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[#43873] Written by: KoningKaas [03/07/2007, 18:21]
hot fiaaaaaa!!!!
[#43920] Written by: icemouton [03/07/2007, 21:56]
humm why google urself when so many other people can do it for you .. (j/k)
[#43944] Written by: murd0k [04/07/2007, 02:18]
one of the most off topic yet hilarious and well composed threads i've seen on

i was just waiting for the "it's a good show and ends with great recommendations
on how we can all save earth"...... and then the "omfg!!! you can't post
spoilers in here! i'm going to eat your children!! blah blah blah!" response
[#43950] Written by: fxr [04/07/2007, 03:19]
hahahhahaha kicking ducks.......
[#43952] Written by: Pleidian [04/07/2007, 03:24]
Quote by maverick77
Quote by cjlucas
i think its funny how people ask what its about
and wait for
someone to respond
with an answer. when it only takes about 5 seconds to google for the information.


just for that smart ass answer i am not going to watch the show. in addition, i
am going to throw my recyclables in with the garbage and drain my oil when i
change it this weekend around the nearest redwood tree.

touchy aren't we?
[#43979] Written by: Awesome [04/07/2007, 11:06]
you can try to kick ducks but they are often to fast and move out of the way.
you need to catch them and wrap them in duck tape first, after all that is what
its made for, then you can drop kick them or punt them across the water. wonder
if they will still float after a good wrapping job? might be better to just eat
them, they taste better than chicken. but you need to whack the heads off first
otherwise the quacking gets annoying while stuffing them in the oven. now geese,
thats a different story. they will fight back. thats why you have to shoot them
first. nice big juicy canadian geese. and they are after all unamerican any way
so why not shoot them? good thing they are not mexican geese otherwise they
would have to build a higher fence to keep them from flying in with out the
proper papers. imagine the disgrace, stupid mexican honkers eating all the
american grass and pooping in the lakes and ponds. next thing you know they will
be flying into air plane engines trying to crash them with suicide poopers. hope
you all understand what sarcasm is.
[#43988] Written by: mrtorch [04/07/2007, 13:16]
"just for that smart ass answer i am not going to watch the show. in addition, i
am going to throw my recyclables in with the garbage and drain my oil when i
change it this weekend around the nearest redwood tree."


guess you are a sociopath? if so don't watch this, just sharpen your knives and
clean your gun. if however you are not a sociopath and just a silly boy, i
suggest you watch it and learn something.

[#43998] Written by: markle_sparkle_00 [04/07/2007, 14:25]
warning - don't watch this - it will make your bum all itchy like. you'll end
up trying to dig deep scratching it - then later on, when you've forgotten -
you'll pick your nose and catch a whiff. you have been warned.
[#44001] Written by: mrtorch [04/07/2007, 15:39]
i agree dornedec, this is a great series, yet it is very uncomfortable to watch.
it's uncomfortable because it's a mirror to the human soul, which can seem
cruel and heartless. sadly, many posters on here are examples of this.
[#44005] Written by: TrAbB [04/07/2007, 16:51]
throw the ducks on the fires!
mmm.. cripsy duck! where're the pancakes!?
[#44011] Written by: Trekhippy [04/07/2007, 18:50]
while this thread did make me laugh some, i wanted to point out that there is
nothing wrong with asking for more information on a subject from the original
source. in other words, if the first place someone sees something is here, they
should be able to ask for more information from that same source. is there some
reason we want to make people feel unwelcome? aren't us humans supposed to all
help each other out? and what easier way to help out than taking just a few
seconds to google search something for someone? and what quicker way to get
some satisfaction for having done a good deed so easily? that said, i will
certainly give this show a look, because even if it is just about getting
donations for a charity, there may still be plenty of useful knowledge to be
gained within. thanks for the up!
[#44028] Written by: [04/07/2007, 22:12]
"awesome" you are an uneducated fool that probly cries herself to sleep.
yes thats right, i said herself, cause you sound like a bitch.
[#44038] Written by: markle_sparkle_00 [05/07/2007, 00:17]

nice one trekhippy - glad to see you back - especially so soon after that
lobotomy you had a month ago - it's obviously working - not a nasty streak in
any of your resent posts.
[#44307] Written by: Manse [07/07/2007, 00:24]
the earth can take care of itself, it has been for millions of years, it doesn\'t
need saving....what the show should be called is \"saving the human race from
itself\" what with all the morons out there trying to kill each other...
[#44416] Written by: markle_sparkle_00 [07/07/2007, 17:23]
um, try billions of years....
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