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[#523642] Written by: D-Trump [23/05/2023, 18:57]
[#525226] Written by: PDQ4444450 [19/08/2023, 08:02]
I'm a liberal Dem and proud of it. I may not agree with the present Admin. on their gun control policies, but I'll be damned
if I vote for a phycological, misogynistic, neurologically insane piece of dogshit like D.T. OR Desancnimonious.
[#525228] Written by: PDQ4444450 [19/08/2023, 08:24]
Sorry, I went to the wrong post. But I still reiterate for the third time. Bring back MSNBC, you're four months behind. From
"Deadline White House" to "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" and the all of the evening lineup, it provides truth,
transparency and exciting commentary to an otherwise boring lineup since the strike.
[#525232] Written by: theDonofDons [19/08/2023, 10:58]
So you would rather vote to continue the worst presidency in the history of the US...got a news flash
for you... BOTH POS DT and Alzheimer JB are worthless money grubbing assholes. The only difference is
that JB has been a worthless professional politician his entire life living off of other peoples taxes
and DT was born with a silver spoon in his big mouth whom people cant even stand to listen too
anymore. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind vote for either one???

MSNBC makes me sick. If you really enjoy watching and support such quality programming such as Joy
Behar and Whoopie Goldberg, you are part of our countries problem pal. And Fox News is no better BTW.
Maybe it's past time to get your head out of the sand and stop believing all mainstream media's lies
and do some research on other viable candidates, YOURSELF, and make up your own mind instead of
believing what you are told on worthless lies from the media.
[#525233] Written by: PDQ4444450 [19/08/2023, 12:25]
Oorah MotherF***er
[#525240] Written by: Joesdiaperisfull [20/08/2023, 17:43]
VOTE A STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET IN 2024, in order to save the United States from the Democrats
completely destroying our beloved country! The Dems are nothing but a bunch of lying miscreants who
have succeeded in raising the price of EVERYTHING! They support Marxism and socialism all the way up
to Communism and have completely sold our country out to the Chinese Communist Party. Our military is
the weakest it has ever been because the Dems have fully supported military training in Critical Race
Theory, Equity, transgender-ism and LGBTQ instead of HOW TO FIGHT A WAR! Enough is enough, we need to
vote these weak minded idiots out NOW!
God save our country
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