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BoonesFerry Posted at 23/02/2014, 20:22

Quote by jamf
i have been useing this site for a few years ... the popups on the site are very
annoying and as a result i find myself useing other sites instead.

i've been using this site for a few years too. you know what i find annoying...people who do a
drive by...plop down their complaint and leave...without reading anything. for example, what
you've just complained about, it has been mentioned several times in the past couple of weeks and
each time i provide an answer/solution. hell, i even addressed this issue on this same page
...five posts before yours...just a few inches above your post. please, open your eyes and read!

p.s. pffft! don't really care if you find yourself using other sites instead. it's not like eztv is
making money off your presence here. and it's always good to have alternate sources.

/end rant. /end sarcasm. /reboot manners.

ellman12 Posted at 25/02/2014, 13:22
i can't get magnate links to work here. they still work elsewhere. this just started today. thanks.

ok, working again.
BoonesFerry Posted at 25/02/2014, 17:05

Quote by ellman12
i can't get magnate links to work here. they still work elsewhere. this just
started today. thanks.

no problems on this end.
when reporting an issue it is important to include details.
what is your os?
what browser, and version?
what torrent client, and version?
do you access eztv.it directly, or through a proxy...what is the url?
which magnet links have you clicked on?
what happens after clicking a magnet link?

ellman12 Posted at 25/02/2014, 18:30
thanks for the quick reply, all is working well now. since other sites were working, i assumed the problem
was at your end. thanks again.
Blackstar Posted at 26/02/2014, 16:03
truly weird issue. upper half of page is fine with all the usual banners and text boxes but only two
lines of programmes are showing up on each page and one of those only has the magnet link showing.
was fine a couple of days ago and suddenly started doing this.
hodag Posted at 27/02/2014, 17:09
did eztv quit posting to tpb? i have been using the tpb rss feed given the continuing issues
with the eztv version of the feed, but nothing has updated on the feed since last friday night.
when i browse the tv listings on tpb for popular shows listed on the front page i see versions from
the other release groups, but none from eztv.

is this a temporary glitch or by design?
BoonesFerry Posted at 27/02/2014, 17:58

yes, we are aware of the issue.
yes, tpb is aware of the issue.
yes, it's only temporary.
yes, tpb and eztv are working on a solution.
note, we are not the only group effected by the glitch.

Nerenia Posted at 28/02/2014, 05:57
before i give my request i would like to declare that i find it extremely difficult to use this
forum and i can't really understand why. do something, please, guys!

i have beeen wandering around here for the last 30 minutes trying to find the proper thread to ask
this simple question: what has happened to the new grey's anatomy episode? [season 10, episode 13] i
can't find it and it was supposed to air on february 27th.

thanks in advance for considering this post. i would appreciate it if i was provided some advise
about how to look up things here in this mess. it would be more covenient if every show had its own
thread but this is just my humble opinion.
BoonesFerry Posted at 28/02/2014, 16:47

Quote by nerenia
... i have beeen wandering around here for the last 30 minutes trying to find the
proper thread to ask this simple question:

wow. 30 minutes. exaggerate much? are we to take you seriously now?
sure our forums could be made easier to navigate but is it really that hard to
click on "forum" and select a category to post in? really? perhaps you could use
or the comment/forum of the last posted episode of greys anatomy which is accessible from the
greys anatomy show information page http://eztv.it/shows/111/greys-anatomy/ .

Quote by nerenia
what has happened to the new grey's anatomy episode? [season 10, episode 13]
i can't find it and it was supposed to air on february 27th.

it did air on the 27th as scheduled.
you posted your question on the 28th,
less than 12 hours after it aired.
adjust your expectations.

please wait 24 hour before asking about a late or missing torrent.
website/forum rules: http://eztv.it/forum/6527/web-site-forum-rules/

most shows are torrented shortly after the scene has released a show. however, there are times
when, manpower, resources, access to scene releases, etc., are limited. sometimes a torrent may
not be posted for several hours and sometimes not until the following day.
up to 24-ish hours is within our acceptable norm.

Nerenia Posted at 01/03/2014, 06:13
dear boonesferry,
no, i did not exaggerate at all. although it seems unbelievable, i really spent that much time
trying to find the proper thread to post my question. and the reason is that i wanted to be
consistent to this forum's rules.

i did try the show requests-inquiries-and-info page which in the beginning seemed similar to what i
wanted but when i opened it i found only inquiries about non existing shows and no questions about
existing ones. then i tried to find a thread about grey's anatomy with no success either.

i use this site for years but it is only now that i notice there is a column in the show releases
page that says "forum". silly me, but... anyway, now i know how

as of my haste to ask about the missing episode... i looked for it at the same time i always look
for (and find) every episode of the particular show. and since this is something that had never
happened before i was worried and thought i'd better ask. no complain or whining intended.

thank you for your answer and keep up the good work!
BoonesFerry Posted at 01/03/2014, 15:20

@nerenia - i appreciate your patience and admire the eloquence of your reply.
our site admin is slowly but surely working on a site redesign with many improvements.
i have not heard whether or not the forums will receive a revamp, but fingers crossed.

beckham457 Posted at 02/03/2014, 05:50
hi novaking. i have followed eztv for some years now, not just for torrents but for the info you
give. living in england you let me keep up with all the us shows i love. you are not just a torrent
site, there are plenty of those, you are special.
i have one question though: i, like many others access your site via proxies. currently i am using
eztv.come.in and find i am inundated with pup ups and all sorts of stuff. now, i know you have to
advertise to earn revenue, but some if this stuff is spyware and trojan horse software. even if i
click to go around your pages, every click brings a pop-up.
i for one would pay to use your site and as i say, i don't mind advertising, but these pop-ups are a
real pain.
thanks again for the site.
Spaceherpe Posted at 02/03/2014, 10:28

it's been several weeks since my original post regarding one of the features of this site not working. i
have not seen any responses to my question (above). i've scanned multiple threads here on this forum,
and haven't yet found any threads that would answer my question. i'm still hoping to find one.

please answer or link me to a thread i may be missing that might answer my question.

thanks and keep up the great work!
BoonesFerry Posted at 02/03/2014, 15:15

Quote by spaceherpe
novaking, it's been several weeks since ... please answer ...

i answered your question on feb-08, the first time you asked it,
answers/p178#210712 <-- but you failed to respond. so when you asked again on feb-18
http://eztv.it/forum/17248/issues-with-website/p82 i ignored it. now here we are on may-02 and
you are asking again. i suggest that you go back to your first post and read my reply.

BoonesFerry Posted at 02/03/2014, 15:51

Quote by beckham457
hi novaking. i have followed ... for the info you give. ... you are special. i
access your site via proxies. ... inundated with pup ups ...i know you have to advertise to earn
revenue ... but some if this stuff is spyware and trojan horse software. ... these pop-ups are a real

i'm glad you find the information provided on our site to be useful. as for ads and popups, this has
been addressed numerous times in the previous days/weeks, see the previous page, and the page
before that, and the page before that. btw, it is customary in a forum to read the most recent page
or two to see if the issue has already been addressed

http://eztv.ch does not use popups or advertising.
if you experience popups while visiting our site, then you are...
1) using a third party proxy, to reach our site, and they, the third party, are using popups. or,
2) you have a virus that is responsible for the popup.
if you are using eztv-proxy.net, eztv.come.in, etc, they use ads or popups, we do not.

if you need to use a proxy then i recommend that you turn on
your browser's popup blocker and that you use an ad blocker.
this way you can surf without annoying ads and popups.

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