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   The Simpsons S19E02 PDTV XviD-XOR



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[#58876] Written by: sharkie [30/09/2007, 20:15]
it's really simple, either wait till it's fixed or go d/l from somewhere else.
there's no need for users and staff to keep this up.

just leave it running, and thank god its free.

cheers cj
[#58877] Written by: Novah [30/09/2007, 20:17]
does anyone know what time american dad will come onto eztv on eztv time at the
top of your page?
[#58878] Written by: MikeTC [30/09/2007, 20:18]
just use the first one that came online...
[#58880] Written by: MikeTC [30/09/2007, 20:19]
some people are really unbelievable...

first: just be happy that someone does the work for you all, for free

second: if you can make it better, please just do it, we will be grateful
[#58881] Written by: f0xh0und [30/09/2007, 20:20]
Quote by cjlucas
Quote by f0xh0und
Quote by cjlucas
Quote by f0xh0und
what's up with the
lately? they've been
unreliable. i mean,
why'd we switch from slack... wtf ever it was called in the first place? was it
really worth it to switch to "miivi.org" and now "istole.it?" okay, we're
"stealing..." we get it! now stop with the silly names and restart with the

do you want to spend the money on the bandwidth and the servers to handle the
hundreds of thousands of peers we have?

didn't think so.

what does that have to do with anything? what is it that you're saying? do you
mean to tell me that those other trackers weren't capable of handling
all the peers' traffic?

im addressing the statement you made about our trackers being down and
unreliable. the reason they are "unreliable" is because there's been a dramitic
increase in the number of peers compared to last year. the trackers we're using
now are just as powerful as sladinki's.

thank you. that's all i wanted to know. i thought that we're changing the
trackers to throw the fact that we're "stealing" in the "mafiaa's" face (what
with all the funny tracker names and all).
[#58882] Written by: cjlucas [30/09/2007, 20:20]
Quote by novah
does anyone know what time american dad will come onto eztv on eztv
time at the
top of your page?

[#58883] Written by: Novah [30/09/2007, 20:22]
sorry cj and tvfan. im a noob. i'll stop post spamming now. sorry again
[#58885] Written by: milalan [30/09/2007, 20:54]
don't stress, its a learning experience :d

and its not like all comments here are pertaining to the show.

speaking of which, just connected, straight away, over 400 seeds and over 4000
peers. no problems with the trackers at all. cheers eztv!
[#58888] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [30/09/2007, 21:07]
trackers are donated, slad's trackers were down for some time, and someone
offered some trackers for us to use. our peer count is currently 230% higher
than it was last year, so that would also mean that tracker load is 230% more.
if people are willing to offer stable trackers for us to use, then i'm sure this
may not be of an issue. also, just so you know slad's trackers last year also
had issues when the new seasons started. so please get your facts correct before
making posts like that.
[#58941] Written by: wrecche [01/10/2007, 01:17]
Quote by cjlucas


hey stop it - i'm the comment bastard, you usurper !

[#58950] Written by: zaghloul [01/10/2007, 02:30]
wow... lots of hostility here... chill out people.
[#58957] Written by: Boogabi [01/10/2007, 02:53]
Quote by novah
sorry cj and tvfan. im a noob. i'll stop post spamming now. sorry

the problem is mainly the caps. even if some people are not happy with that
kind of request, they would have answered you if it wasn't written with only
[#58972] Written by: dhabhuz24 [01/10/2007, 04:20]
gosh u guys ove simsons seriously.....

but that's true no one here share's that's why i stick on tvtorrents.com
but always helping eztv seed i haven close my computer in over 2 months
just restart from time to time hihi

but i have to say tvtorrent has sever well well around 4 years now
that have all seasons of everthing 1 season to 10 seasons

and every new ep is 5min to 10 mins top hihi just glad im a part of it hihi
[#59031] Written by: bartholomew [01/10/2007, 11:48]
this is from a previous season, the start sequence is a repeat.
unless i am mistaken !!
s19 e01 was just after the summer movie and was up to date.

can anyone else back me up on this ????
[#59037] Written by: tobyadams [01/10/2007, 12:06]
yeah i think i have seen that before, but lets chill out yeah, it was a
brilliant episode, and ripped really well, none of that interlacing that made
this weeks family guy barley watchable. plus the simpsons seems to get better
and better with every season!!!!!!

-london uk
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