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[#108652] Written by: Sithinferno [06/08/2009, 23:57]
glad eztv is back in action, you guy have a thank less job sometimes, so let me say. thanks for all
your work.
[#108658] Written by: Meteoro7 [07/08/2009, 00:42]
i'm so happy to see you back, guys, i'm so really really happy. xd
[#108661] Written by: grathiam [07/08/2009, 00:53]
i greatly appreciate your efforts, the service and the site!
glad your back online, and thanks for providing the links to bt so we tv junkies
could have access uninterrupted while you awaited the new server.
[#108668] Written by: iamauser [07/08/2009, 02:03]
this is a superb site!

thanks, eztv.
[#108679] Written by: danielle04 [07/08/2009, 03:34]
finally! welcome back!

thx for all the new stuff. it's great to have you back!
[#108682] Written by: alphasapien [07/08/2009, 03:48]
so glad to see you guys back, i guess it's obvious from all the comments that you where missed.

i can't remember if there was advertising on this site before, but i am sure nobody would mind if
you put up some banners. nobody should expect you to do all this work for free.

you have a great site here, you should be compensated accordingly.
[#108693] Written by: tvnut54 [07/08/2009, 05:03]
hey guys....i'm another tv fan who wants to thank you heaps for all of your hard work getting the
site back and revamped! you guys are the best! we all appreciate what you have done, are doing now
and hope you just keep getting better as time goes on! magnificent site....great improvement on
now to get to some of my favourite shows :-) :-)
[#108701] Written by: kev [07/08/2009, 06:26]
welcome back guys,, we missed you
[#108705] Written by: hamrx8 [07/08/2009, 06:32]
welcome back from down under.. australia. the world is a better place for having you on line.
[#108716] Written by: djey [07/08/2009, 07:51]
welcome back
[#108717] Written by: tatoo00 [07/08/2009, 07:56]
welcome backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk my train travel was so boring without u guys!!
[#108720] Written by: cttmeg [07/08/2009, 08:26]
welcome back !! i was waiting for you to come back...

do you have criminal minds s03 ? i tried to download but the link was not working. wld appreciate if
you can upload, if you hv. many tx !!
[#108721] Written by: Jool46 [07/08/2009, 08:46]
i've used you a lot over the past year and have never said anything before, but thanks for all the joy!
glad to have you back :-)
[#108724] Written by: daan [07/08/2009, 09:01]
thanks for being back! i really enjoy all my show thanks to you guys.
[#108726] Written by: oximon [07/08/2009, 09:15]
nice to have eztv back. unfortunately the "latest feed" provided is in the wrong format, or so it
seems (the yahoo pipes rss was perfect!).

utorrent has an rss downloader that automatically downloads the shows when they become available and
it seems that spaced titles break this support. is this intended functionality from eztv?

please give an alternative feed where the title content is equal to the current link-format.

this should be an easy fix

thank you.
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