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[#54125] Written by: google [04/09/2007, 15:59]
its not there, gimme the link, and i am not registered so i cant do a lot on
that site.
[#54130] Written by: Poffel [04/09/2007, 16:27]
zvfan: south of nowhere - yes, but not a eztv version
the release on dem is crap ^^
[#54150] Written by: google [04/09/2007, 22:28]
i dont care about south of nowhere i want greek! thanks tho.
[#54218] Written by: shinobidawn [05/09/2007, 03:50]
can't find the latest greek ep anywhere, and i know it aired
[#54256] Written by: God [05/09/2007, 06:40]
did you try the tv when it aired monday?
[#54262] Written by: Poffel [05/09/2007, 07:08]
maybe we don't get abc family?
[#54270] Written by: yerxa [05/09/2007, 08:03]
Quote by god
did you try the tv when it aired monday?

i did, but we don't get abc family in canada as far as i know. thanks for the
suggestion though.
[#54273] Written by: God [05/09/2007, 08:49]
rats. well not like you have much to complain about.. if you don't get abc,
then tough break =)
[#54322] Written by: google [05/09/2007, 13:46]
god stop fucking talking, stop being a fucking dickhead. you waste everyones
time with your pointless posts so die already and get the fuck off torrrent
sites with your bullshit.

for all fans of the show, i checked the website and it doesnt seem that it
aired altho a new episodes are still to come.

[#54324] Written by: google [05/09/2007, 13:59]
on second look it mightve aired, but cant find it.
[#54325] Written by: sagov [05/09/2007, 14:41]
is there going to be another (hd) airing of the last episode? it would be nice
if people outside the us get a chance to see it too, without having to wait
for a dvd release....about south of nowhere...the episode available here is
named wrong, it's actually s03e03...(the season premiere was a double
episode.) e04 and e05 are available on mininova, though episode 5 is of
miserable quality. i still watched it of course: with those girls the quality
would have to be a lot worse to make it not worth watching
[#54331] Written by: KTown [05/09/2007, 15:06]
finnaly, you can watch the 9th episode online, on the site of abc family, on the
broadband player


[#54332] Written by: God [05/09/2007, 15:09]
Quote by google
on second look it mightve aired, but cant find it.

of course it aired. a cursory glance at epguides could've told you that =)

[#54339] Written by: majsan [05/09/2007, 16:00]
i live in sweden, so i can't watch the episode on the broadband player, and
i'm not allowed to buy it on itunes... does anyone have any suggestion on how
i can watch it?
[#54350] Written by: Poffel [05/09/2007, 16:33]
i live in europe too, but i can use the broadbandplayer..?
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