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   Burn Notice 1x06 (DSRip-P00PFAKT0R)



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[#49343] Written by: clairebear [03/08/2007, 19:49]
or, maybe, mom was a spy and dad worked for the fbi?
[#49366] Written by: pathomancer [04/08/2007, 02:37]
the mother imho is clearly a much bibber player than mr. observation michael
notices. she isn't stupid so the oblivious act is a distraction from her being very
cleary very both sharp and manipulative.
[#49369] Written by: pathomancer [04/08/2007, 02:45]
bibber is supposed to be bigger
[#49371] Written by: DigitalSignalX [04/08/2007, 03:42]
it was definitely eluded to in this ep that his father was into "that line of
work that you couldn't discuss at home" (aka government)

that, combined with the still unknown (to us) way his father died, makes it a
good bet that there will be a story arc including the ghosts of his father's
past at some point.

that said, it seems clear to me that the "new guy" is simply a more proactive
test of his skills and field craft while waiting for his mysterious benefactor
to present themselves. that will eventually be the people involved with the burn
who are watching him, and who want him alive rather then dead for whatever reason.

[#49374] Written by: pathomancer [04/08/2007, 04:05]
...or after michael enters the house quickly beats up 2 guys and is holding a gun
on the 3rd. his mom doesn't question his fighting skills or that he has a gun.
just "michael are you in some kind of trouble?"

then there is the fact she was even able to call michael with 3 highly trained
spooks in the house...bit of complicity there?
[#49452] Written by: YourMomma59 [04/08/2007, 18:41]
Quote by q
i lie i just wanna see fionas tits lol

yeah, michael's cock shows up really well in that tan suit too! (hey, i'm a
girl. fiona's tits do nothing for me. michael's cock on the other hand...)

i loved this episode! fee rocks more and more every day.

the only thing i didn't like about this release is that the people who were
doing it previously were leaving in the previews for next week. this release
cut off the end abruptly.

i also got some weird satellite disturbance/frame jump thing around 14:59

excellent episode though.

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