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[#55632] Written by: tvaddict [14/09/2007, 02:21]
Quote by jodeboire

as for your jewish/chinese/hindu shite - keep that for your fascist youth club,
you racist prick.

complaining about lack of diversity is racist? fascist? scratching head in
[#55644] Written by: kate [14/09/2007, 04:26]
it is bizarre when they make them behave out of character.

we've seen these people deal with all sort of experiments gone weird and in this
episode they're all like, "oh it's unexplained, i must go to church." wtf?

also they really should have people of more diverse ethnicities. the us always
gathers the best and most gifted scientists, and eureka's supposed to be the
very best of those.

as for henry's behavior, i think you can chalk it up to him cracking up because
of his [previous] loss. how else could a scientist go "what if this is the way
to heaven"?

i love eureka but this episode was really lame even by its standards.
[#55670] Written by: Jodeboire [14/09/2007, 09:15]
i forgot to mention henry's ridiculous hairstyle - he seriously needs to grow

"the us always gathers the best and most gifted scientists"

yeah, and makes wmd's with them - cool that, innit?
[#56013] Written by: jhelmer [16/09/2007, 15:10]
as an atheist myself, i am stunned and a little ashamed to be part of the same
belief system as some of the people on this thread.

so, more people went to church... big fricken deal!

what's shocking is that fewer people were there in the first place. last time
i checked over 85% of americans considered themselves christian and something
like 45% went to church regularly. from watching american tv it would seem
that we are a country of, at best, religiously indifferent people. even in
the town of eureka, if that church was packed what percentage of the overall
population was accounted for? 10-15%? that's what your complaining about?
if so, thank your lucky stars that they didn't try to make the show more

i don't buy into religion - i think it's a lazy way to deal with the unknown -
but i don't begrudge those who do. people who are religious are no worse than
those or us who are not. in fact, from every study of i have ever seen they
tend to be better people (fewer problems with drugs, less likely to have kids
out of wedlock, less likely to be involved in criminal activity, etc...) most
likely that is because they believe that they are going to be held accountable
for their actions where people like myself believe that i am just going to rot
in the dirt when it's all over. granted, because religious people have higher
standards they are always open to they hypocrisy charge, but all things being
equal, i think i would prefer living next to someone who professes to be a
christian than someone who does not. odds are that i am more likely to get a
good neighbor if he is a practicing christian than he is not.

the think i *hate* most about religion is the proselytizing. now, atheists
are doing it too. does it really matter that henry believes in god? is that
really such a horrible thing? if it comforts him, then good for him. bashing
the show over this is stupid. if everything on tv fit your world view 100% it
would be boring as hell. if *anyone* has a valid complaint about their
portrayal on tv it is the christians who are *vastly* underrepresented and are
regularly turned into stupid caricatures (eg. dale on greek).

update: fixed some spelling, grammar errors and sentence structure errors
(and i admit i probably only scratched the surface. i am a horrible writer!).
i considered removing some of the content i am not all that comfortable with,
but that type of editing seems a little dishonest. i will live with what i
wrote - even if i was clumsy in making my original point.