnt scripted. it relies on the simple premise that anyone
who has a tv camera following them can make out with some drunk chick in a bar.
the funny thing is its hard to tell the losers apart from the supposed "pick up
artists" that make up "mystery's" "crew". the other thing is they seem more
about bragging to each other in a wierd homoerotic way than actually sleeping
with girls.
[#56029] Written by: hookooekoo [16/09/2007, 17:10]
Quote by chopper_rules
Quote by sm0kie
my god! this looks pathtic , why do they
keep making this crap?
some1 needs
to be fired and get a job at macd's

dude i totally fucking agree... stop with the fucking reality, nobody gives a

the average person in america is a tool, and tools love reality. you can start
to see a decline finally, and thank god.
[#56033] Written by: obsid [16/09/2007, 17:57]
Quote by sefyu
this show is based on the book of neil strauss, named "the game"


well actualy "the game" is based on pick up, and probably very similar to what
is recommended on this show. this is because both the person that wrote that
book and the contestants on this show are being tought the methiod by mystery,
which has tought tons of people over the years. this isnt just some survivor
or other fake reality show, these work shops are done year round and this is
one they happen to be filming. now in most they dont do the whole "hidden
cammera" thing and instead just have mystery in the night club watching.
while yes some of this stuff is probably scripted, and im sure the picked
the "needyest" looking kids and told them to look even needier to start (makes
the whole thing look better if they start off looking bad). and clearly the
pick up communitty is nothing like an elimination tournament (at one point you
even see mysteries voice crack during one of the elimination rounds). but i
think it acuratly protrays some of the pitfalls that someone new to dating
will run into (like seeming too desperate), and one way to go around them.
overall an intresting show, a hell of a lot better then most of the junk out
[#56047] Written by: hangman [16/09/2007, 19:49]
they all arrive on a bus together, but it doesn't occur to them to introduce
themselves till after they get off?

in the first club scene, there are some faces blurred as if they didn't give
permission to appear. after that i didn't notice any.

in one of the booting scenes the part they repeat (before/after break) is
slightly different which at least suggests multiple takes.

one of them wins a prize of a "secret" opener. a few seconds later we see others
practicing the same opener.

that said most of the techniques work. such as being confident, not boring,
stuff that reduces your value like standing around by yourself or aimlessly
walking around, knowing when to leave/change tact, set, etc. still as per above
(plus the fact that the get to edit it down to give the impression that they are
after) the fact remains that it isn't 100% real.
[#56162] Written by: ad3vil [17/09/2007, 10:05]
thanks for picking up the show
i don't care if it is scripted or not. in my opinion the show is really
entertaining and that's all that count for me. if i want to learn the mystery
method i'd buy the venusian arts handbook or something similar.
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