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[#108608] Written by: vankis [06/08/2009, 17:03]
Quote by novaking
hopefully fixed login issue... please let me know if some people are having issues
still, it may be you need to clear your cookies. we had to change how system worked a little.

it seems fixed in the sense that i don't have to login after every single page load anymore. but it
still doesn't remember me between sessions. i've had that problem now and then with eztv the last
years and usually it get fixed for no obvious reason after a few days/weeks/months of repeated
logins so unless you have an idea why i guess i'll just have to wait and hope for the best.

i'm using firefox 3.5.2 and have removed old cookies.

edit: actually it seems like eztv isn't creating any cookie when i login now.
[#108609] Written by: matubarukus [06/08/2009, 17:04]
im so happy !!!)))))
[#108615] Written by: Netjunkie [06/08/2009, 17:44]
hello novaking and team
welcome back from south africa . you guys are the best site for downloads , i really missed you guys
i usded to try three , four times and just to see if you back up
btw the new site looks gr8
[#108617] Written by: Covergal [06/08/2009, 17:48]
welcome back and thanks for your help in irc

[#108620] Written by: Spock [06/08/2009, 18:21]
welcome back!
missed you a lot. had to weed through all the junk at bt-chat to find all your good stuff.

also, if i may make a suggestion here? i don't really know where to put this.
would it be possible to add a file size to the listing of torrents on the front page? sometimes i find it
confusing knowing which torrent to download (is it the 720i version, the hd version, etc.), and showing
the file size would greatly alleviate this confusion.

i really don't expect a response on this, since it is probably in the wrong spot, but as i stated above, i
really don't know where to post it.

thanks for reading, and for a great site.
[#108622] Written by: justjoeok [06/08/2009, 18:41]
so so sooooo glad you're back.
[#108626] Written by: Howie06 [06/08/2009, 19:05]
fantastic new site congratulation from norway :d...
[#108627] Written by: Altercation [06/08/2009, 19:33]
welcome back ez love the new look and fucntionality keep up the great work!
[#108628] Written by: BCBABY [06/08/2009, 19:35]
looks as though i can't even log in using firefox now what's up with that?

plz help
[#108633] Written by: lem_is_cool [06/08/2009, 20:35]
welcome back!
[#108637] Written by: SumdumPhuck [06/08/2009, 20:54]
thank goodness your back. your organization is not taken for granted!
[#108642] Written by: mgamer20o0 [06/08/2009, 22:08]
i just wanted to take a sec to thank you for what you guys do. i was lost a whole month with out the
new tv shows for the day.
[#108643] Written by: vincenthsu [06/08/2009, 22:13]
miss eztv a lot!!!
brand new day is beginning!!
[#108646] Written by: NotThisOne [06/08/2009, 22:59]
thank you xd very much... i missed you, glad this happened during the summer though.
[#108649] Written by: westsayid23 [06/08/2009, 23:17]
good to see you again ez.
let see thous leaks!!
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