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[#42251] Written by: God [22/06/2007, 08:54]
couldn't find the audiobook posts.

i'll take your word for it =p
[#42308] Written by: God [22/06/2007, 17:42]
yeah i posted on that thread.

his tendencies are similar to mine.. his delivery is a little different. he
needs to pick and choose his battles more wisely. i agree with some things that
he said but not so much the way he said it i guess. hard to explain but i just
hope ppl realize god != god2 =p

i'm the original baby =/
[#42324] Written by: thejanet [22/06/2007, 21:19]
Quote by aydin1954
sigh unfortunately i have to agree the twit infestation did not
get one iota
better since the bbs days.... sigh...

gee, and when i say something about the bbs days, or the well, or fidonet, etc.,
people call me older than god. are you sure you're not older than god, too?
[#42402] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [23/06/2007, 12:47]
i miss my bbs days.. terminatorbbs, 300baud modem speaker cable cut as to not
make noise at 4am in the morning, ahh those were the days indeed.

oh yeah, what is this thread about?
[#42411] Written by: God [23/06/2007, 14:20]
Quote by novaking
i miss my bbs days.. terminatorbbs, 300baud modem speaker cable
cut as to not
make noise at 4am in the morning, ahh those were the days indeed.

oh yeah, what is this thread about?

yeah you guys are probably older than i am. this thread was made mainly as a
forum within a forum for me to rant. i haven't had any complaints otherwise so
i hope it's okay. this allows me to keep on bumping up the same post instead of
creating new ones every time i think of a topic to rant, discuss, or debate on.
[#42461] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [23/06/2007, 19:15]
sounds fun. enjoy your micro sub mini forum or whatever you wish to call it.
[#42761] Written by: God [25/06/2007, 23:45]
well the original intention was supposed to be a post about me exclusively..
like flaming me etc.

but it got sidetracked to just general topics that i want to bring up or
discuss.. that's my fault for getting sidetracked but it holds relevance to my
purpose on the forums so i'll go with it =p

[#42927] Written by: God [27/06/2007, 09:30]
i'm really a nice fellow! ask everyone!

lemme sound off on the benoit story. i don't much care for "wrestling" if you
can even call it that. it's entertainment i understand but it ceased to be
even that after stone cold and the rock bolted. i think they were thinking the
same thing.. loss of credibility.

but, if what they say is true.. and this benoit guy killed his wife and kid.
then he should be an afterthought and should not have been paid the tribute he
was paid. shame on the wwe.. wcw.. whatever it is (sorry i'm ignorant on that
fact so forgive me).. vince yeah.. shame on him for allowing it.

and lemme also vent a little on the people who still think wrestling like wwe
is real. it's laughable really. i have people in their 50s who still think
that everything that goes on is literally real. i mean i have a friend who
took a day off to mourn vince's "death". and then when it was found out that
he was fine, he was like.. "it's a miracle.. thank god". i mean come on heh.
sorry to burst your bubble if you still think it's real =p

breaking news.. santa claus, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy are all fake
[#42942] Written by: Elrad135 [27/06/2007, 10:18]
Quote by god
breaking news.. santa claus, the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy
are all fake

*snif* you just broke my world
[#42944] Written by: God [27/06/2007, 10:22]
don't worry elrad!! teenage mutant ninja turtles are still real! they're just
too fast in their ninja ways to be noticed.
[#42945] Written by: God [27/06/2007, 10:24]
edit: wwe took the tribute down and wiped his profile.

so i take back the "shame on wwe" on this matter =p
[#42946] Written by: Elrad135 [27/06/2007, 10:25]
shouldn't have done the tribute in the first place imho, but well...
[#42947] Written by: Praetorian [27/06/2007, 10:28]
the tribute was made before the evidence/facts of the case became apparent.
that is why there was a tribute, wwe didn't know what had happened, they only
knew him and his family were dead.
[#42951] Written by: Elrad135 [27/06/2007, 10:43]
in that case then, i retract what i said
[#43302] Written by: Trinexx [29/06/2007, 14:40]
holy hell, this thread is still alive? god, how much have you been bumping this
thing? xd
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