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[#54046] Written by: m77c77 [04/09/2007, 04:14]
fuck the religious right. we should boycott a show because the people who don't
even watch the show don't like the content? that's as crazy as christianity itself.

they hate pot-smoking, sex, and tits.. while their bible advocates murder, rape,
wife-beating/mutilating, and slavery.
[#54049] Written by: scubasteve [04/09/2007, 04:31]
it's rare that a show can provoke such responses. i think this show is well
written, well casted, and a reprieve from our normal bullshit.

to get all upset because of the sexual content is just immature.
[#54050] Written by: schmock [04/09/2007, 04:45]
Quote by tatoo00
news from down under

"first it was the church to protest at channel ten's controversial new show
californication, now outraged family groups are calling for a national boycott
of the network's sponsors. is the show too sexy?

following last night
[#54054] Written by: A4L [04/09/2007, 06:05]
this show really isn't all about the sex. i'm really starting to feel bad for
moody. i'm thinking... he's trying to stop and get his family back, even
though it might look as if it's impossible. if people sit, ignore the damn
nudity, and watch the show properly, then we would never have these problems.
this show is really good. i'm enjoying it. and i'm a girl, so i really don't
give a shit about the damn nudity. that's not why i'm watching this show.

those idiots who wanna get rid of this show are stupid and don't understand
the show... obviously they wanna get it off the air because they haven't seen
it and think it's porn on tv.

anywho, thanks a lot guys! i missed last nite's episode...again, so i have to
download it.
[#54056] Written by: wholikespotatoes [04/09/2007, 06:08]
hahaha. everybody who has posted something here, copy and paste it to this form
no matter how offensive it is.


the lame ass organisation behind the boycott. let's flame them!

(enter a fake email)
[#54069] Written by: smokeonit [04/09/2007, 09:25]
i'm a retard.
[#54085] Written by: omen71 [04/09/2007, 11:23]
the christian right have infiltrated the politics over here in a big way.

the gov has spent 84 million a$ on a internet filter only to be
circumventented by a schoolboy in 30 minutes. lol

yes, the christan right can lick my wrinkly hairy balls.
[#54089] Written by: WTFOver [04/09/2007, 12:04]
impossible! your father would bite them!
[#54118] Written by: dvd king [04/09/2007, 15:37]
the backwards retarded religious groups that thinks californication is all
about sex and depravity probably think a 69 is a ice cream and a 99 is a sexual

p.s. if nobody likes this or any other negative comments about the christianity
groups can go down under and blow each and everyone of those hypocritical sheep
shagging, choir boy sucking assholes.
[#54121] Written by: Carnifx [04/09/2007, 15:41]
she is one pale, skinny, ugly skank... she makes me want to cut my knob off!

good show though.
[#54151] Written by: OsamaIsBack [04/09/2007, 22:31]
this show kicks ass. i hope this one sticks around for awhile.

edit: as for the christians complaining about the show, who cares, they always
complain about something.

the more they complain the more people will watch it and the bigger the show
will get. now that i know the christians don't like it i'm gonna watch it more. :d

personally i think the christians should spend less time complaining and spend
more time weeding out the pedophile priests they have.
[#54185] Written by: zero1666 [05/09/2007, 01:30]
Quote by osamaisback
this show kicks ass. i hope this one sticks around for awhile.

edit: as for the christians complaining about the show, who cares, they always
complain about something.

the more they complain the more people will watch it and the bigger the show
will get. now that i know the christians don't like it i'm gonna watch it
more. :d

personally i think the christians should spend less time complaining and spend
more time weeding out the pedophile priests they have.

assuming that they aren't all pedophiles, we are talking about the church here.
[#54205] Written by: brankhid [05/09/2007, 02:40]
great show .
waiting gillian anderson in this show
thanx from istanbul..
[#54209] Written by: fumbles [05/09/2007, 03:16]
Quote by theyogi
well if the christian lobby of a nation of 14 million people from

heritage starts protesting, we should really take that very serious and

considering canceling this show as it is......

to be replaced by 50 minute episodes!!!!!!

let me guess, you are either

a) from england, and pissed off that your once mighty country has become as
irrelevant as ours.
b) from the usa. no more needed to be said, thats a big enough insult in itself.

from the criminal heritage part, i would say the uk. so by all means enjoy your
cold, overcast 12 degree summer days and i\'ll try to put up with the warm, sunny
days we constantly experience down under!

actually, i might go down to the beach now (one with actual sand, not a fake
beach with pebbles for a shoreline).....
[#54306] Written by: Pleidian [05/09/2007, 12:34]
yeah cheers...this show has potential. will be interesting to see where it goes.
i really could care less what the ignorant sex-starved christian right thinks
about this show. they have lots of bible talk shows on talk am radio, so why not
stick to that and wait for the rapture. what a bunch of morons lol.