Written by: aussiemadmum [08/02/2008, 17:40]
the bloody thing keeps locking up on me. mind you, it still kept me up until
3am chatting with 2 very lovely people numi passed out relatively early
but i am definately paying for it this morning with the kids.
bear --> sore head --> me !!!
i definately need more coffee and smokes!! (dirty, filthy habit, i know)
Written by: aussiemadmum [08/02/2008, 17:44]
Written by: sCifI3001 [08/02/2008, 17:44]
Written by: sCifI3001 [08/02/2008, 18:51]
Quote by aussiemadmum
and so i hate i r c.
bloody thing.
yeah me2 a little atm
Written by: aussiemadmum [08/02/2008, 18:55]
are you using m i r c?
numi suggested reading the help sites.
but someone suggested using qos, but i got cut off before i could get an
explination. i googled it, but just not sure exactly what it does/doesn't do.
maybe n3i87 would be so kind to help????? pretty please????
edit: i'll look to read them later, after i move 2 tons of wood!!
Written by: sCifI3001 [08/02/2008, 19:01]
i'll grab my wheelbarrow
Written by: aussiemadmum [08/02/2008, 21:43]
so much for moving the wood!!!
but at least i have a very happy little boy. i finally found him a ds!!!!
eh, the wood can wait for a little while longer!
aren't you guys lucky you're so far away. otherwise i might actually take you
up on the offer.
Written by: aussiemadmum [09/02/2008, 02:23]
even in sydney, that's still a bit of a distance for free beer.
as to i r c, it's got me buggered. could be my system's not fast enough also.
it is pretty old. who knows.
Written by: sCifI3001 [09/02/2008, 06:10]
Written by: aussiemadmum [09/02/2008, 07:16]
my mind not only boggles at these 'fetishes', but in the fact that you actually
find them, dm
Written by: sCifI3001 [09/02/2008, 17:09]
hope real life isn't off limits . . ..
the other half got called for jury duty this week (not selected)
and was glad when she was dismissed, the dude in question had charges that
ranged from child abuse to 4 counts of having sex with a chicken.
(i am assuming there was more than one chicken) needless to say the urge to
jump the rail and get the guy with a baseball bat had something to do with not
being selected
Written by: sCifI3001 [09/02/2008, 20:47]
Quote by aydin1954
is the chicken going to be called for testimony?
nah its too .. um .. scared
Written by: aussiemadmum [10/02/2008, 00:23]
there are some seriously fucked up people in the world.
Written by: sCifI3001 [12/02/2008, 12:59]
Written by: aussiemadmum [12/02/2008, 14:21]
numi, stop sulking and get back on, damn it!!
we'll talk there.