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[#534995] Written by: Deep61 [15/01/2025, 01:02]
I work @ Pleasure Beach Theme Park (Blackpool UK)
I'm also a mod on TGx, I Uploads soaps
[#534997] Written by: BobWestbook [15/01/2025, 01:15]
Well, Mr. Moderator, there are no moderators on this forum because we believe in freedom instead of
censorship....the law don't go here, law dog.
[#534999] Written by: J_rod [15/01/2025, 01:27]
Hey brother, my wife and I are UK expats that live in Thailand now. I couldn't find any good paying
jobs over here so I rent out my wife and kids to anyone who wants to have some fun with them. Know
what I mean? wink wink. So if you ever get over here to Bangkok look us up for a good time. My
nickname is Bear, everyone who lives and works in the red light district knows us intimately.
[#535000] Written by: BURR-HEAD [15/01/2025, 01:30]
mebbe use kin hep me finds sum o dat mighty fine wallermelun boss man kuz nobudy on hers wud done hep
me fin any dey all mudderfukin asshos in herez
[#535005] Written by: badwolf334 [15/01/2025, 17:36]
I collect bottles for a living,10 cent a piece
[#535006] Written by: `BobWestbrook [15/01/2025, 19:50]
[#535007] Written by: Deep61 [15/01/2025, 21:22]
@BURR-HEAD English Please! Us old people don't understand that talking!
[#535008] Written by: ebersneezer [15/01/2025, 22:35]
iz fine Burrhead righting coz its in phonetic form. Close yer eyes and talk it to yersef and becums quite kleer.
[#535010] Written by: ebersneezer [16/01/2025, 02:39]
no @ on this forum if not there in first place...I h@te to see th@t....
[#535013] Written by: `ebersneezer [16/01/2025, 05:07]
It's called U-bonics or Ebonics which is a portmanteau of the words ebony and phonics. It's a made up
language that incorporates slang, mispronounced words, poor gramar, and "clever" word associations. U-
bonics is a form of degraded English,

It's not that difficult to understand, especially when you consider that it's only used by not so
smart black criminals, drug dealers and actors in movies that mainly take place in the ghetto.
[#535014] Written by: `Deep61 [16/01/2025, 05:12]
Got it, thanks. I guess that it's not used as much here in the UK. Appreciate the info, even if it was
midly racist.
But you never told us where you work ebersneezer?
[#535016] Written by: ebersneezer [16/01/2025, 12:41]
where there is a ' at front of the name, and there are a lot now on this forum, is smartass fake and identity theft twat.....while
we at it, it is grammar not gramar or gramma or grandma....tosser.....
[#535022] Written by: ebersneezer` [16/01/2025, 15:23]
Never believe what you tell yourself...
[#535025] Written by: ebersneezer [16/01/2025, 17:27]
ok smartass here an update....any corrupted user/poster name with any one or combination of the ASCII characters added to
original is fake....oh no what am I to do? Lets try 'ebersneezer' and any of a combination of them that can run into millions. Oh
this could be fun oh my thank you faker my life has taken a step nearer to fulfilment.
[#535026] Written by: `scotslad [16/01/2025, 18:13]
Hey sleezer maybe you could get your scotslad back....oh wait
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