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   Masters Of Science Fiction S01E04 HDTV XViD-YesTV



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[#52971] Written by: Jodeboire [27/08/2007, 03:59]


entourage and robot chicken were great, anyway.

roll on the next eps of mad men, the kill point and californidoodah.

they shouldn't have gone to the trouble, so not clever.
[#53021] Written by: wrecche [27/08/2007, 10:20]
brillaint. someone aksed if this is an ok ep...

"oh lets talk about the knights of prosperity for 15 or the 20 posts."

i wonder if i go there will people be talking about this...

sheesh.. spose since it's 3'rd last or last whatever who cares, i can waste
another 350 odd megs.
[#53035] Written by: tuckerch [27/08/2007, 11:10]
people having seeding issues should change the tracker to
vip.tracker.thepiratebay.org/announce (with ht tp:// in the front)

ok, i am rather new to all this.

do what now?

could you explain in detail what exactly i have to do?

thanks in advance!
[#53036] Written by: spevman [27/08/2007, 11:57]
ditto to the above here. i'm not really that new but how do i change the
tracker for a torrent? i use azureus if that helps.
[#53054] Written by: wrecche [27/08/2007, 13:37]
wouldn't know those second rate torrent clients.. utorrent however, you can
right click on the torrent, go to the properties of said torrent, and enter the
tracker details there. should be a similar feature on those other clients..

google is your friend.

now.. as for the actual episode...

something must be wrong with either the stories or how they're told - they
always plunk like a rock in a pool at the end. but still, if they end it with
this one, they ended it on the only one that didn't end like an old womans tits..

[#53059] Written by: Sanchez [27/08/2007, 14:00]
hmmm i got them both here if i remember right lol
[#53104] Written by: Carnifx [27/08/2007, 19:13]
great start but it didn't really go anywhere, pretty typical in it's pesimism
(i'm not saying that this kind of pesimism isn't justified, on the contrary...
but this seems to be the kind of direction scifi takes these days when it
doesn't really want to deal with the questions the story itself raises.)

however... this ep was a fucking masterpiece in comparison to the shite that
we've been getting.

[#53267] Written by: fridgist [28/08/2007, 14:42]
i thought this episode was the worst of the four by far, overall a series with
massive opportunity and potential that failed to deliver. masters of science
fiction? at least pick some of their decent short stories, and where was the
arthur c clarke story? how can you have a series called masters of sf without
the champion of science fiction included?

and what was the deal with subbing stephen hawkings end quote this time? they
didn't do that in any of the other episodes (they didn't have a closing
statement at all at the end of the second one - continuity, anyone?). anyway
i though the subbing was unnecessary and degrading to the legend that is
proffessor s. hawking. but then, i don't think they should have had him doing
the vo for it in the first place.

can anyone say 'gimmick'?
[#53356] Written by: rseiler [29/08/2007, 00:33]
and what's wrong with a morality lesson? the old twilight zone (the king of
all these kinds of shows) was filled with them. in fact, this episode reminded
me a lot of the one where a long-abandoned colony of earthlings one day had a
visit from an earth ship -- to bring them home. the leader of the colony didn't
want to and desperately tried to convince his people not to go. as i recall, he
decided to stay behind. i forget the twist/lesson at the end, but no doubt
there was one. this episode wasn't at that level, and i have no idea what a
jazz score was doing floating through it, but harlan ellison did quite a good
job with it overall.
[#53532] Written by: death734 [30/08/2007, 13:21]
actually now that i think about it, really don't care thats its canceled
getting sick of seeing political propaganda garbage through out the show anyway
[#54568] Written by: moncho [06/09/2007, 22:58]
very sad to read, m.s.f. is going to be only 4 eps, it's smart enough to make
me write this coment. very good show.

thanks anyway

for sharing all the shows.

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