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[#108198] Written by: hybam [04/08/2009, 06:45]
welcome back! we missed you so much!
[#108204] Written by: black_rap_pod [04/08/2009, 06:58]
welcome back!!!
please add back the file size column in the main page torrents.
thank you novaking
[#108207] Written by: ApolloCXVII [04/08/2009, 07:14]
thanks so much, you have been missed!
[#108210] Written by: tobyadams [04/08/2009, 07:21]
it was a horrendous experience not having this site! so glad you\'re back and thank you for all the
hard work you have put in updating the site, looking forward to playing with http://ezrss.it/ !!!
[#108211] Written by: starlisa [04/08/2009, 07:30]
i'm so glad you're back! you were missed, and i think that people who didn't fully appreciate you
before will certainly do so now.

as much as i hate to ask this the first day you're back, is there any chance of you putting back the file
size column? i know there are 6 other posts asking the same thing, but if you could just give us an
indication of whether you might do so, that'd be great.

thanks for everything!
[#108214] Written by: candyman7 [04/08/2009, 07:36]
welcome back! :d
[#108215] Written by: strepnick [04/08/2009, 07:46]
thank you so much for coming back and for all the work you put into this. (& tx for ezrss!)
[#108225] Written by: free1ander [04/08/2009, 08:35]
welcome back, thanks for putting in all the hard work! we all appreciate it!
[#108233] Written by: powerscape007 [04/08/2009, 09:13]
i missed you soo much. thanks for coming online.
[#108234] Written by: jimmyg [04/08/2009, 09:24]
thank you thank you and welcome back from down under i missed you heaps
[#108238] Written by: SamSpade [04/08/2009, 09:49]
thanks you so much, glad to have you back!

one thing,
could you please add the color schemes back, i have bad eye-sight and the black background was
easier for my eyes.

thank you so much and welcome back to out lives...
[#108240] Written by: matheusrosa [04/08/2009, 10:00]
nice to have eztv back online!

very nice! :d
[#108241] Written by: anomer [04/08/2009, 10:27]
we missed you
[#108243] Written by: Kehama [04/08/2009, 10:41]
thank you novaking and everyone who helps out with this legendary site !
[#108245] Written by: aemule [04/08/2009, 10:56]
you are the man novaking. welcome back
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