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[#75147] Written by: quasipseudopizzaoid [17/01/2008, 09:58]
Quote by dmfaust
[#75242] Written by: aussiemadmum [18/01/2008, 08:53]
i'm not even game to take a look.

different strokes for different folks, i suppose!
[#75255] Written by: quasipseudopizzaoid [18/01/2008, 13:15]
shrink wrap? amputees? man, dmfaust, the stuff you are talking about is the
fringe of the fringe. perhaps mainstream japanese porn is not exotic enough, so
the only the most extreme stuff gets international attention. there is also
mainstream anime and there is otaku anime. cosplayers are looked upon as
undersexed geeks here just as they are everywhere else (not that there is
anything wrong with that )

actually, having gotten used to the style of porn here, western porn is really
funny to me, and not erotic at all. the porn stars actually think they are
actors, and the cheese is over the top. silly stories, fake boobs, fake "ooooh
yeahhhh oooooh!" and what's with the squinty open-but-skrunched-lip facial
expression, like they just realized they stepped in dog poo or something? lol.
here the girl gives her name, age, and measurements, and they get right to
business. ...okay, obviously this simple description doesn't describe all porn
- i am just talking about the most common format.
[#75454] Written by: God [21/01/2008, 10:16]
Quote by dmfaust
i know, japan has the best weird stuff though hands down! :d

yeah agreed. if you youtube japanese game shows.. that tells you a lot of how
weird they are right there. there are some really funny ones. the human
tetris one.. the library keep silent one..

i don't have the links at the moment but youtube it if you're bored =)

[#75495] Written by: aussiemadmum [21/01/2008, 20:23]
hehehehe...japanese game shows
a friend sent me a clip from a show (that i'm assuming is japanese) where girls
are showing off their sexual prowess in front of an audience. who gives the
best bj from memory. the prize...getting fully serviced in front of an
audience!!! definately an exibitionists wet dream!!!
[#75506] Written by: God [21/01/2008, 21:48]
yeah i think i know what you're referring to

it's like storm the castle or something hehe.. funny as hell =)
[#75526] Written by: God [21/01/2008, 23:43]
Quote by videoopiate
there was an older one called takeshi's castle. spike tv
bought footage from it and cut it into a show called mxc most extreme
elimination challenge, besides having all the wacky challenges they also dubbed
it in english but just made up their own hilarious scripts instead of actually
translating, its comedy gold:).

yes yes!! that's the one i was thinking of hehe.. takeshi's castle =p

[#75535] Written by: quasipseudopizzaoid [22/01/2008, 01:19]
takeshi's castle is classic, but if you are annoyed by all the reality shows in
place of creative writing in the west, you ain't seen nothin'. 90% of japanese
tv features the same dozen or so tv celebrities on all of the stations, eating
gourmet meals and talking about absolutely nothing of interest. personally, i
like watching rich and famous folks enjoy expensive food, while i sit in my tiny
apartment enjoying my 100yen ramen. blah.

at least all the shows feature a row of gorgeous models sitting behind the
celebrities. their perpetual forced expressions of dimwitted surprise is really
rather cute.

eztv, my salvation!
[#75576] Written by: quasipseudopizzaoid [22/01/2008, 08:55]
Quote by numaris
so your a fan of iron chef then quasipseudopizzaoid?

Quote by dmfaust
...udon [greater than] ramen...

Quote by dmfaust
...shrimp flavored potato chips...

@numaris - never seen it. googled it. looks funny.

@dmfaust.wrt.udon - i know you only say that because udon isn't as widely known.
:p there are some pretty impressive instant ramens.
@dmfaust.wrt.chips - how about shrimp/spicy fish eggs/potato/rice
cake/onion/corn/seaweed paper/mayonnaise pizza? ...from pizza hut.
@dmfaust - and as long as we got d'asses open, there is a line of bug sprays
called "earth jet," which when written in katakana becomes "a-su jetto," which
when said back in english sounds a lot more like... something more likely to
kill cockroaches than "earth jet"
earth jet canister >>

editx2>> haha i am such a forum n00b. had to go back and really clean this post up.
[#75681] Written by: God [23/01/2008, 09:41]
for the instants, i like both udon and ramen.. just depends on what i feel like
at the time.

but for the ones you get at the restaurants.. ramen all the way. when i went
to japan, i went to 3 different ramen restaurants and it's amazing. the way
they prepare it cannot be duplicated anywhere else.. you gotta be in japan and
fully experience ramen.
[#75784] Written by: God [24/01/2008, 10:35]
getting back to things about me =p

i think i've openly admitted that my guilty pleasure is watching american
idol. well, so far this season.. the auditions have been mediocre at best.
for the enthusiasts.. remember last season when sundance auditioned.. and
melinda as well.

there's only been about 4 eps thus far so maybe it'll get better. but
honestly, i have not seen any star material yet. then again, the auditions are
not really my favorite anyway. i really start watching when it gets down to
the top 24.
[#75808] Written by: God [24/01/2008, 17:12]
Quote by numaris

you like it... i feel dirty just typing the name...

100 000 fools in one place to prove only 2/3 have any gift of singing, yet most
of those few will need extensive training... then thier careers flop after thier
1 year contract is up...

i hate the concept and the show.... and this damned hangover

hehe, yeah most people don't like the show. as i said, it's my guilty

yeah agreed about the 100,000 fools.. that's why i pretty much stopped watching
the auditions. it's all a scam anyway.. they allow a bunch of those hacks in
and reject better singers at times. i've had friends who auditioned and see
this kind of stuff going on.

[#75957] Written by: aussiemadmum [26/01/2008, 18:25]
i don't know, and personally, i don't care. all i know that it's funny as

it could only be funnier if it actually worked!!
then you should be nominated for a nobel peace prize!!
[#76073] Written by: YaNKee [27/01/2008, 21:29]
[#76472] Written by: God [31/01/2008, 09:02]
yeah 000 has nothing to do with me.. you know better =)