problem with utorrent, i suddenly had nothing but error message with utorrent but ilivid works good
Posted at 03/03/2014, 17:26
Quote by stoniek
problem with utorrent, i suddenly had nothing but error message with utorrent but
ilivid works good
that is not an issue with our website.
Posted at 07/03/2014, 21:08
thank you for replying. i never saw your original response to my question until you provided the link.
as for a specific example, just a few minutes ago, i click the "may page" link at the top. it brought me to a
page showing all of the shows i track. every show is dark blue, even though it had new episodes added.
i've had to now go to each individual show and check to see if there are any new episodes to grab the
torrent for, which there were multiple.
before the ddos attacks, this particular issue never took place. at least, not on my page. it used to be so
much simpler. go to my page, see all the new (unwatched) episodes in light blue. click the link, grab the
torrent, then click watched to collapse the watched episodes and move on to the next show.
i hope this clears up what you meant by provide an example. i look forward to reading your response.
please keep up the great work! my entire family appreciates all that you do!
Posted at 12/03/2014, 04:21
hi guys just a simple question i down loaded a few shows tonight and they came through with really
wierd names, this is an example of the name of the file
thought it was strange as it has not happened to me before
Posted at 12/03/2014, 15:19
i'm just curious, who, and why someone would target eztv with ddos attacks. do you guys suspect who
might it be? a rival site owner? or maybe one of the copyrights associations is doing it unofficially?
i'm sure it's not a group like anonymous, since they generally support freedom of internet, and are
against current copyrights laws.
just who could be such a prick, to target a great site (at least in my opinion) like yours?
Posted at 12/03/2014, 15:57
Quote by wrangerbanger
... wierd names, ... example
3679278336f899ae06ba0d18449d58309f01e147 instead of the usual name ...
those long numbers are the torrent's hash tag. the torrent is fine and will download the correct's just a bit confusing when you see that instead of the show title.
i have reported the issue to the torrent team.
my guess it that it is a temporary thing.
Posted at 13/03/2014, 18:34
Quote by wrangerbanger
... wierd names, ... example
3679278336f899ae06ba0d18449d58309f01e147 instead of the usual name ...
update (to my previous post on this issue):
this is not a bug or an error.
some torrent hosting sites use hash tags, some use titles. both point to the correct eztv torrent.
you can use one of the other download links (hover over a link and you will which torrent links use
the full show title and which use a hash) or rename the torrent file when saving the torrent file.
Posted at 26/03/2014, 14:13
hi !
from when the website is closed for new users ?
Posted at 28/03/2014, 09:19
Quote by spaceherpe
thank you for replying. i never saw your original response to my question until
you provided the link.
as for a specific example, just a few minutes ago, i click the "may page" link at the top. it
brought me to a
page showing all of the shows i track. every show is dark blue, even though it had new episodes added.
i've had to now go to each individual show and check to see if there are any new episodes to grab the
torrent for, which there were multiple.
before the ddos attacks, this particular issue never took place. at least, not on my page. it used
to be so
much simpler. go to my page, see all the new (unwatched) episodes in light blue. click the link,
grab the
torrent, then click watched to collapse the watched episodes and move on to the next show.
i hope this clears up what you meant by provide an example. i look forward to reading your response.
please keep up the great work! my entire family appreciates all that you do!
just wanted to mention that i have been experiencing the exact same issue off and on for the last
few months
Posted at 29/03/2014, 20:49
i downloaded believe s01e03 lastnight and watched it on my dvd player it worked fine until halfway
through then the sound jumped ahead of the scene i was watching at the point where
SPOILER ALERT - (highlight to read)
he was arrestedand the mum was blowing the drone up andi couldnt watch it anymore
spoiler tags added to post by moderator (boonesferry) march 29, 2014.
in the future, when discussing key elements or details of the show please use spoiler tags.
text that is entered between two spoiler tags is not visible...until it is highlighted (selected).
for future reference, please copy and paste (or type) the following text into your message: [spoiler] replace this text with your spoiler message. [/spoiler]
Posted at 01/04/2014, 17:14
welcome back googleztv!
Posted at 01/04/2014, 22:29
i was paralyzed when i pulled up the pending new google search type page. as much as i hated it i
saw the purpose. if you want to increase contributions i will gladly do that to keep things the
same. thank you for being my provider even though i pay for the highest level of comcast service
available i would still rather deal with eztv and not have to fight no-commercial viewing. ill
contribute whatever it takes. just name it.
Posted at 01/04/2014, 23:10
what do you think my reaction was when i tried to connect 05:30 am on 2nd of april in australia?
april fool's jokes work only on the 1st of april - so i was really worried that some heavy shit is
happening here.
imagine my relief when i came back from work and everything was back to normal.
in future - i sincerely believe that time zones have to be considered when planning pranks.
seriously not amused...
leszek - brisbane - australia
ps still love you guys
NovaKing (Administrator)
Posted at 01/04/2014, 23:42
Quote by leszek
what do you think my reaction was when i tried to connect 05:30 am on 2nd of april in
april fool's jokes work only on the 1st of april - so i was really worried that some heavy shit is
happening here.
imagine my relief when i came back from work and everything was back to normal.
in future - i sincerely believe that time zones have to be considered when planning pranks.
seriously not amused...
leszek - brisbane - australia
ps still love you guys
look at the time on the top of the page.
Posted at 02/04/2014, 05:32
Quote by novaking
Quote by leszek
seriously not amused...
leszek - brisbane - australia
ps still love you guys
look at the time on the top of the page.
the time at the top refers to est where?
have to agree with leszek.
i was given to very seriously wondering if my pc had been gotten at (i don't click on
spurious "bright and shiny" links, nor do i allow pop-ups - i practise safe hex as they say) so i then
tried the proxy site that had been promulgated from back when there were countless ddos
attacks. it was still working properly, albeit with its popups - which my chosen web search engine
stops. however it wasn't long until that one too started showing the stupid google imitation.
yes, it did dawn on me that it could have been an april fools prank, but unfortunately it seemed to
persist past the time it should have, so i just had to give any ideas of browsing this site a complete
miss for the time being until hopefully normality was restored.
given the disappearance of other sites, which have yielded to the pressures exerted on them
directly and indirectly, i was indeed concerned that this one had been either hacked or was caving
in to those pressures too.
i use this site for nearly all my requirements as such and would been mortified if it too were to turn
up its toes.