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[#220180] Written by: erichnorse [28/12/2014, 17:11]
first of thanks for all the work you guys put into the community. just needed to say that first.

one thing that i would appreciate is an episode guide, not just episode number and date like many
info pages have, but with a little synopsis of each episode. if not, to include a link to episode
guides found on wikipedia or other websites.

i use them when i fall behind and need to ascertain where i am and where i need to start downloading
again. i know they exist and find them with just a search, and i know it may sound like im lazy, but
it would be convenient to find it (link) in the info page of each show so one pop to the other site
and come back to eztv and download from the list in the same page.
[#220234] Written by: desertkiwi [31/12/2014, 04:23]
hi guys,

- i like seeing what the average show rating is as voted by people who have watched it.

- pictures are always good and as a previous person said it would be great if the quality was a bit better on some.

- maybe a symbol stating the 'safety' of the download? that it's been checked and is from a trusted source and free of
nefarious hidden bad things? (that may be a dumb request, i'm not that knowledgeable about how that may be possible.)

- it's always good to see what others think of a show. maybe an easy to use basic comment section on the page? like

thank you eztv team for all the risk, passion and effort you put into building and maintaining this site.

[#220242] Written by: envoy510 [31/12/2014, 12:38]
please bring back the rss feed. thanks!
[#220260] Written by: [email protected] [01/01/2015, 13:08]
hi, i am so glad you are back, and the layout is great.
-the only improvement i would like to see is a search bar option.
[#220272] Written by: msbucky [01/01/2015, 22:18]
hello -

personally i find nothing lacking or wrong with your info pages. i think they are fine just as there. plenty
of good information on the show contents, and the episodes. i'm sure whatever changes you might make
will be fine as well.

just wanted to thank you for all your efforts. we really appreciate your site.

[#220274] Written by: msbucky [01/01/2015, 22:27]
Quote by desertkiwi
hi guys,

- i like seeing what the average show rating is as voted by people who have watched it.

- pictures are always good and as a previous person said it would be great if the quality was a bit better
on some.

- maybe a symbol stating the 'safety' of the download? that it's been checked and is from a trusted
source and free of
nefarious hidden bad things? (that may be a dumb request, i'm not that knowledgeable about how that
may be possible.)

- it's always good to see what others think of a show. maybe an easy to use basic comment section on
the page? like

thank you eztv team for all the risk, passion and effort you put into building and maintaining this site.


have to say it isn't up to the admin of this site to be checking files. they offer you the torrents and not
the actual files. the downloads are on various servers/trackers and other users' computers. if it
worries you, get avg free - it works, it's good and it's free. it will scan your downloads for virus,
trojans and malware.

as for user comments on the information pages - i would hate to see the pages all cluttered with a
bunch of users' comments. if you are using utorrent, you can add your personal show rating and
comment to the file in your utorrent and others will see it, as well as you can see the comments left by

your best way to see if you are going to like a show is go to imdb and check it out. that's what imdb is
there for. reviews and critiques.


[#220292] Written by: laine [03/01/2015, 15:51]
i would like to see eztv the way it used to be with all the latest shows submitted by the top
posters. now we have a site mostly of documentaries and uploads are rarely up to date. many popular
shows are never submitted.

the daily listed shows are rarely correct or as today, not there at all.

eztv is still going down hill and i expect it to disappear completely in the near future. the way it
is being run now will kill it completely.


[#220295] Written by: st0ker [04/01/2015, 04:05]
happy new year! tardis is that'a'ways ----> [door] set it to "good old days"

Quote by laine
i would like to see eztv the way it used to be with all the latest shows submitted by the top
posters. now we have a site mostly of documentaries and uploads are rarely up to date. many popular
shows are never submitted.

the daily listed shows are rarely correct or as today, not there at all.

eztv is still going down hill and i expect it to disappear completely in the near future. the way it
is being run now will kill it completely.


[#220302] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [04/01/2015, 21:49]
Quote by laine
i would like to see eztv the way it used to be with all the latest shows submitted by
the top
posters. now we have a site mostly of documentaries and uploads are rarely up to date. many popular
shows are never submitted.

the daily listed shows are rarely correct or as today, not there at all.

eztv is still going down hill and i expect it to disappear completely in the near future. the way it
is being run now will kill it completely.


you know it's the holiday season yes? volunteers are spending it with their families.
[#220311] Written by: milkman [05/01/2015, 05:40]
most shows are on a hiatus for the holiday season as well so....
[#220327] Written by: fuckermoran [06/01/2015, 03:25]
show the category i.e. crime,drama,comedy,music ect ect
[#220336] Written by: Northernstar1012 [06/01/2015, 12:07]
Quote by fuckermoran
show the category i.e. crime,drama,comedy,music ect ect

most shows have it written in the "general information" section, it is in the works to have this updated and the format
changed though.

[#220360] Written by: andyruwilliams [07/01/2015, 22:56]
i went to the efforts of typing an entry for myself but before i hit enter i read through a couple
of the posts and found an entry which was exactly like mine.
northernstar has hit the nail on the head for me (he also thought of a few things i missed)

i have been with you guys since the beginning and would like to echo sentiments, thank god for eztv,
my first and often only site for tv (you changed my life guys)
andyruwilliams (somewhere in the uk)~(daren't say more because the thought police will find me)
[#220382] Written by: ben198321 [08/01/2015, 16:42]
thank you for all of your hard work and effort into putting this site together, keeping it running
for so long, and bringing it back after your recent downfall! you guys are awesome!
as for the "show list" page. i think it would be more convenient to add multiple options to the
"filter show list by status" feature. as of now if i select "airing" it will display all shows that
are airing, but if i click on the name, status, or rating it resets the filter. can you try to make
it so you can search using more than one filter?
[#220511] Written by: capitanqueso [14/01/2015, 21:31]
the "show information" pages are perfect as they are, tho the forums and specially
my page, stuff which we are not supposed to give ideas, sorry, needs serious improvement, why waste time and effort on
other things when what we really need is a more functional website suitable for such a huge demand? hope you make a post
requesting for ideas to make the website more practical for user/admin usability, even i would love to lend a hand
programming some scripts to make it more stable and avoiding overloading the database and the server with tons of useless
requests and constant reloads, specially when no ads are displayed, and easy for the admins to avoid posting torrents in the
wrong show or with the wrong title, this by using some simple ajax/javascript
thanks a lot for all the time and effort you put to make this my #1 website to visit every day and late at night, sorry for this
sort of "off topic" reply but couldn't help it
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