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   Family Guy S06E01 Real Lame PDTV XVID-p00psmack



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[#57573] Written by: graham [24/09/2007, 01:03]
the 10 minute screener that surfaced at comicon last season was huge... didn't
think it'd be this good!

i hope they don't do something similar to last years season finale and run some
fancy 'movie' as the last episode..

great episode, though.
[#57575] Written by: hangman [24/09/2007, 01:26]

- source: 720p pdtv
- frame rate: 23.976fps
- resolution: 624x352
- runtime: 42 minutes 53 seconds


lets settle down and take our ritalin children. so someone messed up a release,
lets all
start talking about their mothers and spitting on their brothers because someone
in p00psmack
is upset that they have a small penis. i'm fairly certain the entire scene
remembers you
dipshits talking out of your asses while releasing some screwed up encode. this
is for bad directory naming (even though no rules state it's bad), it's also to
allow the
scene to watch a properly encoded copy of family guy. i'd even go as far as to
say that p00psmack
failed to cut properly and who knows, they might have even fucked up the ivtc.
main point, nobody
cares about what you guys have to say, or even what you have spent your lame
time on encoding...
as this release gets nuked all over, i bet 80% of the scene downloads and
watches my copy instead.
enjoy being the laughin stock and go to bed, your mother told me she told 4
times already,
stop being such punks and go get anal raped by your grandfather...
[#57580] Written by: Jerry Cola [24/09/2007, 01:35]
this is meant to be season 7!
and isn't this the star wars special?
[#57583] Written by: Nator [24/09/2007, 01:45]
Quote by jaketld
i can't speak for the quality of the encode, but this is the
worst episode of
family guy ever. not even worth the download.
if you are referring to the season premier episode titled "the harvest" as being
the worst, then you are taking the wrong drugs. go worship bush, since that's
not nearly as bad as insulting one of the best episodes of family guy to have
ever been made.

however if you meant something else by that retarded comment of yours, then i
hope you're at least smart enough to be anti-bush.

either way, you're stupid. no episode of family guy is "the worst", because all
of family guy just purely rocks.

Quote by hangman

- source: 720p pdtv
- frame rate: 23.976fps
- resolution: 624x352
- runtime: 42 minutes 53 seconds
where at? i've looked and can't seem to
find it.
[#57587] Written by: death734 [24/09/2007, 02:20]
hr pdtv (720x528 video, about same pq, but 5.1 dd audio)


personally i think poop whatever is a bunch of morons for writing a nfo like that
and the pseudo group iproper talks about that in there nfo too
[#57595] Written by: annabellie [24/09/2007, 03:39]



so which one is truly real and proper - best quality, no glitches, no missing
scenes, no ads?

and with a crap nfo from poopheads, i hope eztv and bt-chat and others will
refuse to post their stuff.

a group or a person can't just say they're part of the scene - especially when
they're not. they have to earn the respect of real scene groups over a
considerable period of time before they're invited to actually be in the scene.

as this seems to be their first "release", it's not a good start on their part
to introduce themselves in this way.

poopheads are asswipes. get stuffed, losers.
[#57605] Written by: Deznaj [24/09/2007, 06:04]
download and watch you dumbasses. that way you can find out if it is the star
wars episode.

i know, but i'm not telling...
[#57612] Written by: phily [24/09/2007, 06:53]
1: yes its the star wars episode.
2: there is nothing wrong with this realease. no need for it to get propered
[#57621] Written by: Harry_Q_Hammer [24/09/2007, 08:10]
this ep is encoded properly. i too am sick of the mislabelled, poorly encoded
shows coming from "the scene" lately.

go p00psmack!


[#57628] Written by: Assmunch [24/09/2007, 08:36]
thanks folks!

wow. just wow, best episode in a long time (mostly because of what happens at
the 20 minute mark).
[#57629] Written by: itadaku [24/09/2007, 08:36]
i too wish to complain about dedicated scene pirates who spend their precious
time capping and encoding shows for free
[#57632] Written by: Nator [24/09/2007, 08:50]
Quote by jubas
so is it the blue harvest episode(spoof on starwars ep4)??

as someone else said, this is the blue harvest episode and it's just fine (i
haven't noticed any problems with it and it's just about done playing).

for anyone wanting to get the correct season 6 episode 1, pay attention to the
time the torrent was made available. if it's been since before yesterday, then
that's really season 5 not season 6.
[#57633] Written by: Nator [24/09/2007, 08:51]
Quote by itadaku
i too wish to complain about dedicated scene pirates who spend
their precious
time capping and encoding shows for free

go get bent.
[#57635] Written by: theconundrumm [24/09/2007, 09:04]
i saw this great website the other day. a bit scary, but obviously necessary...


and best of all... it's free
[#57636] Written by: cg0def [24/09/2007, 09:41]
well real lame perfectly describes this episode. after the great fiasco from not
so long ago i really didn't think family guy could get any worst but man have
they reached a new low or what ... and hour of life that i am never going to get
back and could someone pls explain it to me wtf was this show about? making fun
of star wars is like picking a fight with a cripple. it's completely pointless
and nobody want to see it.
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