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[#108247] Written by: [04/08/2009, 11:24]
Quote by marvin_aus
i'm just got one problem, using both chrome and firefox, i have problems staying
logged in. i've checked
and mucked around with my cookies settings and i'm still having a hard time with the log-in



same problem. severe issues remaining logged in.

even quoting this post logged me out - i had to login while on the page, or i was stuck in and
endless loop. of logins and redirects.

if i open a new tab, the tab is logged out. if i add a show to my list - i had to relogin every new

firefox 3.5.2 here (latest)
[#108248] Written by: [04/08/2009, 11:24]
Quote by marvin_aus
i'm just got one problem, using both chrome and firefox, i have problems staying
logged in. i've checked
and mucked around with my cookies settings and i'm still having a hard time with the log-in



same problem. severe issues remaining logged in.

even quoting this post logged me out - i had to login while on the page, or i was stuck in and
endless loop. of logins and redirects.

if i open a new tab, the tab is logged out. if i add a show to my list - i had to relogin every new

firefox 3.5.2 here (latest)
[#108254] Written by: DrZanGo [04/08/2009, 12:03]

this site is so important to me it was wierd because i kind of took it for granted, how easy it is
to use and how much information i got from this site.

thanks again the site looks great and everything seems to be working to perfection....what an

thanks novaking and partners

[#108257] Written by: QtombeD [04/08/2009, 12:15]
welcome back !!!

thx all for the hard work!!!

nice updates, most changes are subtle but they are great, very nice work!

and the rss works fine love it!
[#108259] Written by: willfred [04/08/2009, 12:26]
the return of the king
[#108260] Written by: cameron_jennings [04/08/2009, 12:32]
please put the file size and peer/seed columns back on the main page. thanks! glad to have you back!
[#108261] Written by: swedishhottub [04/08/2009, 12:48]
great to have the ez back!
[#108268] Written by: uae_one [04/08/2009, 13:42]
welcome back
[#108270] Written by: lunchie [04/08/2009, 13:46]
it's not until it's taken away do you realise how much you took it for granted.

[#108271] Written by: darkershadow [04/08/2009, 14:00]
great to see this awesome site back to full glory
[#108281] Written by: beatwise [04/08/2009, 16:03]
thanks so much for the return!
[#108284] Written by: SuburbanSteve [04/08/2009, 16:18]
thanx for all the hard work, it's great to have you back
[#108287] Written by: g8021 [04/08/2009, 16:42]
wooohoooooo wb eztv rocks
[#108288] Written by: Jo2Jo [04/08/2009, 16:42]
you people rock! missing it soooo much!
welcome back to us!
[#108297] Written by: vankis [04/08/2009, 16:57]
welcome back, you have been missed!

Quote by mussels
Quote by marvin_aus
i'm just got one problem, using both chrome and firefox, i have
problems staying logged in. i've checked and mucked around with my cookies settings and i'm still
having a hard time with the log-in

same problem. severe issues remaining logged in.
even quoting this post logged me out - i had to login while on the page, or i was stuck in and
endless loop. of logins and redirects.
if i open a new tab, the tab is logged out. if i add a show to my list - i had to relogin every new
firefox 3.5.2 here (latest)

exactly the same here. i've had similar problem with eztv (no other sites) suddenly not remember me
for short periods several times since i started using it couple of years ago. usually there were
nothing to do but being patient and suddenly one day it start remembering me again. but back then i
only had to login once each session, no it's ridiculous having to login after every single page load.

oh and btw i can't believe you didn't change the forum script during the downtime. this suck badly
and you know it.
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