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[#219967] Written by: Mamamitzvah [16/12/2014, 22:16]
i would like to see clearly on what channel a show is broadcast. i tend to avoid nbc because of their poor
track record vis-a-vis sticking with good shows that the public enjoys & running with really poor ones. imho.
[#219982] Written by: cnfsdrnteye [18/12/2014, 06:02]
Quote by novaking
novaking is hard at work revamping the website. there will be changes to the
layout and new information for the "show information" pages.


the information page looks fine to me, but have one gripe and that relates to all areas. the huge
advertising pages when i click on a page or anything at all. at times i can't even move the mouse
and one pops up.

just typing this message a screen came up about six times and is most frustrating.

apart from that, glad your back, i was getting withdrawal symptoms. lol.

[#219998] Written by: lukvance [20/12/2014, 13:07]
hello everyone,
people coming to the page are looking for 3 things
is it good? (ratings)
will i like it? (video trailer/summary)
where do i download it? (the links)

i'm not sure if it's possible but i'd add an integrated video trailer(s) instead of the link.
the rating could be more visible and possibly on 100 instead of 5 for more comprehensive accuracy.
the episode list section could be improved by regrouping them by season and/or quality.

thank you for reading
[#220001] Written by: st0ker [21/12/2014, 05:57]
hilarious, and a completely appropriate response to well meant but inappropriate user feedback

i don't generally use the show info page at all other than as an index of episode links

the only times i've unsuccessfully sought show info is where non-series-linked shows don't have reference to related
material, e.g. a link to part one of a two-part doco
not rocket science to search yourself, but an instant "related" link would be a nice to have in case such a link isn't
referenced in the show description text.

on show info page functionality (but re download links sitewide so maybe out of scope), if dl links could be presented as
"live" or "offline" (e.g. by hovering over the link, with "download mirror #x") might be handy. downside being it would
generate a lot of "is it live" traffic. a serverside linktest at an appropriate schedule would minimise that, "live x hrs ago"
would be an informative bit of extra hover text. that's the most useful feedback i can give, considering i tend to go
mypage, right-click save link as to drop a torrent file to my import dir.

thanks for the great site, glad the proxy is up and the backend is alive
[#220009] Written by: Mudduck [22/12/2014, 09:32]
the show information page works well as it is frankly. tidy, functional and easy to use. maybe the documentaries could
have more reliable info provided to bring them up to the level of the tv shows but that's extra work for what is often a brief
stay. and not really what's being asked for anyway. sure there are minor bells and whistles that could be added that would
no doubt please some and piss others off but honestly i don't think there is much if anything that needs changing or adding.
if it ain't broke don't fix it comes to mind. many thanks for all the work everyone on the team puts into this site. it is
[#220029] Written by: mit [23/12/2014, 03:18]
in the info page i would like a link to pics of the actors/actress and any banner pics. in the past i
tried to find good pics to shows like supernatrual or ncis and i see great ones added but can't get
good size ones.

in recent days the site was error 522 for over 2 weeks a backup page to let people know that the
site is still working. as the site was down for me piratebay was removed and i thought that eztv
was lost too.

i do thank you that now bt-cat links do autolinks for download and not having to go though the
main site to get to the download link.

to all working to make this site the best i thank you.....
[#220032] Written by: stevo [23/12/2014, 04:21]
your example: https://eztv.it/shows/1000/100-the/ is a good point of my frustration. season one is 13 episodes but
there are 30 links for it and about 180 mirrors. perhaps under season 1 could be a button that takes you to 720p,
480p 264 ect: would be helpful and also a link to be able to download that whole season in one click instead of
having to do one episode at a time. which ever way you go there will be critics but keep up the brilliant work that
you do. great great site. merry xmas to all be safe
[#220041] Written by: Bjurran [23/12/2014, 09:35]
i use the info pretty often when looking for new shows and find it useful. however, there are some things i'm missing.
i guess it requires some database work to get it done, but i think many of us will like it.

let's say i talk to a friend about a show i used to watch. e.g. https://eztv.it/shows/89/eureka/
i already know that it ended a while ago, but as i miss it i might want to find out if there's anything similar i haven't seen
the info already lists genre, how about being able to click on a genre and find a list of other shows in the same genre?
if it turns out people use it often, how about some more work and also adding a list of "similar shows" in the right column
underneath the news section as it's pretty often just a blank space.

btw, i love the site and the rss!
[#220048] Written by: impudent.minx [23/12/2014, 12:35]
actually, based upon the 100 example, there is nothing i would change!

as long as you keep the info that is displayed there accurate and - very important - up to date, i
really can't see how you could possibly improve on what you have done already.

thank you for your hard & excellent work!

merry xmas!
[#220056] Written by: Docgy [23/12/2014, 15:35]
what about a page specifically for upcoming shows?
[#220057] Written by: hafi [23/12/2014, 15:41]
i think the information could be switched around:

the show intell is okay where it is,
but i'd like to click on eps first and then see more information about years and stuff.

also: some pictures are of poor quality, and i feel an itch to upload a better quality one, maybe you could add a 'so you
think you can do better' button for freaks like myself to send in their pitch for the page

further: well absolutely nothing. i've been a great fan (& used to be a pain on the irc). great job & very happy you're back

need any help: let me know (i don't do websites or stuff, but i'm good at bouncing around (wild) ideas)
[#220061] Written by: Northernstar1012 [23/12/2014, 18:09]
Quote by hafi

also: some pictures are of poor quality, and i feel an itch to upload a better quality one, maybe you could add a 'so you
think you can do better' button for freaks like myself to send in their pitch for the page

pictures... a lot of shows that ended a few years ago had the images uploaded prior to the current settings being put into
place, so on these shows you see a lot of missing, stretched or broken images. i'm in the process of updating this, but it's a
few numbers down on the priority list. also, there are going to be some changes to the way images are done with the new
site so i'm not getting too carried away right now.

button for freaks... novaking is hoping to implement (eventually) the ability for users to submit content.
[#220062] Written by: Northernstar1012 [23/12/2014, 18:14]
Quote by cnfsdrnteye
the information page looks fine to me, but have one gripe and that relates to all areas. the huge
advertising pages when i click on a page or anything at all. at times i can't even move the mouse
and one pops up.

just typing this message a screen came up about six times and is most frustrating.

apart from that, glad your back, i was getting withdrawal symptoms. lol.

indeed the proxy site did have a plethora of pop ups. you should notice those are no longer an issue now that the main site
is back online.

[#220063] Written by: Northernstar1012 [23/12/2014, 18:25]
lots of awesome suggestions folks. only time will tell what novaking is able (willing?) to implement. keep 'em coming.

enjoy the rest of 2014 regardless of who, what, how, or if you celebrate!
[#220096] Written by: L0v1nit [24/12/2014, 12:31]
i can't think of anything that needs to be changed , you already have a great website . having said that however , i am
concerned that eztv may have been hacked as i can no longer access it through my favorites toolbar and am now getting
annoying pop up websites that almost always demand verification when i try to close them . sincerely : l0v1nit