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[#71508] Written by: Ven [09/12/2007, 10:26]
numaris, im afraid we must concede, at least for the moment. god can hold his
own without needing to be sticky.
[#71628] Written by: God [10/12/2007, 11:19]
much like darkness is the absence of light.. n00b is the absence of me.

this isn't pointed at anyone in particular.. just a random post on my part. i
don't want you guys to get the wrong impression that i was responding to
someone in my thread hehe.
[#71859] Written by: God [12/12/2007, 10:27]
[human] i wish i had superman's powers.. except without that pesky kryptonite
weakness. [/human]
[#71886] Written by: titleist017 [12/12/2007, 15:08]
i was just contacted by the comcast legal team or whatever saying i have been
cited for illegally downloading these tv shows due to copyright infringement
and therefore they shut down my account. wtf? this is crazy!! has this
happened to anyone else before?
[#71965] Written by: God [13/12/2007, 10:14]
*pets his verizon fios line*
[#71986] Written by: God [13/12/2007, 16:13]
tis the season to be jolly!

had christmas party this past saturday. 10+ girls in scantily clad attire and
ample, ripe cleavage. and who gets stuck running errands and driving around
buying ingredients for the party? me.

but the story is not a complete confirmation of my loser-ness just yet. for in
the midst of my errand-running, i ran into a very old college buddy of mine who
was stuck running errands as well. but here's the difference.. he works as a
bartender at one of the clubs downtown. they were having a holiday themed club
night.. ladies lingerie only and guys have to be on a vip list. friend added me
to list and i dropped the ingredients at the party i was running errands for..
stayed till around 8pm.. kind of indirectly let some people know i was taking
off to go clubbing downtown. 3 girls heard mention of this somehow and asked to
come along. i embarrassingly said that girls can get in free but hafta be in
lingerie. we're already in the car saying this and each of the girls strip
before my eyes.. obviously down to just their lingerie underneath heh. i
half-jokingly quip "or we can just go to my apartment and think of something to do"

we go to the club.. peep this. a regular guy like me by all accounts..
arriving at this upscale, huge club party.. with 3 amazing girls glued to me.
it was a wonderful night =)
[#71996] Written by: aussiemadmum [13/12/2007, 17:20]
so in other words, all your christmas' have come at once!!

merry christmas, god.
[#72015] Written by: aussiemadmum [13/12/2007, 21:54]

that is soooooooo wrong! but funny none the less.
[#72029] Written by: God [13/12/2007, 23:22]
well in my defense.. someone else threw that party.. i simply attended it hehe.

i'm spending my xmas with family.. don't know about them =)
[#72555] Written by: God [17/12/2007, 10:01]
this is just an observation but..

..if you're gonna request people to refrain from personal attacks.. then don't
give people a reason to attack =)

a little over a week till christmas!!
[#72585] Written by: God [17/12/2007, 17:02]
hehe dmfaust.. word.
[#72933] Written by: God [20/12/2007, 15:04]
merry christmas all. give the gift of life.. seed.

i'm leaving for the airport and officially on vacation... now.
[#72970] Written by: zapata1971 [20/12/2007, 22:30]
sorry god, i don't read fiction so i don't know enough about you to hate, or
complain, about you, yet ..

what did your boy want for his birthday?
[#73282] Written by: God [25/12/2007, 23:53]
seed. birthday, christmas, whatever.. just seed.

good boy.
[#73439] Written by: God [30/12/2007, 02:18]
i think i might skip the annual club new year's party scene this year.

instead.. i'm gonna raid my friend's gf's promiscuous-inclined get together..
w00t w00t!
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