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[#43283] Written by: Harry_Q_Hammer [29/06/2007, 11:14]
[deleted by author]
[#43301] Written by: raygene [29/06/2007, 14:33]
Quote by mcbrite
what an ignorant, self-absorbed nazi... thank god i don't live in
the us...

ditto... and thank god i live in a country where cops have to answer to higher
authorities and are not above the law. the sob exonorated the 12 guards who
murdered that young inmate (caught on video, the fatass guard who hid behind the
5th amendment, missing evidence, etc.), some of the guards and dictator joe
would be incarcerated here, getting a taste of their own medicine.

[#43351] Written by: sprlm [30/06/2007, 05:47]
3.000.000 people with an overall of 750.000 people in their jail system, and
still not thinking you\'re doing something wrong?
in what way you help society with sentencing someone for the possession of
8/100.000 of a gram?
it just makes me glad being dutch, i guess...
[#43420] Written by: maverick77 [01/07/2007, 01:08]
Quote by mcfly
Quote by payeco

popo: the us has a higher violent crime rate, but europe actually has a slightly
higher overall crime rate.

europe is not a country.

wow, you're smart

[#43421] Written by: maverick77 [01/07/2007, 01:12]
i wish more sheriffs in america were like this guy, then we would see our crime
rate plummet like they have in arizona
[#43440] Written by: sprlm [01/07/2007, 06:59]
Quote by maverick77
i wish more sheriffs in america were like this guy, then we
would see our crime
rate plummet like they have in arizona

huh? were you even listening to the documentary? they clearly state there is no
decrease in crime rate due to this approach. they also clearly state the
recidive figure is 60%. which is huge. no teaching, no counseling, nothing to
motivate people to improve their lives instead of treating them like shit. like
the guy getting arrested over and over again for the same tickets, which he
can't afford to pay. what help is it to lock him up in such a shithole? i
really don't see your point.

if you look at statistics it becomes clear repression only makes a problem
worse. the documentary says 70% of all prisoners is drug-related. the
netherlands, on the other hand, have one of the lowest figure of heroin
addicts, even though (or because of?) our liberal soft drug policy. teaching,
instead of repression... our prisoners might be more expensive, but at least we
have a lot less of them. and i'd say our society is less dysfunctional than
usa's :d
of course, we don't have all the answers, but this guy / swine / nazi
(whichever one is most appropriate) definately hasn't.

but then again, that comes from a guy which doesn't understand why one would
make nearly harmless drugs illegal, and on the other hand would legalise
firearms which only exist to harm one another.

[#43462] Written by: CutThroat [01/07/2007, 13:49]
Quote by deznaj
too bad it's only in america...

true, the guy is a total jackass, but criminals should never be pampered like
they are in countries like germany, the netherlands, belgium or france.
punishment should be punishment, not a paid lockdown with tv and recreation.
that's the thing this sheriff has got right. if the punishment is terrible,
the fear of this punishment will keep (most) people from commiting again.

sorry mate but that's rubbish. people commit crime because they have to. mostly
for drugs but because of poverty as well.
it might work to stop a little white collar crime, but 90% of those people don't
get caught.
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